Упражнения для развития лексических навыков по теме "Хобби" к учебнику Верещагиной 4 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Ершова Евгения Алексеевна

Упражнения по теме "Хобби" к УМК Верещагиной 4 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. find the Russian equivalents to the following phrases from the text
  1. Different people like doing different things
  2. My brother is fond of collecting
  3. a very good collection
  4. he is proud of it
  5. hobby is popular with people of all ages
  6. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting
  7. specialize in 
  8. This kind of collecting is called thematic
  9. a collector
  10. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have

  1. fill in the gaps
  1. Different people like … different things, different people have different ….
  2. My brother is … … collecting stamps.
  3. He has got a very good … & he is … … it.
  4. His stamps can … you about different people & countries.
  5. My brother often says that his hobby is … … people of all ….
  6. … stamps is easy and interesting.
  7. You begin to … many interesting facts about history and famous people when you start to … stamps.
  8. At first people collect every … of stamps.
  9. But soon they begin to make … collections.
  10. Sometimes they … … stamps of one … only: for example, birds, animals, flowers or sports.
  11. Birds or sports is your ….
  12. This … of collecting is called ….
  13. My brother's collection is ….
  14. His … is fish.
  15. My best friend, Nelly, is a … too.
  16. She is fond of …badges.
  17. Her collection is ….
  18. Her … is sports.
  19. She … her badges on the wall.
  20. My grandfather … coins when he was a boy.
  21. Some people … dolls.
  22. When he … he always … home dolls from different countries.
  23. Some people collect …, …, …, …, …, … and many other things.
  24. But … things is not the … hobby people have.
  25. Some people are fond of  or .
  26. Very many boys and girls are fond of … and that is their hobby.        
  27. My aunt's hobby is … and my mother is fond of ….

  1. Complete the sentences
  1. Different people like doing …, different people have ….
  2. My brother is fond of ….
  3. He has got a very … & he is ….
  4. His stamps can tell you ….
  5. My brother often says that his hobby is ….
  6. Collecting stamps is ….
  7. You begin to learn … when you ….
  8. At first people collect every ….
  9. But soon they begin to make ….
  10. Sometimes they specialize in …
  11. Birds or sports is ….
  12. This kind of collecting is ….
  13. My brother's collection ….
  14. His theme …
  15. My best friend, Nelly, is a …
  16. She is fond ….
  17. Her collection ….
  18. Her … sports.
  19. She keeps her ….
  20. When you come into her room ….
  21. My grandfather collected ….
  22. Some people collect …
  23. When he travels he always …
  24. Some people collect …
  25. But collecting things …
  26. Some people are fond …
  27. Very many boys and girls are fond of …        
  28. My aunt's hobby … and my mother …

  1. enlarge the idea
  1. Different people like doing different things, different people have different hobbies.
  2. Collecting stamps is easy and interesting.
  3. special collections
  4. thematic collection
  5. collecting badges 
  6. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have.

  1. get ready to tell about  Hobbies 

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