Контрольные работы
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Галсанова Евгения Александровна

Контрольные работы по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1

  1. Переведи на русский язык

1)spare time

2) to ride a bike

3) to play sports games

4) to take photos

5) to go on picnic

2. Составь вопросы в Present Simple

1) Where/you/are/from?

2) you/a dog?/Have/got

3) What/your favourite/is/game?

4) What/your name?/ is

3.Выберите и запишите предложения в Pаst Simple

1) I picked berries with my friend yesterday.

2) We learn new words.

3) It was sunny yesterday.

4) John helps his father.

5) I rode a bike last weekend.

6) I play on the swings after school.

4. Вставь пропущенные I will. He will. She will. We will. They will. It will.

  1. I'd like to see animals. I think _______ go to the zoo today.
  2. Wendy likes dinosaurs. I think _______ go to the Natural History Museum.
  3. We like dancing. I think _______ go to the disco.
  4. My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the gift shop. '
  5. Put on your scarf and hat. I think _______ be cold today.

Вариант 2

  1. Переведи на русский язык

1) to swim in the swimming pool

2) to ride a horse

3) to play computer games

4) to take photos

5) spare time

2. Составь вопросы в Present Simple

1) Where/you/are/from?

2) you/a cat?/Have/got

3) you/Have/got/a sister or a brother?

4) What/your/hobby ?/ is

3.Выберите и запишите предложения в Pаst Simple

1) I played football with my friend yesterday.

2) We learn new words.

3) It was rainy yesterday.

4) John helps his father.

5) We rode a horse last weekend.

6) I play on the swings after school.

4. Вставь пропущенные I will. He will. She will. We will. They will. You will. It will.

  1. Jim likes walking. I think_______ go to the park.
  2. I want to watch a cartoon. I think _______ go to the cinema tomorrow.
  3. Mike is ill. I don't think _______ go for a walk with him.
  4. We like dancing. I think _______ go to the disco.
  5. My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the gift shop. '

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

  1. Вставьте House или Home
  1. Is your _________far from here?
  2. Irkutsk is my________town.
  3. Is your _______light or dark?
  4. After school I usually go _______________
  5. When I was in England I really missed my ___________

2. Закончите предложения конструкцией as______as или not as ______as.

1. The city ___quite as the countryside.

2.  Germany is ____________as the Russian Federation.

3. I am 10. My elder brother is 16. I am __________tall as he.

4. A 3-storied house is________high as 5-storied house.

5. Lake Baikal is ____________big as the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. Jim usually _____________ (wake up) late on Sundays.

a) is waking up B) wake up C) wakes up

2. I ______ (play) tennis at the moment.

a) play B) am playing C) is playing

3. Sheila_________ (listen) to music in her free time.

a) is listening B) Listens C) listen

4. The sun usually ______ (shine) in the summer.

a) shine b) shines c) are  shining

5. We _________ (make) a snowman at the moment.

a) make B) are making  C) is making

6. They _________ (decorate) the Christmas tree now.

A) decorate B) are decorating C) decorates.

4.  Переведите слова:

1. a nephew

2. handsome

3. The countryside

4. feel at home

5. Peaceful

Variant 2

  1. Вставьте House или Home
  1. There are 4 rooms in my____________
  2.  I s your _________big or small?
  3. When I come to my granny, I always feel at ________.
  4. During my holidays I like to sit at __________
  5. Where is your ________? It is in Lenin Street.

  1. Закончите предложения конструкцией as______as или not as ______as.
  1. The mouse is _______big as the elephant.
  2. The Sun in the winter is _________hot as in the summer.
  3. Niagara Falls is _______famous as Lake Baikal.
  4. My granny is _______young as me.
  5. A Lemon is _____sweet as an apple.

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. She __________ (go) on a picnic every Sunday.

A) goes B) is going C) go

2. Joy ___________ ( watch) TV every afternoon.

A) is watching B) watches C) watch

3. They __________ (sleep) at the moment.

A) are sleeping B) sleep C) sleeps

4. George ________ (drive) to work every morning.

A) is driving B) drives C) drive

5. He ___________ (walk) in the park now.

A) walk B) is walking C) walks

6. It ________ (snow) heavily today.

A) is snowing B) snows C) snow

4. Переведите слова

1) a niece

2) a wife

3) good-looking

4) cycling

5) pleasant

Предварительный просмотр:


A) Лексика

1. Выберите правильный перевод.


a) Ненавидеть b) удача   с) общение

2. means

a) Соревнование   b) средство с) возражать

3. luck

a) Телефон b) удача   с) планета

4. win

a) Победитель b) шанс   с) победить

5. twice

a) Верить b) тур   с) дважды

2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She is fond of ... computer games.

a) Playing    b) play    c) to play

2. I don`t mind ... part i this competition.

a) Taking  b) take   c) to take

3. She decided ... Moscow.

a) visiting  b) visit   c) to visit

4. We want ... an excellent mark.

a) getting   b) get    c) to get

5. Tom can ...chess.

a) playing   b) play   c) to play


3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. 8

a) nine   b) eight  c) eigt

2. 17

a) seven  b) seventy   c) seventeen

3. 64

a) sixty-four   b) seventy-four   c) sixteen-four

4. 352

a) three hundred fifty-two    b)three hungred and fifty-two    c) three hundred and fifty-two

5. 2479

a) two thousand four hundred and seventy-nine

b) two thousend four hundred and seventy-nine

c)two thousand four hundred  seventy-nine

B). Измените слова так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически подходили к содержанию предложения.

