Административная контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Административная контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1


Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it.

The New Zealand Kiwi

This strange bird is New Zealand's national symbol. Everywhere in the world, Kiwi is New Zealand, or a New Zealander. New Zealanders also like to call themselves Kiwis.

The Kiwi (bird) got its name after its shrill call - "kee-wee kee-wee". It can't see well, and although it has wings, it cannot fly. Kiwis live in forests or wet places and feed on insects, worms, snails, and berries. It is unusual in at least two things. First, it is the only bird in the world that has its nostrils1 at the end of its long beak to find food and sense danger. Second, the female kiwi has the largest  egg, in proportion to its body size. Kiwis are as big as chickens, but their eggs are almost as big as those of ostriches! There are several species of kiwi spread over the North and South Islands of New Zealand.

The kiwi looks very much like kiwifruit - the brown furry fruit with the green flesh. Kiwifruit comes originally from China, and in fact its original name was Chinese gooseberry2. Sometime in the 1960s, the kiwifruit farmers in New Zealand decided to market the fruit overseas, but decided to give  them another name. To help identify the fruit with New Zealand, they chose the name kiwifruit. Some people call kiwifruit kiwis, but this is incorrect. New Zealanders especially find this very wrong! A kiwi is a bird or a human New Zealander; but the fruit has different names - kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry.

While it's not easy to see the real kiwi bird, the kiwi as a symbol is everywhere: on stamps and coins, on all sorts of products, in the toy shops, on flags, everywhere, all over the world.

  1. People think that the kiwi bird is strange because  it ... .

a) has a long tail              b) has too long wings            c) can't fly

  1. The name of the bird comes from ... .

a) its size              b) its cry             c) New Zealand fruit

  1. Kiwis are really unusual because they ... .

a) look like ostriches                                  b) are as big as ostriches

                      c) lay eggs as big as those of ostriches  

  1. New Zealanders call themselves ... .

a) kiwifruit                   b) gooseberries              c) kiwis

  1. The kiwifruit originates from ... .

a) China                        b) Australia                     c) New Zealand

  1. New Zealanders don't like it when people call kiwifruit ... .

a) Chinese fruit           b) kiwi                              c) Chinese gooseberries

1 nostrils [ʹnɒstrəlz] - ноздри

2 gooseberry [ʹɡʊzbərɪ] - крыжовник


2.  Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive:

  1. The girls (dance) since 3 p.m.
  2. They (travel) for a month already.
  3. Sue (know) Sally all her life.
  4. Alice always (want) to visit Finland.
  5. I (read) this book for two hours already.

 3. Use the correct word.

1) Do you know many foreign people? - No, I don’t. I know very (few / a few)

2) He has got (little / a little) time. He can play tennis.

3) We have got (little / a little) coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

4) Tom has (little/ few) phones at home.

4.  Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns where necessary.

  1. I will write it ….
  2. He fell down and hurt ….
  3. She is always talking about  ….
  4. Jane dressed …and went down.
  5. They did everything ….

5. Complete the phrasal verbs.

1)  Take your coat and hat (down/ off/ away/ up), it’s quite warm in here.

  1. Did you take (down/ off/ in/ up) his words?
  2. Don`t forget to give the bike (out/ back/ away/ up) to Jim.
  3. Our teacher usually hands (in/ out/ back) our exercise books when classes begin.
  4. The plane couldn't take (down/ off/ away/ up)   because of the snow.

6.  Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words:

  1. Yesterday I saw a very … (usual) flower.
  2. If we don’t stop … (pollute), our future can be in great danger.
  3. I don’t believe him, he is … (honest).
  4. There is such a … (beauty) square in the centre of the city.
  5. She doesn’t get any real … (enjoy) from driving a car.

Variant II


Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it.

The New Zealand Kiwi

This strange bird is New Zealand's national symbol. Everywhere in the world, Kiwi is New Zealand, or a New Zealander. New Zealanders also like to call themselves Kiwis.

