Школьный тур олимпиады 8-11 класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс)

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Name:                                             Form:                Total:

Task 1. Put the words in brackets in the correct order to form sentences

1 - I don't know (he / when / come / us / will / to )

2. ( you / you / from /, / aren't / ? / are / Britain )

3. ( as / as / tall /1 / she / am / is )

4. (there / on / ? / what / table / the / is )

5. ( street / he / live / used / in / to / this )

Task 2. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense.

1. I would (write) to her if I knew her address.

2. When the sun _______ (shine) I like to lie in the garden.

3. If you _______ (move) to China, you would have to learn to speak the language.

4. We _______ (grow) our own vegetables if we had a garden.

5. What will you do if the boat ______(sink)?

6. If I showed you how to open the safe , ______ (you / promise) not to tell anyone?

7. She _________ (not / buy) it if she didn't think she needed it.

8. If the police come looking for you, I ______ (say) you have left the country.

9. I wouldn't mind living in this city if the traffic __________(not / be ) so bad.

10. The salad _________ (taste) better if you added some garlic.

Task 3. Choose the word from the box which has a similar meaning to the word or expression

underlined. You can only use five words from the box. Write the word in the correct form.

district transform manufacture attempt instantly

witty wedding  recognise

Example: He made an effort to pass the exam.        attempted

1. Many electronic parts are made in Japan.           --------------

2. Could you please send the letter now.                --------------

3. The comedy at the theatre was very funny.         --------------

4. Many people went to the marriage ceremony.    --------------

5. The old cottage was changed into a wonderful   --------------

five star restaurant.

Task 4. Circle the two sentences (a—c) which have similar meanings.

1. a) Unless you go now, you'll miss the train.      2. a) We'll have tea outside if it doesn't rain.

b) If you go now, you'll miss the train,                     b) Unless it rains, we'll have tea outside.

c) If you don't go now, you'll miss the train,             c) We'll have tea outside if it rains.

3. a) It might rain, so take your umbrella.            4. a) If Bill phones tomorrow, I'll ask him.

b) Take your umbrella in case it rains.                     b) When Bill phones tomorrow, I'll ask him.

c) If it rains, take your umbrella.                              c) Bill is phoning tomorrow. I'll ask him then.

Task 5. Complete the conversation between Nick mid the shop assistant by choosing the correct ten

expressionsfroin the box.

I’m afraid    I think I'll leave it     We've got     Can I help you      receipt     It certainly

How much is it     I'll check      I'm allowed to      Have you got     I'll take it    as well as

Assistant: Good morning. (1)________________?

Nick:   Good morning. Well, yes, you can actually. (2)_______________

a Sharp double cassette stereo?

Assistant: (3) ______________I've just sold the last one.

Nick:     Oh, no. Really? Well, have you got anything similar?

I'm looking for a stereo with two cassette recorders,

(4)____________a radio.

Assistant: One moment and (5) ___________ what we have in stock.

Assistant: (6) ___________this Sony cassette stereo with two cassette

recorders. It also has an AM/FM radio and a small equalizer.

Nick:     (7)_____________ looks good.

Assistant: I can let you have it for the same price as the Sharp stereo.

Nick:     Great! (8)_____________?

Assistant: It's only 149 pounds.

Nick:     O.K. (9)_____________

Assistant: Here's your (10)___________

Nick:     Thanks. Bye.

Task 6. Add one letter to each of the following words (in anyplace) to form a new word. A clue is

given to help you. Write this new word! in your answer sheet.

Example: ran - rain - can make you wet

1. rule   ?    you use it to draw straight lines     9. lever ?    not stupid

2. have   ?    most men do it every day          10. ale   ?    a story

3. crow  ?    a large group of people            11. hair  ?    you sit on it

4. sore   ?   American word for shop           12. arm ?    animals live there

5. hose  ?    an animal                                 13. self ?    you keep things on it

6. now  ?    seen in winter                           14. cram ?    made from milk

7. cat   ?    people wear it                           15. sap  ?    keeps you clean

8. lean   ?   you do it at school                    16. range ?    fruit/colour

Task 7. In the questions I-10 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. Find the one

underlined word or phrase that must he changed in order the sentences to be correct.

