Грамматика Would
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Константинова Ольга Олеговна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Скажите, что бы вы предпочли сделать. Используйте конструкцию I would like to и предлог instead of — вместо

Пример. James would like to read a book instead of working in the garden. — Джейспредпочел бы почитать книгу вместо того, чтобы работать в саду.

Комментарий: После предлога instead of ставится герундий — working

1. James/ read the book/ work in the garden.
2. Chris / play football /do one’s homework.
3. Jane and Mary / sunbathe/ clean up.
4. Laura / watch TB/ wash up.
5. Nick and Peter / ride one’s bicycles / play the computer.
6. Mr Robertson /drink tea /make a bird house.
7. Mrs Smith / talk over the phone / cook.
8. Irene / write a letter / go to work.
9. The children / swim / repair the car.
10. The dog / walk about the field / look through the window.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Теперь тоже самое упражнение выполните, используя конструкциюI’d prefer to …. rather than

Пример. James would prefer to read a book rather than work in the garden. — Джейспредпочел бы почитать книгу, а не работать в саду.

Комментарий: После rather than ставится инфинитив глагола без to — work

1. James/ read the book/ work in the garden.
2. Chris / play football /do one’s homework.
3. Jane and Mary / sunbathe/ clean up.
4. Laura / watch TB/ wash up.
5. Nick and Peter / ride one’s bicycles / play the computer.
6. Mr Robertson /drink tea /make a bird house.
7. Mrs Smith / talk over the phone / cook.
8. Ireen / write a letter / go to work.
9. The children / swim / repair the car.
10. The dog / walk about the field / look through the window.

Exercise instructions

Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each of the following.


check | answers | reset

1 I prefer coffee  tea. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

2 I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather  to the cinema. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

3 Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer  in the mountains. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

4 I'd rather speak to him in person  things over the phone. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

5 I prefer trains  cars. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

6 I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer  by train. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

7 If I had a choice I think I'd rather  . http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

8 They'd rather have lunch inside, but I'd prefer  outside in the garden. http://speakspeak.com/a/images/quiz/mark_blank.gif

Exercise 1

Choose the correct option for each gap below.

Начало формы

1I prefer brown sugar  white sugar.

2I don’t want to go out. I’d rather  home.

3I like trekking in the mountains, but I prefer  on a sandy beach.

4I’d rather go in December  in May.

5I’d rather come with you  here alone.

6I prefer travelling by bus  bu train.

7I usually have tea, but today I’d prefer  coffee, please.

8I’d prefer to read for a while  TV.

9I’d rather you  here with me and the kids.

10She  to stay in a hotel.

Exercise 1.

Choose the correct word.

1)      I’d rather travel/to travel by car than by plane.

2)      I’d rather/I rather him cleaned everything.

3)      She prefers drinking/to drinking cold tea.

4)      What would you prefer do/to do when you retire?

5)      Jim would rather stay/to stay at home and watch TV.

6)      You know, I’d prefer not go/not to go/not going.

7)      I prefer not to watch/to not watch films like this.




   Exercise 3.

Put the words in the correct order.

1)      Make                  the                 I’d                 decorations            rather

2)      You                    it                    I’d                     forgot                  rather              about

3)      Giving                  to                   she                  presents              friends              her            prefers

4)      Rather                  out                 evening                  not                I’d              go              this

5)      Prefer                  an                  Liz                     become                   would                to           engineer

6)      Do                  what                  you                 to                   tonight                 would                 prefer

7)      Gym                      rather                   go                 the                   tomorrow               I’d             to


Choose the correct option.

1-She …………………. eat a salad than a hamburger.

would rather        prefer                                                             

2-They ……………….. dogs. They don’t like cats.

would rather        prefer                                                     

3-I ………………….  stay home today.

would rather        prefer

4-We ………………….. watching basketball.

would rather        prefer 

5-Usually people ……………………. warm weather.

would rather       prefer

 Choose the correct option.

1-I  buy the blue shirt.

2-Why do you  going out with Tom?

3-I  have the meeting at 6 pm.                                             

4-Normally, we  going to the beach.

5-I  watch the football game.

6. He ‘d like to go to Canada whereas his wife  go to Mexico. 
7. Her husband  rent a house. 
8. Mrs Martin  to stay in a hotel. 
9. My sister would like to have fun on Bondi Beach but I would  to go on a cruise. 
10. My wife would like to rent a house in New York but I would  camp in the desert. 
11. My wife would like to visit a museum, but I would  to go to Ayers Rock. 
12. I would  become a scuba diver. 
13. I would  not to become a computer programmer. 
14. I would  buy this cake because I prefer the taste. 
15. I would  not rent a house in the Outback. 

Конец формы

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