TheThames Темза (серия Страноведение) Module 6, CultureExchanges.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Желонкина Наталья Евгеньевна

Информация о реке Темзе из страноведческого текста с использованием приемов технологии развития критического мышления.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Класс: 8-А

Тема урока: TheThames Темза (серия Страноведение) Module 6,  CultureExchanges .

Базовый учебник: Ю. Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Английский язык.. Серия «Английский в фокусе» Издательство «Просвещение» ,Express Publishing.

Урок по страноведению.

Цель: получить информацию о реке Темзе из страноведческого текста, используя приемы технологии развития критического мышления.

Ход урок

I.Организационный этап.

(подготовка учащихся к работе на уроке; мотивация на успех учебной деятельности, создание благоприятной атмосферы на занятии).

Good afternoon, girls and boys! Today  there are guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them. Sit down, please.

Now I want you to name the topic of our lesson. Look at the pictures and try to guess the theme. (слайдсизображениемдостопримечательностейЛондона, расположенныхнарекеТемза.)

You can see different things in the pictures but there is one thing that is present in all the photos.

Yes, you are quite right. The answer is ‘a river’, the Thames.

II этап. Вызов.

What words are associated with the word “ river”? Our class is divided into 3 groups. Every group should make a cluster with this word.

 You have got 2 minutes for this task.   Let’s listen to your clusters. Every group calls its words in turn. And now look at my cluster.

 My cluster:

 The Thames  -  River,  water, London, ship, boat, bridge, bank, fish, summer, rest, holiday, swim, mouth, waves, flood, tourists …

Today we are having an unusual lesson. You are tourists and you are in London. Let

 us have a trip down the river Thames.  

III.Этап. Осмысление. Работа с текстом.

I.Фонетическая зарядка.

 С целью подготовить речевой аппарат к английской речи и снять трудности при прочтении нового текста.

Look at the blackboard and read the words.

Учитель предлагает взглянуть на новые слова и прочитать их.

Castle  mouth  provide  sight  stroll  event  thirst  Londoner  extremely  flow  major  аnd so on.

2. Задания по тексту.Let’sstart. Open your books on page 101, exercise 2.   Работастекстом.

 a) Read the text and complete the missing words derived from the words giving.

Развитие навыков распознавания частей речи в контексте; развитие умений изучающего чтения; развитие языковой догадки; освоение изученной лексики в речи.

Учащиеся читают текст, раскрывая скобки.

1 extremely; 2 drinking; 3 thirsty;

4 industrial; 5 beautiful; 6 famous;

7 childhood; 8 pleasant; 9 different;

10 lucky.

 Read the text once more and

b)explain the highlighted words

c) mark the text, using INSERT

d) the third task is to find the main idea in each paragraph and to think of appropriate headings for each  paragraph

b)  reaches: gets to (достигает)

provided: was used as (обеспечивала/служила)

supplies: amounts (запасы)

attacks: invasions (нападения)

banks: shores (берега реки)

exported: sold to other countries (экспортировали)

symbol: emblem, sth that represents sth else (символ)

admire: appreciate the beauty of sth (восхищаться)

 c)   You should mark the text. Make 3 columns in your notebooks. The 1st column is V – I know

The 2nd column is + - new information. The 3rd column is - -thought differently.

In 10 minutes we’ll check up how you fill in the table.

d)   How many paragraphs are there in the text? The 1st group will work with the 1st text, the 2nd group will work with the 2st text, the 3rd group will work with the 3rd text and all groups with the 4th.  Try to give the headings for each paragraphs.

Учитель просит определить главную идею каждого абзаца. В группах придумать подходящий заголовок к каждому абзацу.

Предполагаемый ответ:

Para 1

Main idea: London would not be London without the river Thames. Suggested heading: The importance of the river Thames

Para 2

Main idea: England had very few roads in the past so the Thames provided a major highway between London and many parts of the country. Suggested heading: The many uses of the river Thames

Para 3

Main idea: With the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the Thames became one of the busiest waterways in the world. Suggested heading: The river Thames — the place to be!

Para 4

Main idea: Today the Thames has become a symbol of London, just as much as Big Ben or Buckingham Palace. Suggested heading: Why we all love the river Thames.

3. Thin and Thick questions

1. When did the Thames become one of the busiest waterways in the world? (in the 18th  century with the industrial Revolution)

2. What is the most famous bridge over the Thames? (Tower bridge is )

3. What was a common sight along the banks of the Thames? (thirsty cows and sheep)

4. Why could people build beautiful houses along the banks of the river? ( factories made and exported goods , so people became rich and could build beautiful houses )

5. What event can you see on the river every spring? ( It’s London’s  rowing event, the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race )

6. They say London wouldn’t  be London without the River Thames. Can you explain why is it so? ( By the way people call the Thames father of London.)

7. Where does the Thames flow?

8. What role has the river played?


I want you to make a cinquain on the theme “ The Thames”.

 But  can you say what kind of poem a cinquain is.   Ученики составляют свои синквейны и зачитывают их.

And now my  cinquain:

The Thames

Famous, busy

Flow, protect, help

“ The Father of London”


VI. Домашнее  задание.

Задание на выбор:

1.Tell about the Thames using this text and some more interesting information.

2. Tell about one of an important river that runs in our country.

VII. Подведениеитогов.

Answer the questions :

1.What task did you like?

2. What task didn’t you like?

3.What task was the most interesting for you? И т.д.

Выставление и комментирование отметок.

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