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презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

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The Dutch Settlers

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Henry Hudson Henry Hudson, the English navigator, failed in his great quest to find an all-water route to the East, but was rewarded for his efforts by having a number of prominent North American geographic features named in his honor. In 1609, Henry Hudson was chosen by the Dutch East India Company to lead their effort to discover a water passage to the east. Hudson sailed from Amsterdam with a largely Dutch crew aboard the Half Moon .

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Hudson’s party sailed north up what would become the Hudson River, stopped occasionally to trade with the local natives, and proceeded as far as present-day Albany. This voyage established a Dutch claim to the region and Hudson’s report sparked interest in Holland by detailing opportunities for agriculture and fur trading in the valley that would bear his name.

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First Dutch Settlers The first group of Dutch settlers did not stay for long on the new continent and they can hardly be called settlers . It had not been their choice to stay there: their ship “ Tyger ” (tiger) had caught fire sailing on the Hudson. Captain Adriaen Block was commanding one of the ships that came looking for trade on the American coast in the years after Hudson's voyage. They bartered beads and knives for furs from the natives. When Block came in the winter of 1613-1614 he lost his ship in a fire and had to spend the winter in America. He let his crew build a couple of huts. Finally, they were sighted by another Dutch ship and Block and his crew were off again.

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New Amsterdam was a 17th-century Dutch settlement established at the southern tip of Manhattan Island that served as the seat of the colonial government in New Netherland . The fort was situated on the strategic southern tip of the island of Manhattan and was meant to defend the fur trade operations of the Dutch West India Company in the North River (Hudson River). In 1624, it became a provincial extension of the Dutch Republic and was designated as the capital of the province in 1625.

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New Amsterdam was renamed New York (September, 1664) in honor of the Duke of York (later James II of England), in whose name the English had captured it. After the Second Anglo-Dutch War of 1665–1667, England and the United Provinces of the Netherlands agreed to the status quo in the Treaty of Breda( Бредское соглашение , 1667). The English kept the island of Manhattan, the Dutch giving up their claim to the town and the rest of the colony, while the English formally abandoned the island of Run in the East Indies to the Dutch, confirming their control of the valuable Spice Islands.

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English rule New York grew in importance as a trading port while under British rule in the early 1700s. It also became a center of slavery, with 42% of households holding slaves. Slavery became tied to New York's economy through the labor of slaves throughout the port.

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August , 1619

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One stormy day in August of 1619 a Dutch manof -war with about 20 Africans on board entered port at the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Little is known of these newly arrived people: the first Africans to set foot on the North American continent. At this time the slave trade between Africa and the English colonies had not yet been established, and it is unlikely that the 20 or so newcomers became slaves upon their arrival. They were perhaps considered indentured servants, who worked under contract for a certain period of time (usually seven years) before they were granted freedom and the rights accorded to other settlers. Their historic arrival, however, marked the beginning of an atrocious trend in colonial America, in which the people of Africa were taken unwillingly from their motherland and consigned to lifelong slavery.

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The social status of the first Africans in Jamestown was confusing, and perhaps deliberately ambiguous. Records from 1623 and 1624 list the black inhabitants of the colony as servants, not slaves. In these same records, however, white indentured servants are listed along with the year in which they were to attain freedom; no such year accompanies the names of black servants. Freedom was the birthright of William Tucker, the first African born in the colonies. Yet court records show that at least one African had been declared a slave by 1640, the year that slavery was officially instituted in Jamestown. After the legalization of slavery by the Virginia colony, the African population began to rise slowly and steadily. The number of blacks increased from 23 in 1625 to approximately three hundred in 1650.

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George Washington

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Served as President : 1789-1797 Vice President : John Adams Age at inauguration : 57 Born : February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia Died : December 14, 1799 in Mount Vernon, Virginia Married : Martha Dandridge Washington Children : none (2 stepchildren) Nickname : Father of His Country

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Washington was born into the provincial gentry of Colonial Virginia to a family of wealthy planters who owned tobacco plantations and slaves, which he inherited. In his youth, he became a senior officer in the colonial militia [ mɪˈlɪʃə ]( ополчение )during the first stages of the French and Indian War. After the French and Indian War George settled down and married the widow Martha Dandridge raised Martha's two children from her former marriage. George and Martha never had kids of their own. George became a large landowner and was elected to the Virginian legislature( законодательный орган) . Soon George and his fellow landowners became upset with unfair treatment by their British rulers. They began to argue and fight for their rights. When the British refused they decided to go to war.

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In 1775, the Second Continental Congress commissioned him as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolution. In that command, Washington forced the British out of Boston in 1776 but was defeated and nearly captured later that year when he lost New York City. After crossing the Delaware River in the middle of winter, he defeated the British in two battles (Trenton and Princeton), retook New Jersey. His strategy enabled Continental forces to capture two major British armies at Saratoga in 1777 and Yorktown in 1781.

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Commander-in-Chief Washington had a respected military reputation based on his time serving in the French and Indian War. He was vigorous and young enough to survive the long campaigns of a protracted conflict.

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Results of the War for Independence The war exacted a ghastly toll. The estimate accepted by most scholars is that 25,000 American soldiers perished. The British sent about 42,000 men to North America, of which some 25 percent, or roughly 10,000 men, are believed to have died. The French army lost several hundred men during its nearly two years in the United States, mostly to disease.

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Treaty of Paris (1783).

