Travelling through Saint - Petersburg (презентация)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Владимирцева Ирина Александровна

Презентация для проведения внеурочного  мероприятия по английскому языку "Путешествие по Санкт-Петербургу".


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

I am Now we are happy matching the topic and key words fine answering the questions so so competing - соревноваться sad making the collage | kəˈlɑːʒ |

Слайд 3

Topics Key words 1 Peter baroque A Pentagon, fortress, tsar, meter, height, width 2 Petropavlovskaya fortress B Decree, education, university, ministry, vocational school, merchant, craftsman, peasant 3 Fortress “ Kronshtadt ” C Monastery, churchyard, courtyard building, Swedish, war 4 Assemblies and festivities in epoch of Great Peter D Feature, line, decoration, architect, straight, cathedral 5 How did they teach children in Saint –Petersburg in 18 century? E Spire, width, height, angel 6 Admiralty F Play chess, family, play board games, noble person, play draughts, firework 7 Alexander Nevsky Lavra G Street, stretch, road, bridge, streetlight 8 Nevskiy avenue H Designer, engineering, square, octagon, channel, territory, island, north, south, west, throne, medieval. 9 Anna Ioannovna I Lightning, gas, furnace, kerosene, cold season, rough handling 10 Mikhailovskiy castle J Length, building, ship, tower, central, gilded 11 Floods K Wood building, capital, issue a decree, devastating, wind, narrow 12 Fires M Emperor, grandson, empire, empress, country, gentle, poor, fancy - ball, provincial police

Слайд 4

Questions What are the features of style baroque? What does decorate the spire of Petropavlovskaya fortress? What is the shape pf the fortress “Kronshtadt” What lives in a dovecote of the royal garden? What educational organization was opened in Saint – Petersburg in 1811? Was Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev a physicist or a chemist? What place is for building and repair of ships in Saint – Petersburg?

Слайд 5

Questions What is the feature of the admiralty? Was Domenoko Trezini an architect of the admiralty? What is the symbol of the admiralty? Is Alexander Nevsky Lavra a monastery? Were writers buried in the monastery “Alexander Nevsky Lavra ”? Were milkmen buried in the monastery “Alexander Nevsky Lavra ”? What is the feature of the admiralty?

Слайд 6

Questions Was Nevskiy avenue a central street initially? When did Peter the first die? Describe the appearance of Anna Ioannovna? What empress did open Kazan cathedral? Who was the architect of Mikhailovskiy castle Vinchentso Brenna or Vasiliy Ivanovich Bazhenov? Was Nevskiy avenue a central street initially? When did Peter the first die?

Слайд 7

Questions What is the shape of Mikhailovskiy castle? Were there three hundred and twenty-three floods in Saint – Petersburg. What was the reasons of Saint – Petersburg`s floods? Who issued the decree that Saint – Petersburg was the capital of Russia in 1732? Who issued the decree that Moscow was the capital of Russia in 1729? What were the reasons of fires? Who alerted about fires in Saint – Petersburg in 1710?

Слайд 8


Слайд 9


Слайд 10


Слайд 11


Слайд 12


Слайд 13


Слайд 15


Слайд 16

I am The most interesting task for me is I am good at happy match the topic and key words matching the topic and key words fine answer the questions answering the questions so so compete - соревноваться competition |ˌ kɑːmpəˈtɪʃn | sad make the collage | kəˈlɑːʒ | making the collage | kəˈlɑːʒ |

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