Презентация и статья. Урок по английскому языку на тему "Олимпийские игры"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

Малюгина Юлия Николаевна

Материал с открытого урока по теме "Олимпийские игры".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное

учреждение «Лицей №52»




Малюгина Юлия Николаевна

Открытый урок в 7 классе по теме «Олимпийские игры»

Рязань 2014.

Open lesson in the 7-th form

Olympic Games

Задачи урока:

I.       Предметные.

1.      На основе индивидуальной и групповой работы освоить новую лексику по теме «Спорт» и активизировать ранее изученный речевой материал.

II.      Метапредметные.

1.      Познавательные УУД:

- формировать умение видеть и анализировать проблему;

- совершенствовать умения составлять монологические высказывания по образцу и без него; извлекать информацию из текста;

- формировать умение сравнивать и анализировать;

- формировать навыки и умения оформления устных высказываний согласно заданию.

2.      Регулятивные УУД:

- формировать способность принимать и сохранять учебную задачу урока; планировать и согласовывать свои действия в группе в соответствии с общей задачей;

3.      Коммуникативные УУД:

- формировать умение сотрудничать в  группе;

- осуществлять взаимопроверку выполненной работы в группе;

- учить приемам представления результатов деятельности группы и результатов своей деятельности.

III.     Личностные.

- формировать патриотизм, уважение к истории своего народа, страны, к истории других народов; овладевать приемами эффективного речевого общения в ходе обсуждения учебной проблемы в группе и принятия общего решения.

Межпредметные связи: история

Вид используемых на уроке средств ИКТ: компьютер, проектор, ресурсы сети Интернет

Другое оборудование: конспект для учащихся, листы бумаги А3, фломастеры и краски. сувенирные медали


 Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический, частично-поисковый.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: коллективная, групповая ,индивидуальная.

Система контроля на уроке: сочетание контроля учителя с самоконтролем

Речевой материал: лексические единицы и речевые образцы по данной теме

Ожидаемый результат: активизация речемыслительной активности учащихся; повышение интереса к изучению английского языка

"Citius,  altius,  fortius" (Latin-"Faster, higher, stronger)- эпиграф на доске

Перед уроком учащиеся делятся на 2 команды: Winter and Summer Sports

№ пп




Основная часть

Дополнительные материалы


Орг. момент

Настроить учащихся на работу. Создать  атмосферу сотрудничества на уроке

Слайд 1



Целеполагание и мотивация

Look at the pictures and guess what is the topic of our lesson.

It is sport. Rise hands those who do sports.

 Is it important to you? Is the topic close to everyday life? Why?

Sport plays the great role and many outstanding persons expressed their opinions аbout it.

Read and translate the sentences of R.Nixon and M. Jordan

Now look at the picture again and say what sports event these symbols are connected?

-Olympic Games

What is the aim of our lesson? What will we study and learn?

To learn the facts of the history of the greatest sports events- Olympic Games, discuss the main symbols of them ,play some games and show your intelligence and knowledge of English.

Слайд1 (ВИДЫ СПОРТА) Конспект зад.1

 I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.
Richard M. Nixon 

- Я не знаю ничего, что воспитывало бы волю к победе лучше, чем спортивные состязания.
Ричард Никсон

-Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. 
Michael Jordan 

- Талант добывает победу в игре, но чемпионство добывают команда и интеллект.
Майкл Джордан

-student’s variants



Фонетическая зарядка

  1. sounds[t],[d],[n],[l],[f],th,[i],[i:],[a:][o:]
  2. sentences

           3. the poem

Конспект зад.2

A sound mind in a sound body. 
В здоровом теле здоровый дух

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.
The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.
Лучший спорт - совершать поступки без лишних слов.
In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях
(Kenn Nesbitt) 
Basketball's my favorite sport.
I dribble up and down the court.
The ball goes bouncing off my toes
and beans the teacher on the nose.

He stumbles back and grabs his nose
and hits the wall and down he goes.
The other players stop and stare.
They've never heard the teacher swear.

With no one playing anymore.
I grab the ball. I shoot. I score.
I love this game! It's so much fun.
The teacher cried, but, hey - we won



Актуализация прежних знаний и способов действия

Let’s remind words we have learnt at our lessons.


1.The first task is to complete the table, give the right words for sportsmen and places for doing sports. Учащиеся смотрят на слайд и заполняют таблицу в конспекте

Слайд2 (таблица)    Конспект зад.3












2.: The next task for you is to guess a particular sport by its description.

