итоговая контрольная работа 9 класс
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Радченко Маргарита Николаевна

итоговая контрольная работа 9 кла


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Предварительный просмотр:


Task 1. Прочитайте предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные в конце строк, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали предложению. Запишите слово.


  1. The teacher expected ____ to do homework. (he)
  2. He didn’t see the schoolboys bulling a disabled person. If he _____them, he would have stopped them. (see)
  3. I would prefer _____ at home and watch TV. (stay)
  4. The number of the seat _____ on your boarding pass. (to write)
  5. Your dress looks smart. Have you made it _____? (you)
  6. TV is one of _______ inventions and I don’t see any danger in it. (useful)
  7. _____you ever _______ to a youth or a student camp? (to be)
  8. ____ he usually ______ on well with his classmates? (to get)
  9. He will use five steps to resolve the conflict if he ____ a problem. (to have)

Task 2. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите слова.

When people  1________ with each other, they may have conflicts.


Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or   2__________.


It isn’t always  3___________to prevent conflicts by peaceful  means.


We must try to resolve conflicts   4____________  because


they can lead to  5 ___________  or bad relations between people.


Задание 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо


  1. Do you know where ….Mississippi is?
  2. The seat of British Parliament is ... Houses of Parliament.
  3. ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.
  4. How many rivers ate there in ... Europe?
  5.  Every immigrant wants to see  ….America of his dream.
  6. They spent summer holidays on the popular resort at … Black Sea.
  7. This winter we are going to ski in …..Urals.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку  за 9 класс

Задание 1.

Прочитайте информацию. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5 Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


A. Special family days

B. The right to choose

C. National spirit traced in different celebrations

D. They invent local holidays

E. Love for celebrations

F. One common event for a national holiday

1. People in every culture celebrate holidays. Although the word «holiday» literally means «holy day,» most American holidays are not religious, but commemorative in nature and origin. As. the nation is blessed with rich ethnic heritage, it is possible to trace some of the American holidays to diverse cultural sources and traditions, but all holidays have taken on a distinctively American flavor.

2. Each of the 50 states has the right to observe Federal holidays according to their legislation. However, the majority of the states usually choose the date or day celebrated by the rest of the nation. Still the closing of local government offices and businesses on these holidays vary. For instance, in Washington State there are five official holidays when people have five days off; however, a company may give their employees three extra days per year to enhance their holiday term.

3. One of the most widely celebrated and popular holidays in the USA is Independence Day. What is rather remarkable about it is the splendid colorful parade. Take, for instance, a parade in Seattle, Washington. Different organizations take part in it. First, usually comes the fire brigades in full dress, with polished fire-engines. Girls throw flowers to them. The firemen and women are regarded as heroes, especially in small towns. Then come the police and other state organizations, fund raisers, voluntary bodies, factories, and small businesses proudly showing off their produce.

4. It is worth mentioning that in the United States, Americans like holidays very much. The word «holiday» for them is synonymous with «celebration». They tend to make some Sundays unique by organizing various festivals and carnivals. On these Sundays you can go to different towns and take part in entertaining events. The main attractions are festivals that welcome in the autumn as the leaves on the trees begin to turn red, orange, and yellow. For example, a festival of wooden boats or classical automobiles, or a wood-chopping contest and an auction are popular activities.

5. As for family celebrations in the USA, it is worth saying that these holidays are mostly calm and quiet. The most popular family holidays are Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. The extended families gather for these two events. Americans prepare only traditional meals for these holidays. For instance, for Thanksgiving Day there will be a roast turkey with cranberry sauce, white mashed potatoes (which ARE indispensable with turkey). Other sweet potatoes or yams, vegetables and a pumpkin pie.                          

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