Методическая разработка "Образование в России"
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Нехорошева Наталья Владимировна


Образование в России топик Education in Russia легкий уровень


Высшее образование в России топик. Higher education In Russia устная тема


Education and culture


Образование в России

The Russian children usually start to go to school when they are seven years old. First the children learn at the elementary school. They visit the elementary school for four years. The children get there the elementary education. It means they learn to count, to read and to write. In the most schools the children also learn a foreign language beginning from the second form.

Русские дети обычно начинают ходить в школу, когда им исполняется семь лет. Сначала дети учатся в начальной школе. Начальную школу они посещают в течение четырех лет. Там они получают начальное образование. Это значит, что они учатся считать, читать и писать. В большинстве школ дети также начинают изучать иностранный язык, начиная со второго класса.

The fifth form means the beginning of the secondary education. The children learn different subjects, for example Biology, Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Informatics. In Russia the nine-year basic incomplete secondary education is compulsory. After that the children have to decide what they will do from now forth. On the one hand, they can continue their schooling and get the complete eleven-year secondary education. On the other hand, they can enter a college giving them the complete secondary education and trade training. After graduating from college the young people became financially independent and can start to work.

Пятый класс означает начало получения среднего образования. Дети изучают различные предметы, например, биологию, литературу, химию, физику, информатику. В России обязательным является девятилетнее незаконченное среднее образование. После этого дети должны решить, что они будут делать в дальнейшем. С одной стороны, они могут продолжить свою учебу в школе и получить одиннадцатилетнее законченное среднее образование. С другой стороны, они могут поступить в какой-либо колледж, который даст им и законченное среднее образование, и обучение по специальности. После окончания колледжа молодые люди становятся независимыми в финансовом отношении и могут начинать работать.

Currently there are different types of schools in Russia. The children and their parents can choose a regular school, a school with advanced study of some subject, a private school. Private schools in Russia are always fee-paying.

В настоящее время в России существуют разные типы школ. Дети и их родители могут выбрать общеобразовательную школу, школу с углубленным изучением какого-либо предмета, частную школу. Частные школы в России всегда платные.

After graduating from school or college our young people can enter universities or institutes, where they get higher education.

После окончания школы или колледжа молодые люди могут поступать в университеты или институты, где они получают высшее образование.




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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The education system in the Russian Federation Completed: Irina Bykova

Слайд 2

Education in the Russian Federation — a single purposeful process of education and training, being socially significant boon and implemented in the interests of the person, the family, society and state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence of certain size and complexity in order of intellectual, spiritually-moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development rights, meet their educational needs and interests .

Слайд 3

In Russia there are three main forms of education: full-time (day); part-time (evening); correspondence . The new law on education there are new forms of organization of education: the network training. The network form of realization of educational programs - implementation of educational programs using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations; - electronic and distance learning .

Слайд 4

The educational system consists : of preschool, General secondary, secondary special, higher , postgraduate , professional education.

Слайд 5

Preschool education in Russia — education, training and development, as well as the supervision, care and rehabilitation of children of preschool age from 2 months to 7 years. Preschool education is provided, as a rule, in institutions of preschool education institutions General education (kindergarten), institutions of additional education of children (centers and associations of early development), but can also be done at home in the family.

Слайд 6

Primary education is the first stage of General education in children. Receiving primary education, children gain their first knowledge about the world, skills in communication and solving of applied problems. At this stage, is formed and starts to develop the personality of the child, which emphasizes its importance to society and the state. In the Russian Federation General primary education is compulsory and available to the public.

Слайд 7

The main task of General education is the creation of conditions for education, development and formation of student's personality, to develop his or her aptitudes, interests and abilities to social determination. Basic General education is the base for obtaining secondary (complete) General education, primary and secondary vocational education.

Слайд 8

Objectives of secondary (complete) General education are the development of interest in learning and creative abilities of students, formation of skills of independent educational activity on the basis of differentiation of study. In addition to the compulsory subjects are introduced subjects in-depth study in order to implement the interests and abilities of the individual. Secondary (full) General education is the basis for initial vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Слайд 9

Higher education or higher vocational education — higher level vocational education after General secondary or vocational education. Includes an aggregate of systematized knowledge and practical skills that allow to solve theoretical and practical problems in specific professional fields by using creative and building on the achievements of contemporary science, technology and culture. The term "higher education" refers to the training of highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy, science, technology and culture in different types of high schools.

Слайд 10

Postgraduate education includes: Postgraduate studies — a form of training individuals to prepare them for the competition of a scientific degree candidate of science; specialized division of a University or research institutions for training teaching and scientific staff of high qualification — candidates of Sciences. Doctorate — shape the training of individuals to prepare them for the degree of doctor of science; specialized division of a University or research institutions for training teaching and scientific staff of high qualification — doctors of Sciences.

Слайд 11

Vocational education (also vocational education) — a system of training skilled workers in vocational schools, as well as through learning at work. Primary and secondary professional education is one of the key vectors of modernization of the whole educational system in modern Russia.

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