Past Simple (самостоятельная 2 уровня сложности)
тест по английскому языку (6, 7 класс)

Пыжов Василий Николаевич

Cамостоятельная работа рассчитана на учащихся 6-7 класса и ориентирована на закрепление всех типов коммуникативных предложений и образования Простого прошедшего времени правильных и неправильных глаголов, а также глагола to be. Необходимое количество баллов, необходимых учащемуся для получения той или иной оценки указано в начале работы. Задания "Уровня 1" рассчитаны на учащихся низкого и достаточного уровня обученности,Задания "Уровня 2" - на учащихся высокого уровня обученности. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Level 1


33-46 баллов –«4»

23-32 балла- «3»

Менее 23 баллов –«2»

Запиши форму прошедшего времени следующих глаголов. Обрати внимание на правописание глаголов.

copy revise drive catch cycle  listen become go play stop shout start do  

2. Раскрой скобки, употребив глаголы в прошедшем времени.  

1.I  (play) in the field. 2. He (want) to go home. 3. The driver (stop) the car. 4. He (drink) tea yesterday. 5. The teachers (give) us dictation. 6. He (sit)at his desk and (write) a letter. 7. Mary (come) home early yesterday. 8.  Harry (celebrate) his birthday yesterday. 9. I (go) to the gym at seven o'clock yesterday. 10. Yesterday John (clean) his teeth at a half past seven in the morning.

3. Запиши отрицательную форму предложений 2, 5, 7, 9,10.

4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя was или  were

1. I … ill last week. 2. He … in Great Britain last month.  3. Our dogs … so angry yesterday. 4. … you in the Ukraine last year? 5. My little sister … very naughty 2 years ago. 6.Our uncle … so young 7 years ago.  7. His car … dirty yesterday. 8. His parents … from Italy. 9. I… hungry. 10. My friends …Spanish.

4. Восстанови пропуски в диалоге, используя did, was, were.

-When________(1) Mother's Day last year?

- It _______(2) in April.

-What ____ (3)you do?

- We made a cake and cards for Mum.

-_____(4) Mum happy?

- Yes, she _________(5).

- Who _______(6) you invite?

-Our grandparents.

-What _______ (7)you give to your granny?

 - Flowers.

- ________ (8) you tired?

- No, we weren't.

Level 2


42-47 баллов- «5»

33-41 балл –«4»

23- 32 балла- «3»

1 Раскрой скобки, употребив глаголы в прошедшем времени.  

1. My friend (visit) many African countries last year. 2. His friends (not enjoy) the party. 3.  We (have) frosty weather in Finland last winter. 4. You (take) a taxi to the airport? 5. They (go) on summer holidays yesterday. 6. My aunt (cook) chicken and rice for lunch? 7. The woman (not buy) a present for her friend. 8. Your friend(live) in the USA ? 9. It (rain) in the morning. 10. You (visit) your granny in summer?

2 Прочитай начало детективной истории и найди в нём 6 грамматических ошибок.

Rick didn’t woke up on the next day. He sleeped all week. When he woke up there wеre no one around. He came out of his room and go outside. The street looked empty. ‘What happened?’ He asked himself. ‘Where did everyone went ?’ Then he noticed someone around the corner. A woman lied on the ground. She not looked alive. But then she moved.

3 Задай вопрос к подчёркнутому слову.

1. Mary wasn’t at the cinema yesterday. 2. They jogged in the park in the morning. 3. Mum cooked chicken and spaghetti for dinner. 4. Mary visited her granny on Sunday. 5. They were on summer holidays in Greece. 6. They spent summer holidays in Greece. 7. They spent summer holidays in Greece 8. I left home at 7.30 today. 9. Elizabeth had omelet for breakfast. 10. The kitten spelt  milk.

4 Прочитай биографию американской поп звезды Мадонны и восстанови факты о ней с помощью предложенных глаголов, поставив их в верную форму.

1 be born  2 act  3 not finish  4 become 5 work 6 adopt 7 release 8 get married 9 perform 10 give birth 11 not like 12 sell 13 die 14 move

Madonna is a famous American singer, dancer and actress. She … in 1958.   Her mother … from cancer (рак) when the girl was only five years old. When her father … again, the girl … her new stepmother (мачеха). Madonna …  her college and … to New York. First she … as  a waitress there and … modern dance. She … famous when she … her first album “Madonna” in 1983. The singer … 300 million records with her songs. Madonna also … in a dozen of films, including “Dick Tracy” and “Evita”. The singer … to 2 children: a girl and a boy. She also … 2 children from Africa.

5 Собери предложения из слов

1. in the morning/you/when/get/up/did?

2. for dinner/chicken/have/not/they/did

3. dictation/yesterday/our / teacher/us/gave/ difficult

4. do/what/last Sunday/you/did?

5. go/yesterday/to the cinema/not/I/did.

6. visit/you/an art gallery/last time/did/when?

7. they/on/hard/worked/ Monday.

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