Музей Мадам Тюссо
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Кривко Татьяна Витальевна

Музей Мадам Тюссо


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Слайд 1

Madame Tussauds Culture Corner 7

Слайд 2

M adame Tussauds is a museum and tourist attraction located in central London, housed in the former London planetarium.

Слайд 3

In the Madame Tussauds Museum more than 400 wax figures, or portraits, how they are called by museum workers, are exhibited. They look like alive and it is even difficult to the visitors to believe they are not alive.

Слайд 4

Every year this world famous museum is visited by 2.5 million people. They are attracted by the chance of standing next to the stars who they would never meet in real life. You are allowed to touch the artworks in this museum!

Слайд 5

Madame Tussauds was the artist who lived in Europe more than 200 years ago. At the time of French revolution she was told to go to cemetery and take the wax masks of the chopped heads of the royal family members. The Self Portrait: Madame Tussauds .

Слайд 6

This terrible order helped her to find the business of her life. She made so many wax figures that she took her to different cities of Britain to show people. Later her sons founded the permanent exposition in London in the same building where it is today.

Слайд 7

However, the atmosphere is not always cheerful in the museum. In the “horror room” one can meet the villains, serial murderers, executioners and their victims. This is journey to the terrifying and bloody history of 5 centuries

Слайд 8

The whole secret of the terrifying atmosphere of this room consist of the special effects. Among them are the sound, lighting and many other tricks.

Слайд 9

Read the text on p. 133

Слайд 10

Use the words in brackets (1-10) in the correct form to complete the gaps. Keys Pulling Famous Has Working Unable Attraction Added Interactive Visitors Adventurous

Слайд 11

Answer the questions Where’s Madame Tussauds ? What can you see there? When/How it started?

Слайд 12

Complete the sentences with famous or popular . Chocolate is very ……. with children. David Beckhem is a …….. English footballer. Leonardo Da Vinci, the …….. Artist, was left-handed. Igor is very ……… with his classmates.

Слайд 13

Portfolio Make a similar article for an attraction in your country. Write : its name, location, what someone can see/ do there, how it started. End your article with a recommendation.

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