Answer the team, that rise hands first

(T.reads the description)

Какая команда наберет больше правильных ответов

Guess what sports and games are described:

1.the sport of fighting with fists;\boxing\

2.the sport of riding in a small boat with sails\yachting\

3.the sport of one who swims;\swimming\

 4.the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;\rugby\

5.a game for two people, who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;\table tennis\

6.It’s popular with women. You can do it in groups in sports centers with music or just follow classes shown on TV.\ aerobics\

7.the sport of going on horseback; \riding\

8.a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field \hockey\

9.the game where you need not  muscles but brains \chess\

10. a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.\basketball\



Формирование новых знаний

 I see that you like sport and know much about it. It’s high time to come closer to the theme of our lesson

What do you know about Olympics and their history.

1.Choose the correct answer:

Teacher:- And  now  let’s remember  the history of Olympics. Your task is to choose the correct answer.

  1. When were the first Olympic games held ?

A: in 885 B.C.                     C: in 1015

B: in 776 B.C.                      D: in 653 B.C.

2.When and where were the Olympic Games renewed?

A: in 1719, in Rome  B: in 1890, in London

C: in 1896, in Athens    D: in 1918, in Paris

3.Where were the last Olympic Games held?

A: Japan                            C: Canada

B: China                            D: Russia

Слайд 3 (Олимпийская символика)

Слайд 4 (три вопроса)


2.To check your suggestions and knowledge you should read the text. Besides, you should put some signs while reading to choose some information. Put plus if the information you have read is familiar to you, exclamation mark if you’ve read something interesting and question mark if you would like to read more about the subject.

В конспекте учащиеся видят нужные фразы, с помощью которых они смогут сформулировать свои ответы после прочтения текста.

+ I’ve already known that…

!  It was interesting to learn that…

? I would like to know more about…

 This text may have some new words for you. Look, they are in front of you on the desks. Will you repeat them after me. At home you should rewrite them into your book-vocabularies. Учащиеся читают за учителем.

: OK, have you managed the text? Let’s see what information have you learnt, what was interesting and surprising for you.

3.Работа с текстом

Конспект .Зад.4

New words for the text

ancient  - древний

Greece - Греция

several - несколько

saluting - приветствие

event -   событие

footrace – состязание по ходьбе

to compete - соревноваться

A.D. –  н.э.

emperor – император

Pierre de Coubertin – Пьер де Кубертен

nobleman – благородный человек, титулованное лицо

managed – смог, справился

added - добавлен

were included – были включены

torch - факел

linked - соединённые

unit - союз

motto - девиз

take part – принимать участие

replaced - заменены

Учащиеся читают текст и маркируют его

History of the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years. For the ancient Greeks the Games were a way of saluting their gods. Only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics – a footrace of about 183 metres. Only men were allowed to compete or watch the games. In 394 AD the Games were officially ended by the Roman emperor.

Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life. He managed to organize the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Of course, they were held in Greece to symbolize the centuries-old tradition.

The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women were held in 1900. Many sports have been added.

In 1926 Winter Olympics were included. They are held two years after the Summer Games. At the Winter Olympic Games, many countries take part in competitions in skiing, skating, ice hockey and other winter sports.

The main symbols of Olympic Games are the Torch and five linked Rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours. The rings symbolize the unit of five parts of the world: Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Asia and show the international character of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto can be described in the words: “The important thing is not winning but taking part.” The Olympic Games have become the most important sports event in the world. For two weeks and a half any international conflicts must be stopped and replaced with friendly competitions. This is the noble idea on which the modern Olympic movement is based.

T: OK, have you managed the text? Let’s see what information have you learnt, what was interesting and surprising for you.




Close your eyes! Open your eyes! Screw up the eyes. Open them wide.

Turn your eyes to the left, turn your eyes to the right. Look up, look down!  Make a circle with your eyes, in another direction.

Blink quickly several times.

Close your eyes! Relax. Open your eyes!

Touch your nose with a finger.  Look at it. Take the finger away from the nose. Look at the finger. Touch the nose, take the finger away.  Do it once more.

Well done.



Закрепление нового материала

1.Now look at the pictures and find sentences in the text to illustrate them

Слайд 5 (ancient Greece)

Слайд 6 (Pierre de Coubertin)

Слайд 7 (mountain Olympus)

Слайд 8 (Summer Games)

Слайд 9 (Winter Games)

Слайд 10 (torch)

Слайд 11 (rings)

 Слайд 12 (motto)



We have spoken about the symbols of Olympic Games. But each city that holds this great sports event has its own mascot. Have you ever seen such characters?

Can you guess what countries they symbolize?

 Do you know, when and where we could meet them? ( Use ex.)

What do they symbolize

Слайд 13. Символы Олимпиад.