1. You have been in London three times, haven't you?

2. My friend will meet me when I will arrive at the airport.

3. Columbus Day is celebrated on the twelve of October.

4. In ancient times many people believe that the Earth was motionless.

5. My office is in the centre of Moscow, so 1 am usually going to work by car.

6. This town isn't very well known and there isn't many to see, so few tourists come here.

7. There are thousand of different varieties of roses.

8. Many kind of vegetables are grown in California Imperial Valley.

9. Oranges must to have a warm climate to grow well.

10. Neither people.or.dogs can hear as well as cats

Task 8. Use the word at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space on the same line.

Driven Crazy

Every car driver knows how (0) frustrating it can be to be stuck            FRUSTRATE

in a traffic jam. The (1) ________ becomes unbearable at times, and      BORE

can (2) _______ lead to aggression, or even violence against other         OCCASION

drivers. Such (3) is becoming more and more common these                   BEHAVE

days. So common, in fact, that (4)_________have come up with a         PSYCHOLOGY

name for it: 'road rage'.

It is not just traffic jams which can cause a (5)_________ and                 PEACE

law-abiding citizen to change into a dangerous and (6)_____monster.    ABUSE

Many things can (7)_______him: another driver stealing a parking         RAGE

space, for example, or someone (8) in the wrong lane                              TAKE

of a motorway. Anything, in fact, which could be seen as an (9)              INVADE

of (10)_______territory. It seems that man's primitive instincts are         PERSON

awakened when he gets behind a steering-wheel.

Task 9 . There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline the mistakes and then write the correct


1. He's the man who he told the police.                  

 2.I like cities where have a lot of modem buildings.

3. Not only it was raining, but it was cold too.      

 4. You won't pass the exam unless you'll work hard.

5. Didn't you saw him yesterday?                            

6. You gave the money to him, haven't you?

7. I can't see. Can you switch up the light, please?    

 8. Take some food with you in case you feeling hungry.

TASK 10.

Here is the story in which the paragraphs are given in the wrong order.

a) Find the right order.


1. At that moment he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Young man," said the owner of the shop, "I saw you steal a bracelet. I'll have to call the police. " Joe went pale. " Oh, no. Don't do that. I'll pay for the bracelet. Yes, I'll pay for it.

2. On the day he left prison, first he had a good meal in a restaurant, then he went to the cinema. He

enjoyed being free again. He took a long walk in town looking at the windows- He had a few dollars and he wanted to buy a present for his girlfriend, Susie. He saw a pretty silk dressing gown in one window but he didn't like the colour, he saw a green and white stripped cotton blouse in another shop window but he didn't like the pattern.

3. Joe Brian was a thief. He had been in prison several times. Last time he was sentenced to ten months in prison for shoplifting when he tried to steal a silver necklace for his girlfriend Susie.

4. Then he went into a jeweller's shop. There he saw a nice gold bracelet on the counter. He always wanted a present like that. He had a quick look around and saw nobody was watching him. The shop-assistant was showing a diamond engagement ring to a customer. The next minute the gold bracelet was in Joe's pocket and he started for the door.

5. He looked at a fir cap in another shop but it was too expensive. Then he saw a nice lether belt and first he thought that Susie would also like it. He was just going to buy it but he changed his mind and thought it would make a poor present.

6. The owner of the shop then took a look at the gold bracelet and said, "All right. It'll be 600 pounds". "Well, " said Joe. " couldn't you show me anything cheaper? I really don't want to spend too much".

b) Choose the best answer:

1. Joe Brian was a) an honest man; b) a crook; c) a hard-working man.

2. He had spent a few months in prison because a)he had wanted to buy a present for his girlfriend; b) he had been caught shoplifting; c) he had no money to buy a silver necklace.

3. When he left prison a) he felt happy; b) he decided to steal again; c) he forgot about his girlfriend.

4. After he took a long walk in town, ... at the jeweller's

a) he was shown a diamond ring; b) he saw a nice present; c) he noticed a customer stealing a gold bracelet.

5. Nobody was looking at him, so a) he asked a shop-assistant to show him a bracelet; b) he left the shop; c) he decided to steal the bracelet.

6. When Joe started for the door, the owner of the shop a) stopped him; b) felt a hand on his shoulder; d) called the police.

7. As Joe was afraid of being arrested a) he ran out of the shop; b) he asked the jeweller to take a look at the bracelet; c) he offered to pay the price of the bracelet.

8. When Joe heard how much the bracelet cost a) he asked for something less expensive; b) he went pale; c) he promised to pay 600 pounds.

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