Тест, контрольные работы. 4 класс
тест по английскому языку

Шульгина Елена Николаевна

Тесты, контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

____________________________ Name, Surname


  1. Напиши вопросительные предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке.
  1. does/your friend/live/where?


  1. you/why/do/animals/like?


  1. when/children/do/to school/go?


  1. Прочитай эти словосочетания и напиши по-русски, что они означают.

 1)his brother’s television –

 2) my cousin’s parents –

3) our pupil’s book –

4) boys’ games –

5)children’s piano.

  1. Напиши словосочетания в притяжательном падеже.
  1. the cat/milk –
  2. his cousin/ bike –
  3.   Mr White/ pupils –
  4.  my sisters/dog –
  5.  her daughters/pets.

_____________________________ Name, Surname


  1. Напиши вопросительные предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке.
  1. does/this girl/live/where?


  1. does/what/John/to watch on TV/like?


  1. Ann/in the park/meet/who/does/


  1. Прочитай эти словосочетания и напиши по-русски, что они означают.

1) her daughter’s bike –

2)  your friend’s computer –

3) their granny’s flowers –

 4) child’s piano –  

5)friends’  houses –

  1. Напиши словосочетания в притяжательном падеже.

1)that man/new car –

 2) her friend/ house –

3) our teacher/ desk –

4) the girls/television –

5) my cousins/ parents.

Предварительный просмотр:

Form 4

Unit 2

Variant I

  1. Вставьте в предложения нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are).
  1. My friend _ riding a bike.
  2. I _ watching a very good film.                                                
  3.  We _ eating lunch.
  4. He _ listening to music.
  5. They  _ helping their parents.

  1. Напишите  предложения в отрицательной форме.
  1. Grandad is reading a book.
  2. I am cooking now.

  1. Напишите предложения в вопросительной форме.
  1. You are playing tennis.
  2. David is driving a car.

  1. Переведите на русский язык.
  1. After school, 2) come to school, 3) every day, 4) in the lesson, 5) in the swimming pool, 6) take the pens, 7) wash the plates, 8) begin the day, 9)have breakfast, 10) dress well, 11) finish the book, 12)  get up, 13) go home, 14) for lunch, 15) be on time.

Form 4

Unit 2

Variant II

  1. Вставьте в предложения нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are).
  1. They _ having breakfast.
  2. You _ playing games on computer.                                
  3.  Susan _ dancing to beautiful music.
  4. He _ saying “Hi!”
  5. I _ drinking milk.

  1. Напишите  предложения в отрицательной форме.
  1. He is feeding a cat.
  2. They are taking a shower.

  1. Напишите предложения в вопросительной форме.
  1.  We are washing up now.
  2. Mary  is playing tennis.

  1. Переведите на русский язык.
  1. After breakfast, 2) come home,3) every night, 4) a long lesson, 5) go to the swimming pool, 6)take the books, 7) wash up, 8) begin the book, 9)for breakfast, 10) dress in the morning, 11) finish the text, 12) get up, 13) be at home, 14)  have lunch, 15) be on time.


Предварительный просмотр:


1. Complete the sentences. Use there is or there are.

1. ________________ three chairs in the room.
2. ________________ a red carpet on the floor.
3. ________________ some armchairs next to the table.
4. _________________ a big tree in the yard.
5. __________________ some books in the bag.
6. _________________ two balls in the box.
7. _________________ a mirror in the bedroom.
8. __________________ some pens on the desk.
9. __________________ two pictures on the wall.

2. Choose the right item.

1. There (is, are) a carpet in my room.

2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom.

3. There (is, are) a sofa and four chairs in my living-room.

4. There (is, are) a table, four chairs and two lamps in our room.

5. There (is, are) a plate and two cups on the table.

6. There (is, are) two bedrooms and a bathroom in my house.

3. Make up the questions.  Use the sentences from exercise 2.







4. Look at the picture in exercise 4. Then write short answers.

1. Is there a piano in the dining room? No, there isn’t.

2. Are there any books in the living room?


3. Is there a table in the living room?


4. Are there any chairs in the living room?


5. Is there a sofa in the living room?


6. Is there a lamp in the living room?


7. Are there any armchairs in the living room?


5.Прочитай сколько разных коробок стоит в магазине и напиши число в скобках цифрой.