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Key points . Britain acknowledges the United States to be free , and independent ; Granting fishing rights to United States fishermen in the Grand Banks; Territories captured by Americans subsequent to the treaty will be returned without compensation; Prisoners of war on both sides are to be released; all property of the British army (including slaves) now in the United States is to remain. closing protocol: "Done at Paris, this third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three."

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It is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States.

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Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday, but has slightly different names in some states. It is combined with Civil Rights Day in Arizona and New Hampshire, while it is observed together with Human Rights Day in Idaho. The day is known as Wyoming Equality Day in the state of Wyoming. Government departments are closed, as are many corporations. Some schools and colleges close but others stay open and teach their students about the life and work of Martin Luther King. Small companies, such as grocery stores and restaurants tend to be open, although a growing number are choosing to close on this day.

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Background Martin Luther King was an important civil rights activist. He was a leader in the movement to end racial segregation in the United States. He was an advocate of non-violent protest and became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was assassinated in 1968.

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In 1968, shortly after Martin Luther King died, a campaign was started for his birthday to become a holiday to honor him. Following support from the musician Stevie Wonder with his single "Happy Birthday" and a petition with six million signatures, the bill became law in 1983.

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Snowdonia (WelshEryri) is a mountainous region in north west Wales and a national park of 823 square miles (2,130 km2) in area. It was the first to be designated of the three national parks in Wales, in 1951.

The English name for the area derives from Snowdon, which is the highest mountain in Wales at 3560 ft (1,085 m). In Welsh, the area is named Eryri. A commonly held belief is that the name is derived from eryr ("eagle"), and thus means 'the abode/land of eagles'.

Snowdonia National Park (WelshParc Cenedlaethol Eryri) was established in 1951 as the third national park in Britain, following the Peak District and the Lake District. It covers 827 square miles (2,140 km2), and has 37 miles (60 km) of coastline.

The park is governed by the Snowdonia National Park Authority, which is made up of local government and Welsh representatives

The Welsh language is a member of the Brittonic branch of the Celtic languages. It is spoken natively in Wales, by some in England, and in YWladfa (the Welsh colony in Chubut Province, Argentina). Historically, it has also been known in English as "Cambrian“.

The Bible translations into Welsh helped maintain the use of Welsh in daily life.

  • 2 official languages of Wales are Welsh and English.
  • Welsh is spoken by 20% of the population.  

Welsh English. Welsh English or Anglo-Welsh is the distinct form of English used in Wales.

A lot of borrowings from Welsh:

nain and taid (grandmother and grandfather respectively)

-cwtch – hug,

-ach-y-fi – disgusting

Grammatical differencies:

Running late for work, I am.

Nobody hasn’t seen her.

Words and phrases that are used only in Welsh English:

  • Alright or wha – hello;
  • I’m not being funny- I’m serious;
  • Now after – in the future;
  • Pop – soft drink;
  • Chopsing – arguing;
  • Where to? – Where?
  • Gomping – nasty;
  • I’m only saying – I was just pointing something out;

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A separate federal district, the District of Columbia (DC), which is under the direct authority of Congress, was formed by the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 from land ceded to the Federal Government by the states of Maryland and Virginia . An Organic Act is an Act of the United States Congress that establishes a territory of the United States or an agency to manage certain federal lands .

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The insular areas of the United States are those U.S. territories that are neither a part of one of the 50 states nor the federal district. They are classified by whether they are incorporated and whether they have an organized government through an Organic Act passed by the U.S. Congress . Insular areas are administered by the Department of the Interior .

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The Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled

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The House of Commons is the lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Like the upper house, the House of Lords, it meets in the Palace of Westminster. Officially, the full name of the house is: the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled. The Commons is an elected body consisting of 650 members known as Members of Parliament (MPs).

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The history

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Parliament has evolved from the council. This royal council, which met for a short period, including the clergy, nobles. The primary concern of this meeting was to approve taxes proposed by the Crown. The House of Commons of England evolved in the 13th and 14th centuries. It eventually became the House of Commons of Great Britain after the political union with Scotland in 1707 .

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Elections Elected for five years by universal, equal suffrage (избирательное право) by secret ballot (тайное голосование).

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Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow ( from 2009 – until his death)

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His functions: The Speaker presides over the House's debates, determining which members may speak. The Speaker is also responsible for maintaining order during debate, and may punish members who break the rules of the House.

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Frontbench ( frontbenchers ) A frontbencher is either a Government minister or an Opposition shadow spokesperson. They are so-called because they occupy the front benches on either side of the Chamber when the House is in session, with other party members - backbenchers - sitting behind them.

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Backbench ( backbenchers ) Backbenchers are MPs or members of the House of Lords that are neither government ministers nor opposition Shadow spokespeople . They are so called because, in the Chamber, they sit in the rows of benches behind their parties' spokespeople who are known as frontbenchers.

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Members of the House of Commons can not be: Foreigners , some officials (the members of the House of Lords) , military employees , persons imprisoned for treason ( государственная измена) , persons suffering from mental illness, bankrupts (банкроты)

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Making laws : A Bill is a proposal for a new law, or a proposal to change an existing law, presented for debate before Parliament. A Bill can start in the Commons or the Lords and must be approved in the same form by both Houses before becoming an Act (law). First reading The bill's title is simply read out in the chamber. The bill is then made available to all members of Parliament. Second reading MPs or peers discuss the main principles of a bill. MPs may vote at the end of this stage, particularly if a bill is controversial. A bill in the House of Lords passes to the next stage without a vote.

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