The Kiwi (bird) got its name after its shrill call - "kee-wee kee-wee". It can't see well, and although it has wings, it cannot fly. Kiwis live in forests or wet places and feed on insects, worms, snails, and berries. It is unusual in at least two things. First, it is the only bird in the world that has its nostrils1 at the end of its long beak to find food and sense danger. Second, the female kiwi has the largest  egg, in proportion to its body size. Kiwis are as big as chickens, but their eggs are almost as big as those of ostriches! There are several species of kiwi spread over the North and South Islands of New Zealand.

The kiwi looks very much like kiwifruit - the brown furry fruit with the green flesh. Kiwifruit comes originally from China, and in fact its original name was Chinese gooseberry2. Sometime in the 1960s, the kiwifruit farmers in New Zealand decided to market the fruit overseas, but decided to give  them another name. To help identify the fruit with New Zealand, they chose the name kiwifruit. Some people call kiwifruit kiwis, but this is incorrect. New Zealanders especially find this very wrong! A kiwi is a bird or a human New Zealander; but the fruit has different names - kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry.

While it's not easy to see the real kiwi bird, the kiwi as a symbol is everywhere: on stamps and coins, on all sorts of products, in the toy shops, on flags, everywhere, all over the world.

  1. People think that the kiwi bird is strange because  it ... .

a) has a long tail              b) has too long wings            c) can't fly

  1. The name of the bird comes from ... .

a) its size              b) its cry             c) New Zealand fruit

  1. Kiwis are really unusual because they ... .

a) look like ostriches                                  b) are as big as ostriches

                      c) lay eggs as big as those of ostriches  

  1. New Zealanders call themselves ... .

a) kiwifruit                   b) gooseberries              c) kiwis

  1. The kiwifruit originates from ... .

a) China                        b) Australia                     c) New Zealand

  1. New Zealanders don't like it when people call kiwifruit ... .

a) Chinese fruit           b) kiwi                              c) Chinese gooseberries

1 nostrils [ʹnɒstrəlz] - ноздри

2 gooseberry [ʹɡʊzbərɪ] - крыжовник

2.  Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive:

1) How long you (know)  Mr Morgan?

2) He (work) as a teacher for 5 years.

3) Diana (come) to his friend`s house.

     4) They  (live) here since 2010.

5) The workers (build) the house.

3. Use the correct word.

     1) They spent (little / few) time together.

     2) I have got (few / a few) oranges. I can make some juice.

     3) I have (little / a little)  time now, but next year I will have more.

     4) I`ve got (little/ a little) money, so I can`t buy this dress.

4.  Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns where necessary.

     1) Dolly always does the shopping ….

     2) How is he feeling…today?

     3) We try to believe in ….

     4) They make it ….

     5) You saw it….

5.  Complete the phrasal verbs.

   1)  She took my photo, looked at it and handed it (out/in/ over/ back) to me.

     2) Bob gave (out/ back/ away/ up) skating after he broke his leg.

     3) Why didn’t you come to help us? I can’t take it (down/ off/ away/ in).

     4) My friend has taken (down/ off/ away/ up) painting.

      5) Every day he made (down/ off/ away/ up) a new story.

6.  Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words:

1) Yesterday I saw a very … (usual) flower.

2) The number of  … (home) people in many countries is getting more and more every year.

3) I felt a great … (comfort) because of his behaviour.

4)  The scientists discussed  the new … (develop) of this idea.

5) The bank of the river was …(sand).


1 вариант

1.1)c 2)b 3)c 4)c 5a) 6)b

2. 1) have been dancing, 2)have been travelling. 3)has known 4) has wanted 5)have been reading.

3. 1)few 2) a little 3) little 4)few

4 1) myself 2)himself 3) herself 4)herself 5)themselves

5.1)off 2)down 3)back 4)out 5)off

6. 1)unusual 2)pollution 3)dishonest 4)beautiful 5)enjoyment

2 вариант

1.1)c 2)b 3)c 4)c 5a) 6)b

2. 1) have known 2)has been working 3)has come 4) have been living 5)have built.

3. 1)little 2) a few 3) a  little 4)little

4 1) herself 2)himself 3) ourselves  4)themselves 5 yourselves

5.1)back  2)up 3)in 4)up 5)up

6. 1)unusual 2)homeless 3)uncomfortable 4)development 5)sandy

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