  1. Twenty three (______) green boxes
  2. A hundred (______) white boxes
  3. Forty two (______) blue boxes
  4. Seventy six (______) purple boxes
  5. Fifty four (______) black boxes
  6. Ninety eight (______) red boxes
  7. Twelve (______) grey boxes
  8. Thirty one (______) green boxes
  9. Sixty nine (______) yellow boxes
  10. Thirteen (______) brown boxes

Предварительный просмотр:

Form 4

Unit 3

Variant I

  1. Закончите предложения с помощью предлогов in или on.
  1. Today  the sun __ the sky is bright yellow.
  2. In the  evening I like to sit __ the sofa and read book.            
  3.  The bank __ High Street is big and modern.
  4. I like this new carpet _ the floor __ the living room.

  1. Закончите предложения, вставив нужную форму местоимений.
  1. John and Sally like (their/they) house in Green Street .
  2. Mark likes computers. Show (him/his) (you/your) new computer, please.
  3. Ted! Can you help (us/our), please!
  4. Where is Richard? I can’t see (he/him) in the room.
  1. Составьте из этих слов вопросы.
  1. good friends/how many/have/do/you?
  2. how many/you/do/interesting games/know?

  1. Переведите на русский язык.
  1. In the bathroom, 2) a spring garden, 3)in the living room, 4) show a room, 5) in front (of), 6) on my left, 7) middle, 8) on her right, 9)an old armchair, 10) on the cupboard, 11) on the sofa, 12)  play upstairs, 13) a cosy room, 14) in the picture, 15) in the sun.

Form 4

Unit 3

Variant II

  1. Закончите предложения с помощью предлогов in или on.
  1. Where are you __ this family photo?
  2. We can see flowers __ the piano __ the living room.            
  3.  The birds __ the street are not sparrows.
  4. You can sit __ this comfortable armchair when you watch television.
  1. Закончите предложения, вставив нужную форму местоимений.
  1. I can see the Barkers, (they/their) are in (them/their) garden .
  2. Children, where are (you/your)?I can’t see(you/your).
  3. Please take Billy to the zoo. Show ( him,/he) a lion.
  4. I like to help mum in the kitchen. I help (her/she) every day.
  1. Составьте из этих слов вопросы.
  1. floors/how many/your house/does/have?
  2. how many/you/do/eggs/eat/for breakfast?

  1. Переведите на русский язык.
  1. A two-room flat, 2) in the kitchen, 3)a modern house, 4) behind, 5) on his left, 6) next (to), 7) on my right, 8) a tall bookcase, 9)go downstairs, 10) ready, 11) a red carpet, 12)  a comfortable sofa, 13) a messy room, 14) a tidy desk, 15) a wide street.

Предварительный просмотр:

Form 4

 Unit 5

Variant I

  1. Перефразируйте следующие просьбы.
  1. Open the books, please.
  2. Please help me.                                                

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  1. It is early.
  2. It’s winter.
  3. It’ hot summer day.
  4. It’s not cold.

  1. Составьте предложения, напишите их и переведите на русский язык.
  1. Ben is/his brother/younger/than.
  2. is /the longest/street/my/of all.

  1. Переведите на русский язык.
  1. Enjoy the song 2) favourite tea, 3) make coffee, 4) tasty food, 5) I think so, 6) walk in the park, 7) wonderful cake, 8)ham  , 9)cheese, 10) sugar, 11) bacon, 12)  cornflakes, 13) porridge, 14) cream, 15) fridge, 16) chicken,17) new cucumber,18) hot dinner, 19)big potato, 20) rice, 21) vegetables for supper, 22) vegetables, 23) drinks, 24) Would you like…?

Form 4

Unit 5

Variant II

  1. Перефразируйте следующие просьбы.
  1. Close the window, please.
  2. Please sit down.                                

     2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. It’s late.
  2. It’s summer.
  3. It’s a pleasant spring evening.
  4. It’s not hot.

3. Составьте предложения, напишите их и переведите на русский язык.

  1.  bigger/is/than that/this photo.
  2. new toy/the cutest/is/her.

4. Переведите на русский язык.

1) Enjoy the film, 2) favourite dish,3) make tea, 4) tasty juice, 5) I don’t think so , 6) walk in the street, 7) wonderful day, 8)ham  , 9)cheese, 10) sugar, 11) bacon, 12) cornflakes, 13) porridge, 14) cream, 15) fridge,16) chicken, 17) cucumber salad, 18)soup for dinner, 19)new potato, 20) rice, 21) my supper, 22) vegetables, 23) drinks, 24) Would you like…?

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