Контрольная работа 6 класс за 4 четверть
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Короткова Яна Владимировна

комплексная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Checking work  №4 (IV-th term)

  1. Fill in the gaps with the preposition on, at, in, of, to.
  1. Pushkin was born ___ June 6th, 1799 ___ Moscow.
  2. The tsar sent him ___ southern Russia.
  3. Lomonosov was the son ___ a poor fisherman.
  4. We got up ___ 7 in the morning and hurried ___ the station.
  5. ___ the country side is beautiful.
  6. We arrived ___ town late ___ night.
  7. ___ Sunday we decided to go ___ the countryside.

  1. Write these dates in words.
  1. 1996 _nineteen ninety-six_______________________________________________________________
  2. 2000 _______________________________________________________________________________
  3. 1741 _______________________________________________________________________________
  4. 1900 _______________________________________________________________________________
  5. 1905 _______________________________________________________________________________
  6. 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb using Present Simple or Present Continuous.
  1. Trevor and Robert (talk) now. __Trevor and Robert are talking now._________________________
  2. I never (go) to the cafe. _____________________________________________________________
  3. Sometimes he (watch) TV in the morning. ______________________________________________
  4. At the moment we (cook) dinner. _____________________________________________________
  5. I (phone) my mother now. ___________________________________________________________
  6. We never (start) school at 7 o’clock. ___________________________________________________
  7. My brother (listen) to music at the moment. _____________________________________________
  8. We often (play) chess in the evenings. _________________________________________________

  1. Give short answers to the questions.
  1. Was he Russian? _Yes, he was._______________________________________________________
  2. Were Gagarin and Tereshkova Russian? ________________________________________________
  3. Was Churchill British? _____________________________________________________________
  4. Are you cooking now? _____________________________________________________________
  5. Is there an apple on the table? ________________________________________________________
  6. Can you fly? _____________________________________________________________________
  7. Do you like ice-cream? _____________________________________________________________
  8. Did you watch the film yesterday? ____________________________________________________

  1. Rewrite the sentences using Passive Voice.
  1. The boy broke the window. - __The window was broken by the boy.__________________________
  2. The girl waters the flowers. - _________________________________________________________
  3. My mother cooked the dinner. - ______________________________________________________
  4. Trevor invited the guests. - __________________________________________________________
  5. Nevita published the article. - ________________________________________________________
  6. Paul does his homework every day. - __________________________________________________


Robert Burns.

Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland and Scotland's best-loved bard. His poetry and songs have never been out of fashion.

Burns wrote in the Scots language and in English. He preserved the Scots language in literary and greatly contributed to the development of Scottish national culture. His birthday, January 25, is the annual occasion of «Burns Night» festivities.

Burns collected folk songs. He turned the original words into a beautiful poem, a song that has conquered the world. Auld Land Syne written by Robert Burns is sung by people at New Year parties from London and New York to Tokyo.

Are the statements true or false?

1.Though Robert Burns was born and lived in Scotland, he wrote his poems mainly in English.

2. Robert Burns did much for the development of national culture.

3. On the 25-th of January people enjoy singing a song Auld Land Syne.

4.Traditionally, at the Eve of New Year people from Scotland, England, the USA enjoy singing Auld Land Syne written by Robert Burns.

5. Robert Burns is considered to be the best-loved bard. So, in his honour, on the 25-th of January, there are annual festivals of national poems and songs.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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