Тест страдательный залог 7 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Несен Екатерина Александровна

Упражнения построены в соответствии с форматом мониторинга качества знаний по теме "Страдательный залог" в 7 классе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

A5 Put the verbs in brackets into the passive form.                                                 PASSIVE 7

The roads (to cover) with snow.

Chocolate (to make) from cocoa.

Your parents (to invite) to a meeting next Friday.

The Pyramids (to build) in Egypt.

The next flight (not to cancel) because of the rain.

The New Year tree (to decorate) last night.

Christmas party (to organize) next Friday.

B5 What sentences cannot be made passive? Prove your answer.

1. Chinese is a difficult language.

2. They stole Margaret’s car.

3. Elephants can’t fly.

4. They travelled to Europe last year.

5. I have a shower every morning.

6. You can cook carrots and beans together.  

7. This dress doesn’t fit you.

8. The teacher asked him yesterday.

9. My sister will become an engineer soon.

10. Will the children learn the song by heart?

C5-1 Translate the sentences into English using active or passive verb forms.

  1. Радио было изобретено Поповым в России.  
  2. Каждые 4 года народ выбирает нового президента в США.
  3. Грабитель банка был пойман полицией прошлой ночью.
  4. Извините, но собак не допускают в наш сафари парк.
  5. На следующей неделе в кино покажут очень интересный приключенческий фильм.
  6. Завтра почтальон оставит мое письмо у двери.
  7. На ужин был приготовлен вкусный вишневый пирог.
  8. Мои часы не отремонтируют до выходных.
  9. В этом журнале публикуется много статей о хоккее.
  10. Почему ты редко убираешь в своей комнате?

C5-2 Make the sentences passive.

  1. Someone cleans the windows once a month.
  2. Liz will show me some of the most famous pictures.
  3. People laughed at him when he was a child.
  4. Workers will repair the car this week.
  5. People spend a lot of money on food.
  6. Children didn’t break the mirror.
  7. They will open a new sports centre soon.
  8. People make jam from fruit.
  9. They sent for the doctor.
  10. They will not translate this article.

A4 Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.                                                 PASSIVE 7

The roads (are covered / are cover / is covered) with snow.

Chocolate (are made / is made / made) from cocoa.

Your parents (were invited / will invited / will be invited) to a meeting next Friday.

The Pyramids (were built / are built / were build) in Egypt.

The next flight (will not is cancelled / will be not cancelled / will not be cancelled) because of the rain.

The New Year tree (decorated / was decorated / was decorate) last night.

Christmas party (is organized / will organize / will be organized) next Friday.

B4 Explain the grammar voice difference between these two groups of sentences.

They stole Margaret’s car.

You can cook carrots and beans together.  

The teacher asked him yesterday.

Will the children learn the song by heart?

Chinese is a difficult language.

Elephants can’t fly.

They travelled to Europe last year.

I have a shower every morning.

This dress doesn’t fit you.

My sister will become an engineer soon.

C4-1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive forms.

  1. Radio (to invent) in Russia by Popov.
  2. Every 4 years people (to elect) a new president in the USA.
  3. Last night a bank robber (to catch) by the police.
  4.  Sorry, but dogs (not to allow) in our safari park.
  5. Next week a very interesting adventure film (to show) in the cinema.
  6. The postman (to leave) my letter by the door tomorrow.
  7. A delicious cherry pie (to prepare) for dinner.
  8. My watch (not to repair) till the weekend.
  9. Many articles about hockey (to publish) in this magazine.
  10. Why you seldom (to tidy up) your room?

C4-2 Make the sentences passive. The object is in italic.  

  1. Someone cleans the windows once a month.
  2. Liz will show me some of the most famous pictures.
  3. People laughed at him when he was a child.
  4. Workers will repair the car this week.
  5. People spend a lot of money on food.
  6. Children didn’t break the mirror.
  7. They will open a new sports centre soon.
  8. People make jam from fruit.
  9. They sent for the doctor.
  10. They will not translate this article.

A3 Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.                                                 PASSIVE 7

The roads (are covered / are cover) with snow.

Chocolate (is made / made) from cocoa.

Your parents (will invited / will be invited) to a meeting next Friday.

The Pyramids (were built / were build) in Egypt.

The next flight (will be not cancelled / will not be cancelled) because of the rain.

The New Year tree (decorated / was decorated) last night.

Christmas party (will organize / will be organized) next Friday.

B3 Find the objects of the actions in the following sentences. Explain why only these sentences can be changed into a passive form.

1. Chinese is a difficult language.

2. They stole Margaret’s car.

3. Elephants can’t fly.

4. They travelled to Europe last year.

5. I have a shower every morning.

6. You can cook carrots and beans together.  

7. This dress doesn’t fit you.

8. The teacher asked him yesterday.

9. My sister will become an engineer soon.

10. Will the children learn the song by heart?

C3-1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.


  1. Every 4 years people (to elect) a new president in the USA.
  2. The postman (to leave) my letter by the door tomorrow.
  3. Why you seldom (to tidy up) your room?


  1. Radio (to invent) in Russia by Popov.
  2. Last night a bank robber (to catch) by the police.
  3.  Sorry, but dogs (not to allow) in our safari park.
  4. Next week a very interesting adventure film (to show) in the cinema.
  5. A delicious cherry pie (to prepare) for dinner.
  6. My watch (not to repair) till the weekend.
  7. Many articles about hockey (to publish) in this magazine.

C3-2 Make the sentences passive. The object is in italic. The tense is given in brackets.  

  1. Someone cleans the windows once a month. (Pr.S.)
  2. Liz will show me some of the most famous pictures. (Fut.S.)
  3. People laughed at him when he was a child. (Past S.)
  4. Workers will repair the car this week. (Fut.S.)
  5. People spend a lot of money on food. (Pr.S.)
  6. Children didn’t break the mirror. (Past S.)
  7. They will open a new sports centre soon. (Fut.S.)
  8. People make jam from fruit. (Pr.S.)
  9. They sent for the doctor. (Past S.)
  10. They will not translate this article. (Fut.S.)

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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