Тест "English Tenses"
тест по английскому языку

Мирошниченко Елена Анатольевна
Тест может быть использован для контроля и для обучения. Он позволяет ученикам самостоятельно обнаружить и ликвидировать пробелы в своих знаниях. Цель тестирования: получение объективной информации по усвоению учащимися знаний, умений, навыков, выяснение возникших затруднений.


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Предварительный просмотр:

English Tenses

  1. I … live in London.
  1. live   b)  lives   c)  am living

  1. We … the rule now.
  1. understand   b)  understands   c)  are understanding

  1. Look! A girl … something on the pavement.
  1. paints   b)   painting   c)   is painting

  1. Scott… the wallet yesterday, but luckily he found it.
  1. was losing  b)   lost   c)  was lost

  1. I… English for three years.
  1. have studied   b)   studied   c)  study

  1. When the police… the car…
  1. arrived; has gone   b)  arrived; had gone   c)  had arrived; went

  1. The living room … at the moment.
  1. Is decorated   b)  is decorating   c)  is being decorated

  1. The children … outside when the lesson began.
  1. walked    b) were walking   c)  walk

  1. The office… at nine o’clock.
  1. have been opened   b)  was opened   c)  opened

  1.  He … not far from the terminal.
  1. Is living   b)  lives    c)  doesn’t live

  1.  The windows are really dirty: they … for weeks.
  1. haven’t been cleaned  b)  hasn’t been cleaned  c) aren’t cleaned

  1.  Last Sunday I … the National Gallery.
  1. visited  b)  have visited  c)  did visit

  1.  By the time we … to an agreement.
  1. came  b) had come   c) have come

  1.  Sandy … lunch with Peter this afternoon.
  1. Have   b) has   c)  is having

  1.  Two million books … to Russia every year.
  1. are sended   b)  are being sent   c) are sent

  1.  They …this book soon.
  1. will have read  b) will be reading  c) will read

  1.  At the moment Chris … at university.

a)  study   b) studies  c) is studying

     18. I … the fence when I heard the crash.

          a)  painted    b)  was painting   c)  had painted

     19. He … the new words by the examination.

          a) will have learned    b)  has learned   c) learned

     20.  The letters … before you come.

          a) will sent    b) will have been sent   c) will be sent

1     a

2     a

3     c

4     b

5     a

6     b

7     c

8     b

9     b

10   b

11   a

12   a

13   b

14   c

15   c

16   c

17   c

18   b

19   a

20   b

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