The best architects of all time
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Сагитова Элиза Ралифовна

This is a presentation about the best architects of all time. 



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The most famous architects in the world and their creations

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Imhotep One of the greatest architects of the ancient world, and the first recorded designer in the history of Egyptian architecture, the Egyptian designer, physician and Grand Vizier Imhotep served as chief minister to the Third Dynasty Pharaoh Djoser (ruled c.2670-2648 BCE). He was the author of the project to build the pyramid of Djoser.

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The pyramid of Djoser.

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Callicrates Callicrates was an ancient Greek architect active in the middle of the fifth century BC. Put into practice the ideas of Pertra, and rebuilt Athens, which became the most beautiful city in the world. The main creation of Calibrates — the Athenian Parthenon.

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Apollodorus of Damascus Apollodorus of Damascus engineer, architect, designer and sculptor from Damascus , Roman Syria , who flourished during the 2nd century AD. He was a favorite of the Roman Emperor Trajan, for whom he built buildings and bridges. He built the famous Trajan's column in Rome

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Isidore Of Miletus Isidore Of Miletus. The famous mathematician and architect of the Byzantine Empire was born in Miletus, and the main creation of his life was the Church of St. Sophia, built in Constantinople in 537 under the Emperor Justinian.

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Jean de Chelles Jean de Chelles. He took part in the construction of the Notre Dame Cathedral.

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Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci. The world knows Leonardo da Vinci as an architect for his work in Milan, where he was the author of the construction of the Sforza Castle. In France worked to create Ramanantenasoa canal and locks by order of the eminent nobles. Among them stands out Chambord castle, built by the great Italian scientist.

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S forza castle

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Chambord castle

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Domenico Andrea Trezzini

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Vasily Petrovich Stasov

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Jean-Louis Charles Garnier

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Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi

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Antoni Gaudí i Cornet

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Frank Lloyd Wright

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Oscar Niemeyer

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Christopher Wren Christopher Wren was one of the greatest architects of the 17th century. He is, of course famous for St Paul's Cathedral in London. The great fire of London in 1666 gave Wren a great opportunity to use his talent as an architect. Most of London was destroyed. Most famously Wren rebuilt St Paul's Cathedral. Wren also built the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and Greenwich Naval Hospital

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Norman Robert Foster prominent British architect known for his sleek, modern buildings made of steel and glass. Foster’s first buildings to receive international acclaim were the Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts (1974–78) in Norwich, England. He had moved elements such as elevators to the exterior of the building, where they could be easily serviced. He rebuilt the Reichstag (1992–99) in Berlin after the reunification of Germany. His famous buildings of the 21st century include the London’s City Hall (1999–2002).

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Zaha Mohammad Hadid was an Iraqi-British architect. She was the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize , in 2004 She was described by The Guardian of London as the "Queen of the curve". Her major works include the aquatic centre for the London 2012 Olympics, Michigan State University's Broad Art Museum in the US, the Guangzhou Opera House in China, [6] and the Beijing Daxing International Airport , also in China.

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Michigan State University's Broad Art Museum

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the aquatic centre for the London 2012 Olympics

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