задания для гр.819,25.03.20
материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Сергеева Александра Юрьевна



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Russian scientists   

Russia's contribution to the world's science can hardly be overestimated. People all over the world know the names of Russian scientists, Nobel prize winners and authors of important discoveries and inventions.
Russia's first world-famed scientist was Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765). Eager to get an education, he left his home village Kholmogory and walked to Moscow on foot. The son of a poor fisherman became the first Russian professor of Chemistry at St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1745. In XX century Moscow State University was named after M. Lomonosov to commemorate his scientific achievements and efforts to establish the system of higher education in Russia.
Another eminent Russian Scientist is Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) -a famous chemist who arranged the 63 known elements into a periodic table based on atomic mass. Today every student is familiar with this table that bears the name of Mendeleev. The legend says that Mendeleev saw the periodical system in his dream. He was also able to predict the discovery of several elements that were not known at his time and have been discovered recently.
Among famous Russian scientists who contributed to world's science one should not forget Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world.
One can also remember outstanding scientists from different fields of knowledge. Thus Alexander Popov (1859-1905) invented radio, Academician Ivan Pavlov (1854-1929) became the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, the work by Nikolai Basov (1922-2001) led to the invention of the laser.
But this list is not over. Russian scientists, physicists, chemists, psychologists, surgeons and those who work in other spheres make new discoveries and breakthroughs. We can be proud of our scientists of the past and of the scientists who work today.

.Выучить лексику по данной тематике. 


Academy of Science - Академия Наук
achievements - достижения
arrange - размещать
breakthrough - научный прорыв
chemist - химик
chemistry - химия
commemorate - почтить память
to contribute - вносить вклад
contribution - вклад
discovery - открытие
eager - сильно желающий
effort - усилие, попытка
establish - учреждать, устанавливать
to be familiar with - быть знакомым с
invention - изобретение
lead (led) - приводить
nobel prize - нобелевская премия
outstanding - выдающийся
overestimate - переоценивать
periodic table - таблица Менделеева
scientist - ученый
to predict - предсказывать
to be proud of- гордиться
surgeon - хирург
world-famed - всемирно известный

3.Ответить на вопросы по тексту.
Answer the questions
1. Who is Russia's first world-famed scientist?
2. What is he famous for? What famous places were named after him?
3. What is D.Mendeleev famous for?
4. How did he make his discovery according to the legend?
5. Who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world?
6. Who was the first Russian Nobel Prize winner? What studies did he make?
7. What is the name of the Russian inventor of the radio?
8. In what sphere did N.Basov work?


Выполнить задания №1 и №3 письменно. Прислать на электронный адрес.

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