Moscow -1980






Конспект. Зад5.              

 kindness, politeness, friendship, wish to win, aggression ,national features (черты), peculiarities(особенности) of the country and the place, hardihood (смелость, дерзость).power, honesty, etc.

6. In Russia Olympic Games were held twice, in Moscow and in Sochi. What do you think about holding Winter or Summer Olympiad in our  city.? Is it f good idea? Why?


Конспект. Зад.6

I presume

I believe

In my opinion

It seems to me/ As I see it

I am convinced

To my way of thinking/

 To my mind



Проект и презентация

And now is the most interesting moment of our lesson. Each team should make  and present their own mascot and motto of  Olympic Games in Ryazan. Explain what do they mean.

Конспект. Зад.7

Use: to want to represent,  to pay attention to, to show, to demonstrate, to express, to illustrate, etc.




: At the end of our lesson I would like you to put a mark to each other and mention what activity at the lesson you have liked most of all.

Учащиеся высказываются по результатам работы, отмечают ответы друг друга и понравившиеся виды деятельности.

T: All right. Now I can reward you with gold, silver and bronze medals according to the results of your work at the lesson. Thank you. If you work well you will be always the winners!

For homework you should take the paper with the text “The history of the Olympic Games”. You have marked some information with the question sign. At home you will have opportunity to find more information on the subject and at the next lesson present it for us. Don’t forget about the new words of the text.

Конспект. Зад.8

I like                                       read the text

It was interesting        to          watch slides

I prefer                                    answer the questions                                                  

I’d like                                    work in group (individually)

It was useful


Olympic  Games      ( For Student’s)

1I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.
Richard M. Nixon 

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. 
Michael Jordan 

2. A sound mind in a sound body. 
В здоровом теле здоровый дух

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.
The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.
Лучший спорт - совершать поступки без лишних слов.
In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях
(Kenn Nesbitt) 
Basketball's my favorite sport.
I dribble up and down the court.
The ball goes bouncing off my toes
and beans the teacher on the nose.

He stumbles back and grabs his nose
and hits the wall and down he goes.
The other players stop and stare.
They've never heard the teacher swear.

With no one playing anymore.
I grab the ball. I shoot. I score.
I love this game! It's so much fun.
The teacher cried, but, hey - we won


 Give the right words for sportsmen and places for doing sports.











New words for the text

ancient  - древний

Greece - Греция

several - несколько

saluting - приветствие

event -   событие

footrace – состязание по ходьбе

to compete - соревноваться

A.D. –  н.э.

emperor – император

Pierre de Coubertin – Пьер де Кубертен

nobleman – благородный человек, титулованное лицо

managed – смог, справился

added - добавлен

were included – были включены

torch - факел

linked - соединённые

unit - союз

motto - девиз

take part – принимать участие

replaced - заменены


History of the Olympic Games

                The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The original Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years. For the ancient Greeks the Games were a way of saluting their gods. Only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics – a footrace of about 183 metres. Only men were allowed to compete or watch the games. In 394 AD the Games were officially ended by the Roman emperor.

             Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, had an idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life. He managed to organize the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Of course, they were held in Greece to symbolize the centuries-old tradition.

              The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women were held in 1900. Many sports have been added.

               In 1926 Winter Olympics were included. They are held two years after the Summer Games. At the Winter Olympic Games, many countries take part in competitions in skiing, skating, ice hockey and other winter sports.

             The main symbols of Olympic Games are the Torch and five linked Rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours. The rings symbolize the unit of five parts of the world: Europe, America, Australia, Africa, Asia and show the international character of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto can be described in the words: “The important thing is not winning but taking part.” The Olympic Games have become the most important sports event in the world. For two weeks and a half any international conflicts must be stopped and replaced with friendly competitions. This is the noble idea on which the modern Olympic movement is based.

Mark the text

+ I’ve already known that…

!  It was interesting to learn that…

? I would like to know more about…


Конспект: kindness, politeness, friendship, wish to win, aggression ,national features (черты), peculiarities(особенности) of the country and the place, hardihood (смелость, дерзость).power, honesty, etc.

 6.    What do you think about the holding of Winter or Summer Olympic Games in Ryazan ?

I presume       In my opinion      As I see it                                   To my mind

I believe         It seems to me    To my way of thinking         As for me    

  7.  Represent your project.

Use: to want to What do you think about the holding of Winter or Summer Olympic Games in Ryazan represent,  to pay attention to, to show, to demonstrate, to express, to illustrate, etc.


I like                                       read the text

It was interesting        to          watch slides

I prefer                                    answer the questions                                                  

I’d like                                    work in group (individually)

It was useful

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