Тест, контрольные работы. 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Шульгина Елена Николаевна

Тесты, контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name ______________________

  1. Complete the sentences. Use in or at where necessary.
  1. They arrived ….. the hotel late at night.
  2. Mike will arrive …. New York by plane.
  3. I`m not sure when he will arrive …. the meeting.
  4. I`m positive that Lily will arrive …. Boston next month.
  5. We arrived …. the market in the afternoon.
  6. When will you arrive …. home?
  7. Let`s meet at the circus. I`ll arrive …. there at six.
  8. Columbus sailed to India but he arrived ….Central America.
  9. When Columbus arrived …. Spain after his voyage to America, he was famous.
  10. When shall we arrive …. the airport?

  1. Use the where necessary.
  1. ___ Liberty Island
  2. ___ Rhode Island
  3. ___ Metropolitan Museum
  4. ___ Great Lakes
  5. ___ Chinatown
  6. ____ Mississippi
  7. ____ Little Italy
  8. ____ Statue of Liberty
  9.  ____ Potomac River
  10.  ____ Central Park
  11.  ____ Fifth Avenue
  12.  ____ Rocky Mountains
  13.  ____ Broadway
  14.  ____ Manhattan

  1. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences.
  1. They (play) tennis until they (get) tired.


  1. I (talk) to him after he (wash) the car.


  1. The children (stay) at home if they (not finish) their homework.


  1. Robert (begin) learning English when he (become) a pupil.


  1. We (have) dinner as soon as father (arrive).


  1. If the weather (be) fine, I (go) to the park.


  1. Use bank or shore. Write them down.
  1. on the ………. of the river.
  2. on the ………. of the sea.
  3. on the ………. of the ocean
  4.  on the ………. of the lake.
  5. on the ……….. of the Volga.

  1. Translate from English into Russian.
  1. skyscraper –
  2. rocky –
  3. belong –
  4. nearly –
  5. voyage –
  6. sail –
  7. discovery –
  8. round –
  9. sure –
  10. still –
  11. far away –
  12. hunt –
  13. fight –
  14. through –
  15. hope –

  1. Give the second form of the verbs.
  1. lie –                                    6) discover -
  2. find –                                  7) fight -
  3. mean –                                8) hunt -
  4. bring -                                 9) hope -
  5. sail -                                    10) belong -

Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1 ФИО _________________________

№ 1. Переведите слова с английского на русский.

bank        to take a plane

monument        to take a taxi

move        to miss a bus








№ 2.  Вставьте слова по смыслу.

Still      other      enemies      century       defend       architect     fairly

  1. I have no …,  only friends.
  2. We all live in the 21st … .
  3. I can say that I know my home town … well.
  4. They want to travel to Great Britain and some … places.
  5. He is not a child but he … likes ice cream.
  6. This is my home and I must … it.
  7. My brother says he would like to become an …

№ 3. Прочитай текст и отметь, верны ли утверждения (Т) верно, (F)не верно, (N)не сказано.

Moscow and St Petersburg are the most important cities of Russia. They stand on the banks of two rivers – the Moskva and the Neva. The two cities have a lot of places of interest, theatres, museums and picture galleries. In their streets and squares there are a lot of beautiful buildings. They have some wonderful green parks.

But what makes them different? St Petersburg is younger than Moscow: Tzar Peter the Great founded it in 1703. Prince Dolgoruky lived in Moscow as early as in 1147, in the 12th century. In St Petersburg there are a lot of bridges but there is no Kremlin. More people live in Moscow than in St Petersburg, and its streets are busier, the territory of Moscow is larger. St Petersburg is a large sea port because it is situated near the Baltic Sea. Moscow has only river ports. The climate in St Petersburg is different from the climate in Moscow: the city  has more nasty and rainy days. There are some symbols of Moscow: the Tzar Bell in the Kremlin, Spasskaya Tower and St Basil’s cathedral. St Petersburg has some symbols too – the monument to Peter the Great on a horse and Smolny Cathedral.

  1. St Petersburg stands on the banks of the Moskva river.______
  2. There are a lot of beautiful buildings in their streets and squares. ______
  3. More people live in St Petersburg than Moscow._____
  4. There is a sea port in St Petersburg.______
  5. There is a sea port in Moscow too._______
  6. There is  most famous gallery in Moscow is Tretyakovskaya.____

№ 4. Поставь глаголы, данные в скобках в правильную форму.

