Контрольная работа для 9 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Нужина Ольга Михайловна

работа предназначаена для порведения входной работы по 9 классу


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Входная контрольная работа в 9 классе


Harry Bolton didn’t really like sport at all until he discovered something both new and unusual. “I was listening to the radio one day when I heard something that I thought must have been a joke. The DJ was talking about underwater hockey! When I  realized it actually was a sport, I decided to find out more about it. To my surprise, I found a local team and before I knew it, I was part of it!”

Unlike water polo, where  the action takes place above the water, underwater hockey is played at the bottom of the pool. Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels during the game. “The rulers are simple, you just have to slide the puck into the opposing team’s goal,” says Harry.

Underwater hockey was invented by a British diving club in 1954. Harry told us, “Unfortunately it’s not much of a spectator sport, as all people watching from outside the pool can see are lots of splashing and flippers!”

True or False?

1. Harry Bolton played ice hokey before………..

2. Underwater hockey is like water polo………..

3.Underwater hockey was invented  in Canada……

4. According to Harry  the rulers are not difficult……

5. You need some equipment such as masks, flippers and snorkels…….

Choose the right variant.

6. Tony’s …… He doesn’t feel comfortable with people.

a. easy-going                        b. sociable                        c. shy

7. A more awful. ….... happened in China in 1998. It was caused by heavy rainfall.

a. flood                                b. blood                        c. cyclone

8. I am very good ……English.

a. at                                b. for                                c.about

9. John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s  a ……..job.                

a.   salary                        b. overtime                        c. full-time

10. Dave is …….He must go on a diet.

a. fit                                b. overweight                        c. responsible

11. ……..is a shaking of the ground

a. earthquake                        b. tornado                        c. hurricane

12. Big factories are responsible for water ……….

a. collection                        b. pollution                        c. Avalanche.

13. Computers had a huge .........on the 20th century.

a.impact                        b. download                        c. connect

14. The …………..team scored three goals in 30 minutes and won the match.

a. physical                        b. opposing                        c. strapped

15. She is…..girl in her class.

a. tall                        b. taller                                c. the tallest                

16. You should play……..than yesterday.

a. the most carefully                b. more carefully                c. carefullier

17. He swims  ……..than the Canadian sportsman.

a. faster                                b. the fastest                        c. fast

18. If I were you, I ………my favourite team  all over the world.

a. had watched                        b. had been watched                c.would watch

19. If I had visited  Italy last year, I …………happy.

a. was                                           b. would have been                 c. would be

20. “………we dance, Mr Clark?” asked Polina.

a. Shall                                b. Must                                c.Need

21.You …. do all your  home work today, you can finish it tomorrow.

a. couldn’t                        b. mustn’t                        c. needn’t

22. ….. Volga is the longest river in Europe

a.-                                b. The                                c. A

23. …..Canada is in ……..North America

a. The/the                        b. The/-                                c. -/-

24.“I’ll go to Italy next year,” said Jane.

a. Jane said that she would go to Italy next year.

b. Jane said that she would go to Italy the   year after.

c. Jane said that Jane would go to Italy  the   year after.

25.“I’m looking for a new house,” said Tim.

a. Tim said that he was looking for a new house.

b. Tim said that he is looking for a new house.

c. Tim said that he  looking for a new house.

Form the words from the words in bold.

26. She is the most …………….. musician I know.                              SUCCESS

27. He has a …………………….diet.                                          HEALTH

28. Heavy traffic is one of the biggest ……..of living in a city.                    ADVANTAGE

29. ……… people   live in the streets.                                          HOME

30. The weather is ………Let’s stay home.                                             RAIN

 Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous, Present Perfect , Present Simple

31. I ….already …….my homework. ( do)

32. I …….this book last year.  (read)

33. We …….never …….to Washington. (be)

34.Tom ……computer games at five o'clock yesterday. (play)

35. I…….the dog for a walk every day after school. (take)


Входная контрольная работа в 9 классе


Harry Bolton didn’t really like sport at all until he discovered something both new and unusual. “I was listening to the radio one day when I heard something that I thought must have been a joke. The DJ was talking about underwater hockey! When I  realized it actually was a sport, I decided to find out more about it. To my surprise, I found a local team and before I knew it, I was part of it!”

Unlike water polo, where  the action takes place above the water, underwater hockey is played at the bottom of the pool. Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels during the game. “The rulers are simple, you just have to slide the puck into the opposing team’s goal,” says Harry.

Underwater hockey was invented by a British diving club in 1954. Harry told us, “Unfortunately it’s not much of a spectator sport, as all people watching from outside the pool can see are lots of splashing and flippers!”

True or False?

1. According to Harry  the rulers are not difficult……

2. Harry Bolton played ice hokey before………..

3. Underwater hockey is like water polo………..

4. You need some equipment such as masks, flippers and snorkels…….

5.Underwater hockey was invented  in Canada……

Choose the right variant.

6. I am very good ……English.

a. at                                b. for                                c. about

7. John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s  a ……..job.                

a.   salary                        b. overtime                        c. full-time

8. Dave is …….He must go on a diet.

a. fit                                b. overweight                        c. responsible

9. ……..is a shaking of the ground

a. earthquake                        b. tornado                        c. hurricane

10. The …………..team scored three goals in 30 minutes and won the match.

a. physical                        b. opposing                        c. strapped

11. Big factories are responsible for water ……….

a. collection                        b. pollution                        c. Avalanche.

12. Computers had a huge .........on the 20th century.

a. impact                        b. download                        c. connect

13. Tony’s …… He doesn’t feel comfortable with people.

a. easy-going                        b. sociable                        c. shy

14. A more awful. ….... happened in China in 1998. It was caused by heavy rainfall.

a. flood                                b. blood                        c. cyclone

15. If I were you, I ………my favourite team  all over the world.

a. had watched                        b. had been watched                c.would watch

16. If I had visited  Italy last year, I …………happy.

a. was                                           b. would have been                 c. would be

17. She is…..girl in her class.

a. tall                                    b. taller                                c. the tallest                                

18. You should play……..than yesterday.

a. the most carefully                b. more carefully                c. carefullier

19. He swims  ……..than the Canadian sportsman.

a. faster                                b. the fastest                        c. fast

20. “………we dance, Mr Clark?” asked Polina.

a. Shall                                b. Must                                c. Need

21.You …. do all your  home work today, you can finish it tomorrow.

a. couldn’t                        b. mustn’t                        c. needn’t

22. ….. Volga is the longest river in Europe

a.-                                b. The                                c. A

23. …..Canada is in ……..North America

a. The/the                        b. The/-                                c. -/-

24.“I’ll go to Italy next year,” said Jane.

a. Jane said that she would go to Italy next year.

b. Jane said that she would go to Italy the   year after.

c. Jane said that Jane would go to Italy  the   year after.

25.“I’m looking for a new house,” said Tim.

a. Tim said that he was looking for a new house.

b. Tim said that he is looking for a new house.

c. Tim said that he  looking for a new house.

Form the words from the words in bold.

26. Heavy traffic is one of the biggest ……..of living in a city.                    ADVANTAGE

27. ……… people   live in the streets.                                          HOME

28. He has a …………………….diet.                                          HEALTH

29. The weather is ………Let’s stay home.                                             RAIN

30. She is the most …………….. musician I know.                              SUCCESS

 Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous, Present Perfect , Present Simple

31. I…….the dog for a walk every day after school. (take)

32. He …….just ……home. ( come)

33. Nick ……football yesterday. (play)

34. ……you ever ……to New York? (be)

35.I …….at nine o'clock yesterday. (not  sleep)


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