Закрепление нового материала по теме "Политическая система Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и России"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Фролова Ольга Александровна

 данная сложная,поэтому для ее закрепления я выбрала урок-соревнование:делю группу на 3 команды,для каждой команды готовлю задания,которые выполняются коллективно,с большим интересом.Такая форма урока помогает лучше и продуктивнее отработать и лексические и грамматические единицы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Задание № 1

Необходимо заполнить  таблицу и ответить  на следующие вопросы.

(максимальное количество баллов – 6 баллов)

  1. What is the difference in the political system of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom?
  2. What are  special features in the political system of these countries?

The  table:

The parts of the political system

The Russian Federation

The United Kingdom, of Great Britain

and North Ireland

Head of the state

Head of the executive branch of power

Parts of the executive power

The legislative branch of power

Houses of the Parliament


Задание № 2

(максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Вопросы команде № 1:

  1. What type of the state is in the Russian Federation?
  2. What are the leading parties in the UK?
  3. Who is the Head of the state in the Russian Federation?
  4. What Houses of the British Parliament do you know?
  5. How do we call the branch of power, where there are the Supreme Court, the Crown Court, the Court of justice, etc. in the UK?

Вопросы команде № 2:

  1. What House of the British Parliament is elected?
  2. Who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation?
  3. What type of the state is in the UK?
  4. What term is the Russian President elected for?
  5. How do we call the Russian Parliament?

Вопросы команде № 3:

  1. Who is the Prime-Minister of the UK at present?
  2. What is the official residence of the Queen, Elizabeth the II in London?
  3. What 3 main branches of state power do you know?
  4. Who is the head of Federal Government in Russia?
  5. What document is the basic law of any state?

Задание № 3


(максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

№ 1.

1) The UK is _____________.

  1. An absolute monarchy
  2. A Federative republic
  3. A parliamentary monarchy

2) ____________ is the head of the State in the UK.

a) The President

b) The Queen

c) The Prime-minister

3) There are 2 main political parties in the UK? They are:

  1. The Conservative and the Democratic parties
  2. The Democratic and the Labor  parties
  3. The Conservative and the Labor parties

4) _____________ power is realized by the parliament.

  1. Executive
  2. Legislative
  3. Judicial

№ 2

1) The House of Commons is elected ___________________.

  1. Every 4 years
  2. Every 6 years
  3. Every 5 years

2) The Supreme court, the court of Appeal and local courts compose _____________________.

  1. Judicial branch
  2. Executive branch
  3. Legislative branch

3) ___________________ can pass or regret a bill.

  1. The House of Lords
  2. The House of Representatives
  3. The House of Commons

4) The British monarchy must act on the adviсe of _____________________.

  1. The Parliament
  2. The Prime Minister and his cabinet
  3. British judges

№ 3

1) The Executive branch is realized by ____________________.

  1. The British Parliament
  2. The Prime Minister and the British Government
  3. The British judicial system

2) Prime Minister is the Leader of the Political party that has won a majority in _________________.

  1. The House of Lords
  2. The House of Representatives
  3. The House of Commons

3) The official residence of the British Prime Minister is __________________.

  1. The white hall
  2. Buckingham Palace
  3. Downing Street, 10

4) __________________ is the British Queen nowadays.

  1. Elizabeth  I
  2.  Elizabeth  II
  1. Elizabeth   III

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