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The history of Canada spans on the era of Paleo-Indians until today. Therefore, the history spans for more than thousands of years. There are several people who had occupied Canada. There is no need to wonder that the country had distinctive social hierarchies, spiritual beliefs, and trade networks.

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1: The Civilization When the first European people came to Canada, there were some civilizations vanished from the region. People can only trace them back from the archeological evidence.

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2: the laws and treaties There were various aboriginal people who lived in Canada. To make them live peace between the aboriginal people and European people, the laws and treaties were enacted.

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3: The European Settlement The French and British began to explore and settle in region along the Atlantic Coast in the end of 15th century. After the Seven Years’ War, most colonies that France owned in North America were given to Britain.

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4: the beginning of Canada under British Rule Under the British rule, Canada had four provinces. Britain made it as a federal dominion in 1867. It was considered as one of the three British North American colonies.

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5: The Canadian Culture Talking about the Canadian culture, it is the mixture of the British, French, Aboriginal and the current customs of the immigrants. The neighboring country, United States also plays a significant influence on the economic, geographic and linguistic aspects of Canadian people.

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6: Canada after the World War II The socioeconomic aspect of Canada was developed rapidly after the end of World War 2

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7: The Provinces And Regions In Canada There are three territories and ten provinces that Canada has. Queen Elizabeth serves as the head of the state. It performs the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

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8: the woodland cultural period Around 2000 BCE till 1000 CE, Canada was in the woodland cultural period. The period was seen in Quebec, Maritime areas and Ontario.

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9: The Aboriginal Culture In 300 BCE to 500 CE, the Aboriginal culture was seen along the American rivers. Now it is called as the Hopewell tradition.

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10: the economy Now Canada is one of the countries with great economy. It focuses on the natural resource and international trade work.

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Question What happened with colonies, that France had owned? How many provinces did have Canada under the British rules? What coast was settled by British in the end 15 th century?