Тест, контрольные работы. 11 класс
тест по английскому языку

Шульгина Елена Николаевна

Тесты, контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:


Тест по страноведению в рамках декады английского языка для учащихся 10-11 классов

1. What is the largest part of the UK? (2)

2. What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land? (4)

3. What is the capital of Wales? (3)

4. Whom does the power in the country belong to? (3)

5. How often do the British people elect the members of the House of Commons? (5)

6. Who is the Head of State in Great Britain? (2)

7. What is the favourite topic to discuss in Britain? (2)

8. What pets are the special animals in Great Britain? (3)

9. Where can you see ravens in London? (3)

10. What region is known as the ,,Garden of England,,? (2)

11. What plant is the symbol of Scotland? (1)

12. What languages are spoken in Wales? (2)

13. Who is the most translated British writer after Shakespeare? (2)

14. What does the abbreviation ,,Mc,, mean?(3)

15. In the 16th century King Henry VIII hunted wild animals in this park. So what is this place? (3)

16. She said: ,,I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king…,,(2)

17. This monarch ruled for the longest period in the English history, for 64 years. (2)

18. When did the Great Fire of London take place? (3)

19. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build this cathedral? (3)

20. It is the historical centre of London and one of the biggest financial centers of the world? (2)


1. England (2)

2. Independent Irish Republic (4)

3. Cardiff (3)

4. British Parliament, British Government (3)

5. 5 years (5)

6. The Queen (2)

7. Weather (2)

8. Cats (3)

9. In the Tower of London (3)

10. The Country of Kent (2)

11.  A thistle (1)

12. Welsh and English (2)

13. Agatha Christie (2)

14. ,,Son of,, (3)

15. Hyde Park (3)

16.Queen Elizabeth I (2)

17. Queen Victoria (2)

18. 1666 (3)

19. St. Paul’s Cathedral (3)

20. The City (2)

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                        Progress check

                                                       Grade 11, 2d term  

1. Give 2 more professions, ending with:

-cian: physician, ..., … .
ist: physicist, …, …. .
er: photographer, …, … .

-or conductor, …, … .

Give 2 more personal qualities, ending with:

       -al: rational, …, … .
ive: competitive, …, … .
ic : eccentric, …, … .
-able: reliable,..., … .

   2. Match two parts of the proverbs:

1. A bad workman                                      
2. Many hands
3. Too many cooks
4. Actions speak
5.Never put off till tomorrow
6. The early bird

a. louder than words 
b. blames his tools
c. what you can do today
d. make light work
e. catches the warm
f. spoil the broth

3. Fill in the gaps with the words: get an education, graduate, alumni, degree, leave, major, refresher course.

  1. Harvard University is famous for its …, such as Franklin. D. Roosevelt, Robert Frost and John Adams.
  2. Every 5 years teachers and doctors have to do a … .
  3. This year he … from St. Petersburg State University.
  4. She is interested in environmental protection, that`s why she has chosen to … in ecology.
  5. Sometimes a … from a prestigious university guarantees a high salary in the future.
  6. I have a very good opportunity to … at Cambridge University.
  7. After final exams we are going to … school.    

4. Use Future Perfect Passive.

1) This book (write) by 2015.

2) A new house (build) by April.

3) This task (do) by tomorrow evening.

4) The poem (learn) by Monday.

5. Fill in the gaps with so or such.

1) I was … happy that I couldn`t understand anything.

2) It was … a terrible weather that we had to go home.

3) The test is … difficult that we need some extra time to do it.

4) Andrew was … a bore that we couldn`t chat with him for a long time.

6. Give the definitions:


Dead-end job-



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