День Благодарения.
план-конспект по английскому языку

Аскарова Эльвира Габделахатовна

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку.


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Праздник для детей «День Благодарения»


Праздник для детей  «День Благодарения»

Цель: познакомить учащихся с одной из форм проявления иноязычной культуры, а именно с праздником «День Благодарения».


образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся.

развивающая: развитие познавательной активности и творческих способностей учащихся, формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка и умений использовать полученную информацию в новой коммуникативной ситуации.

воспитательная: развитие интереса к культуре и традициям других народов.

Ход урока

Организационный этап.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils. How are you? Glad that you are fine. Let’s begin our lesson and divide in 2 groups «Pilgrims» and «Indians». Take the tokens.

Повторение лексических единиц по теме.

Teacher: Try to guess the words.









Teacher: Match the words. «Pilgrims», read. «Indians», agree? «Indians», read. «Pilgrims», agree?

Thanksgiving dinner

decorate to church

prepare God

good with flowers

thank Day

special harvest

go turkey and pumpkin

Подготовка монологического высказывания по теме. Teacher: Choose theanswer.

1. Thanksgiving is celebrated

a) Monthly

b) Weekly

c) Every year

2. Thanksgiving is celebrated

a) On the 4th Thursday of November

b) On the 4th Tuesday of November

c) On November 26

3. Friendly Indians taught Pilgrims to plant

a) Popcorn

b) Pumpkins

c) Bread

4. The 1st Thanksgiving celebration took place in

a) 1620

b) 1621

c) 1622

5. Аt the 1st Thanksgiving the Pilgrims ate

a) Meat and seafood

b) Vegetables and fruit

c) All of the above

6. For dessert there was

a) Apple pie

b) Plump pie

c) Pumpkin pie

7. Now There are Thanksgiving Days with

a) Demonstrations

b) Parades

c) Meetings

8. Shops, classrooms and homes are decorated with

a) Flags

b) Turkeys

c) Stars

A game to train your memory. Teacher: Imagine that you were invited to a Thanksgiving feast. What will you take with you? Start with: «I am going to Thanksgiving dinner with…»

First player: «I'm going to Thanksgiving dinner with a turkey»

Second player: «I'm going to Thanksgiving dinner with a turkey and potatoes»

Third player: «I'm going to Thanksgiving dinner with a turkey, potatoes and pumpkin» etc.

Физкультминутка. Teacher: Time for rest. Thanksgiving Action poem. Let’s do together.

When the Pilgrims sailed to this new land, (Put one arm out to represent land, use the other arm to make a boat sailing on «bumpy» waves)

They met a friendly Indian band. (Claps hands in a handshake)

The Indians taught them to plant, hunt and fish, (Sow seeds, shoot arrow, cast fishing pole) Then they had a feast with many tasty dish (Make eating gestures and pat stomach contentedly).

Развитие грамматических навыков по теме «Разделительный вопрос».Teacher: Make up tag questions and answer them.

1. The last Monday in November is Thanksgiving Day, …?

No, it isn’t. The last Thursday is…

2. Colonists came to America in 1621, …?

Yes, they did.

3. The harvest was good, wasn’t it?

Yes, it was.

4. Colonists had a special dinner, …?

Yes, they did.

5. People can decorate houses with autumn flowers, …?

Yes, they can.

6. Chicken isn’t a symbol of Thanksgiving, …?

No, it isn’t. Turkey is …

Монологическое высказывание. Teacher: Let’s sum up what you know about Thanksgiving to write an e-mail to Ann. Begin your sentence with «I know that…» Do it in turn.

Teacher: I think Ann will be glad and get a good mark for her report. Thanksgiving card. Teacher: On Thanksgiving Day all people give thanks for the good things that they have. What are you thankful for? Let's make our Thanksgiving card and send it to Ann, too.

Учащиеся по очереди выходят и прикрепляют к основе открытки листок со словами благодарности.

Рефлексия. Teacher: Do you like the lesson. Now, we'll see. If you like it, show like this…If so, so – like this… If you don't like it at all – like this… Дети знаками показывают, насколько им понравился урок.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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