1. My sister is (CREATE).

2. Computers are (USE)

3. I like watching (Russia) films.

4.  A. Pushkin is a (FAME) writer.

5. My mother is (CARE).

6. She (read) books every day.

7. I (speak) over the phone now.

8. He just (win) the competition.

9. Tomorrow I (change) the color of my hair.

10. Last week my friend (get) weight.


A) Лексика

1. Выберите правильный перевод.


a)  ненавидеть  b) удача   с)общение

2. mind

a)  соревнование   b) средство  с)возражать

3. planet

a) телефон  b) удача   с) планета

4. winner

a)  победитель  b) шанс   с)победить

5. tour

a) верить b) тур   с)дважды

2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She has forgotten ... computer games.

a) playing    b) play    c) to play

2. I will refuse ... part in this competition.

a) taking  b)  take   c) to take

3. It is worth ... Moscow.

a) visiting  b) visit   c) to visit

4. We enjoy... an excellent mark.

a) getting   b) get    c) to get

5. Tim must ...homework.

a) doing   b) do  c) to do


3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. 9

a) nine   b) eight  c) eigt

2. 7

a) seven  b) seventy   c) seventeen

3. 74

a) sixty-four   b) seventy-four   c) sixteen-four

4. 351

a) three hundred fifty-one    b)three hungred and fifty-one    c) three hundred and fifty-one

5. 2379

a) two thousand three hundred and seventy-nine

b) two thousand three hundrid and seventy-nine

c)two thousand three hundred  seventy-nine

B. Измените слова так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически подходили к содержанию предложения.

1. My brother is (FRIEND).

2. Cats are (INDUSTRY)

3. I like watching (America) cartoons.

4.  W. Churchill is a (SUCCESS) politician

5. The film is (WONDER).

6. She (read) books now.

7. I (speak) over the phone every day.

8. He  (win) the competition yesterday

9. I just (change) the color of my hair.

10. Next week my friend (get) weight.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test №1

Variant 1

1. В каждой группе выберите слово,которое объединяет все остальные.

1. earthquake, flood, disaster, volcanic eruption, drought

2. mountains, geography, deserts, coastlines, plains

3. lizards, snakes, animals, crocodiles, whales, monkeys

2. Соедините

1. to travel to

a) a spacesuit

2. intergalactic

b) other galaxies

3. to launch

c) a space station

4. to wear

d) a satellite

5. to live in

e) spaceship

3.   Поставьте глаголы в  Past Perfect Tense

1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school.

2. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework.

3.  By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop).

4. Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus.

5. She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter.

4. Заполните пропуски  since или  for.

1. She has been studying English____ your birthday.

2. Meredith has been living here ____ 1997.

3. Meredith has been living here _____eighteen years.

4. He has been working here ______ the last two years.

5. We have been living here ______ 5 years.

5. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple  или Past Continuous Tense.

1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.

2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday.

3. She (to do) her homework when mother came home.

4. We (to do) our homework yesterday.

5.   When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete.

Test №1

Variant 2

1. В каждой группе выберите слово,которое объединяет все остальные.

1. earthquake, flood, disaster, volcanic eruption, drought

2. mountains, geography, deserts, coastlines, plains

3. lizards, snakes, animals, crocodiles, whales, monkeys

2. Соедините.

1. damage

a) weather disaster

2. natural disaster

b) hurricane

3. space flight

c) destroy

4. storm

d) explore

5. research

e) space travel

3.   Поставьте глаголы в the Past Perfect Tense.

1) We (see) him before they (make) friends with him.

2) I already (get) home before it (begin) to rain.

3) There (be) a new painting that I (not see) before.

4) Captain Cook (discover) the island before he (die).

5) Bob (eat) all the cakes before Sam (come) home.

4. Заполните пропуски  since или  for.

1. I have been living in New York ______ 1 year.

2. We have been waiting  _______ 12:30.

3. I have been living in Valencia ________ last June.

4. She has been studying English ________ two months.

5. He has been studying English _______ last January.

5. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple  или Past Continuous Tense.

1. I (to play) computer games yesterday.

2. I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday.

3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday.

4. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday.

5.  She (to cook) the whole day yesterday.

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

1. Составьте предложения

not, does, Alan, think, his friends, him, envy.

betrays, Will, forgive, if, you, your friend, he, you?

ignores, She, her, advice, often, parents’.

2. Выберите 1 вариант

They will leave/ They are leaving for Moscow tonight. They have already bought tickets.

I think I will visit/ I am visiting my friend this week if I have free time.

I hope our team will win/ our team is winning this game.

On Sunday we will go/ we are going to the Zoo. My father has bought tickets.

I am sure I will pass/ am passing my exams perfectly.

3. Вставьте: work out, get on with, give up

We ……. a plan for our mothers birthday

I can share my room with my sister. I ….. anyone

Two years ago my friend …. smoking.

4. Прочитайте текс Ex. 78 (A ) P.37 и переведите словосочетания

Двух недельная поездка

Настоящая болтуня

Во время перемены

Глупые разговоры

Variant 2

1. Составьте предложения

not, does, Alan, think, his friends, him, envy.

betrays, Will, forgive, if, you, your friend, he, you?

Ignores, She, her, advice, often, parents’.

2. Выберите 1 вариат

She will leave/ She is leaving for London tomorrow. She has bought a ticket.

We think we will go/ we are going abroad this summer if we have enough money.

My parents hope I will win/ I am winning the competition.

On Sunday we will arrange/ we are arranging a party. We have already bought everything.

I am sure my friend will pass/my friend is passing his exams well.

3. Вставьте: work with, get up, give away

I would like to …. Mark

He can not …. early in the morning

I have got an reliable friend. She never …. my secrets

4. Прочитайте текст Ex. 78 (B ) P.37 и переведите словосочетания

В мире взрослых

Поддерживать в каждой ситуации

Хорошие чувства

Закон сожительства

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