Conditional 1
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Полак Екатерина Францевна

Тренировочные упражнения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Conditional 1


Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.

Answer: If I go to the cinema, I will watch an interesting film.

1) If I ____________(to study), I ______________ (to pass) the exams.

2) If the sun _______________ (to shine), we ______________ (to walk) to the town.

3) If he __________________ (to have) a temperature, he ________________ (to see) the doctor.

4) If my friends ________________ (to come), I _________________ (to be) very happy.

5) If she ___________________ (to earn) a lot of money, she ________________ (to fly) to New York.


Example: If I __ (to go) to the café, I ________ (not/to drink) milk.

Answer: If I go to the café, I will not drink milk.

1) If it ________________ (to rain), the children _______________(not/to go) for a walk.

2) If she _________________ (not to read) the novel, she _______________(not/to pass) the literature test.

3) If I ________________ (not/to argue) with my father, he _______________ (to lend) me his motorbike.

4) If we ____________________ (to take) the bus, we ________________ (not/to arrive) in time.

5) If Dick _______________________ (not/to buy) the book, his friends __________________(to be) angry with him.


1) If you ______________ (repair) my bike, I ______________ (help) you with the Maths homework.

2) It__________________(be)  too hot if he __________________ (travel)  to Greece in August.

3) If Peter ___________________ (sit) on the sofa, his sister __________________________ (sit) next to him.

4) The policeman _________________ (tell) you the way if you _________________________ (ask) him.

5) If it ________________ (snow) in the Alps, it _________________________ (rain) in Munich.



1) If it rains, the children will not go for a walk.

2) If she does not read the novel, she will not pass the literature test.

3) If I do not argue with my father, he will lend me his motorbike.

4) If we take the bus, we will not arrive in time.

5) If Dick does not buy the book, his friends will be angry with him.


1) If I study, I will pass the exams.

2) If the sun shines, we will walk to the town.

3) If he has a temperature, he will see the doctor.

4) If my friends come, I will be very happy.


1) If you repair my bike, I will help you with the Maths homework.

2) It will be too hot if he travels to Greece in August.

3) If Peter sits on the sofa, his sister will sit next to him.

4) The policeman will tell you the way if you ask him.

5) If it snows in the Alps, it will rain in Munich.

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