Present Simple\Past Simple

  1. My mother __________(to buy) me a new dress yesterday.
  2. They_______ (to go) to the Bolshoi theatre last month.
  3. Juriy Dolgoruky _________(to found) Moscow in 1147.
  4. Mary _____(not to miss) a bus usually.
  5. Little Lizzy ____(to like) to water the flowers.
  6. What monuments _____(to know) you in Moscow?

№ 5. Выбери нужное слово, чтобы заполнить предложение.

  1. Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St. Petersburg?
  2. «I (am listening to/hear) you, mum, but I (am listening to/hear) badly».
  3. We couldn’t (hear/listen to) what he was speaking about.
  4. « (Listen to/Hear) us», the children asked.
  5. Little Lizzy likes to (listen/hear) fairy tales.

№ 6. Выбери нужное слово, чтобы заполнить предложение.

  1.  There is (few/little) water in the cup.
  2. There are (few/little) towers on the old building.
  3. I could see a lot of chickens and very (few/little) birds there.
  4. I’ve got (few/little) soup in the fridge.
  5. We’ ve got (few/little) snow this winter.

Вариант 2.      ФИО __________________________

№ 1. Переведите слова с английского на русский.

found        to take a train

palace        to miss a plane

change        to miss a train








№ 2.  Вставьте слова по смыслу.

Moved   appear     fast   banks   columns   monuments   founded

  1. Every river has two … .
  2. In 1703 Tsar Peter … a new city near the Baltic Sea.
  3. The tall … make the theatre look very beautiful.
  4. Do you know that there are … to animals in different places of the world?
  5. The capital … from Moscow to St Petersburg  and then back to Moscow.
  6. More and more  new  theatres and  museums … in our city every year.
  7. Everything around us changes very … .

№ 3. Прочитай текст и отметь, верны ли утверждения (Т) верно, (F)не верно, (N)не сказано.

Moscow and St Petersburg are the most important cities of Russia. They stand on the banks of two rivers – the Moskva and the Neva. The two cities have a lot of places of interest, theatres, museums and picture galleries. In their streets and squares there are a lot of beautiful buildings. They have some wonderful green parks.

But what makes them different? St Petersburg is younger than Moscow: Tzar Peter the Great founded it in 1703. Prince Dolgoruky lived in Moscow as early as in 1147, in the 12th century. In St Petersburg there are a lot of bridges but there is no Kremlin. More people live in Moscow than in St Petersburg, and its streets are busier, the territory of Moscow is larger. St Petersburg is a large sea port because it is situated near the Baltic Sea. Moscow has only river ports. The climate in St Petersburg is different from the climate in Moscow: the city  has more nasty and rainy days. There are some symbols of Moscow: the Tzar Bell in the Kremlin, Spasskaya Tower and St Basil’s cathedral. St Petersburg has some symbols too – the monument to Peter the Great on a horse and Smolny Cathedral.

  1. St Petersburg stands on the banks of the Moskva river.______
  2. There are a lot of beautiful buildings in their streets and squares. ______
  3. More people live in St Petersburg than Moscow._____
  4. There is a sea port in St Petersburg.______
  5. There is a sea port in Moscow too._______
  6. There is  most famous gallery in Moscow is Tretyakovskaya.____

№ 4. Поставь глаголы, данные в скобках в правильную форму.

Present Simple\Past Simple

  1. My mother __________(to buy) me a new dress yesterday.
  2. They_______ (to go) to the Bolshoi theatre last month.
  3. Juriy Dolgoruky _________(to found) Moscow in 1147.
  4. Mary _____(not to miss) a bus usually.
  5. Little Lizzy ____(to like) to water the flowers.
  6. What monuments _____(to know) you in Moscow?

№ 5. Выбери нужное слово, чтобы заполнить предложение.

  1. Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St. Petersburg?
  2. «I (am listening to/hear) you, mum, but I (am listening to/hear) badly».
  3. We couldn’t (hear/listen to) what he was speaking about.
  4. « (Listen to/Hear) us», the children asked.
  5. Little Lizzy likes to (listen/hear) fairy tales.

№ 6. Выбери нужное слово, чтобы заполнить предложение.

  1.  There is (few/little) water in the cup.
  2. There are (few/little) towers on the old building.
  3. I could see a lot of chickens and very (few/little) birds there.
  4. I’ve got (few/little) soup in the fridge.
  5. We’ ve got (few/little) snow this winter.

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