презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Зыкова Елена Владимировна

1. Урок по теме "Reading" (УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В.)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The pleasure of reading

Слайд 2

To read or not to read? Is it a question for you?

Слайд 3

What are we going to do at the lesson? discuss/speak English, work in pairs and/or groups, match items, identify definitions, learn smth new, read, write, make up questions, act out dialogues, tell information etc.

Слайд 4

Answer the questions: Do you like to read? How much time do you spend on reading? What kind of reading do you prefer – books, newspaper, magazines? Have you got any favourite book(s), favourite author(s) or character(s)? Have you got a library at home?

Слайд 5

True or false The earliest books were written only on tablets of wood or pieces of bark. There were earliest books in ancient Greece and Rome, Assyria and Babylonia. Clay tablets lasted very long and were beautiful. The first people to make paper were Europeans. By the Middle Ages all books were already printed.

Слайд 6

1. A room without books is a body without a soul. 2. Choose an author as you choose a friend. 3. Don’t judge a book by its cover. 4. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 5. We are what we read. 6. Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are. 7. Books are a great thing as long as you know how to use them.

Слайд 7

- A book about people or events that took place in the past - A book about criminals, detectives and the police - A book about future events and characters, space travel and life on other planets - A book about love and romance - A traditional children story in which magic things happen - A book about an exciting, unusual and sometimes dangerous experience - A book about your life that you write yourself. - A book about somebody’s life

Слайд 8

Match the following works and their authors . 1.Treasure Island a. Mark Twain 2.Gulliver’s Travels b. R.R. Tolkien 3. Winnie-the Pooh c. Rudyard Kipling 4. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes d. R.S. Stevenson 5. Alice in Wonderland e. Jonathan Swift 6.Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s f. Daniel Defoe stone 7.Robinson Crusoe g. Lewis Carol 8. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer h. Arthur Conan Doyle 9. Mowgli i. J.K Rowling 10. The Lord of Rings j. Alan Alexander Milne Do the quiz!

Слайд 9

1. This writer began to write detective stories in 1920. a. Jack London b. Mark Twain c. Agatha Christie 2. “Treasure island” is an adventure story about…looking for buried treasure. a. pirates b. children c. policemen 3. In this town the tourists can see the house where Shakespeare lived with his family. a. London b. Edinburg c. Stratford- on –Avon 4.What was the aunt’s name of Tom Sawyer? a. Molly b. Polly c. Maggie 5. “The Prince and the Pauper” was written by this writer a. Mark Twain b. Jack London c. Conan Doyle

Слайд 11

To read or not to read? Why? It educates a person, enriches his intellect. bring pleasure and delight. It's a wonderful way of spending spare time has enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. develops the young reader's imagination. literary taste; arouse interest and curiosity.

Слайд 12

How have you worked at the lesson? It was a good work. My English was correct / poor. I’ve learnt smth new. I communicated with my groupmates. … .. Your home task is to read one of the texts and do exercises on it. Choose the text. Thank you for your work!

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