Разноуровневые задания
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Комалеева Марина Михайловна



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Предварительный просмотр:

WHO says young people also at risk from COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning young people all over the world that they are also at risk from COVID-19. The WHO said young people are not exempt from catching the coronavirus. Many young people mistakenly believe they will not catch the virus because of their age. They think it is a disease that only older people catch. The WHO said the truth is that young people are catching the coronavirus and becoming ill or dying from it. It added that young people are also spreading the disease to their parents, grandparents and other people. The White House also urged young adults to follow advice and to avoid gathering in large groups to help prevent the spread of the virus.

The Director-General of the WHO said: "Today, I have a message for young people: You are not invincible." He added: "This coronavirus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you. Even if you don't get sick, the choices you make about where you go could be the difference between life and death for someone else." The WHO said: "A significant proportion of patients treated in hospital for COVID-19 around the world are aged under 50." New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said many young people are not following the state's social-distancing rules. He told young people that: "This is a public health issue and you cannot be endangering other peoples' health."

1 задание. Разделите текст на слова (поставьте пробел):


2 задание. Найдите синонимы:

Paragraph 1

1. at risk             a. Free from having to do something or having something done to you.

2. exempt           b. The things that are true.

3. catch               c. Stop something from happening.

4. truth               d. Get an illness, infection or disease.

5. urged              e. Keep away from or stop oneself from doing something.

6. avoid              f. In danger.

7. prevent           g. Tried hard to get someone to do something.

Paragraph 2

8. invincible      h. The possibility of selecting between two or more things.

9. choice            i. The state of being alive and living.

10. life               j. An important topic or problem for debate or discussion.

11. death            k. Important.

12. significant    l. The action or fact of dying or being killed.

13. proportion   m. Too strong to be defeated.

14. issue             n. A part, share, or number compared to a whole.

3 задание. Вставьте пропущенное слово.

               The World Health Organization (WHO) is (1) ____________ young people all over the world that they are also at risk from COVID-19. The WHO said young people are not (2) ____________ from catching the coronavirus. Many young people mistakenly believe they will not (3) ____________ the virus because of their age.

They think it is a disease that only older people catch. The WHO said the (4) ____________ is that young people are catching the coronavirus and becoming ill or (5) ____________ from it. It added that young people are also spreading the (6) ____________ to their parents, grandparents and other people. The White House also (7) ____________ young adults to follow advice and to avoid gathering in large (8) ____________ to help prevent the spread of the virus.









         The Director-General of the WHO said: "Today, I have a (9) ____________ for young people: You are not (10) ____________." He added: "This coronavirus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you. Even if you don't get (11) ____________, the choices you make about where you go

could be the difference between (12) ____________ and death for someone else." The WHO said: "A significant proportion of patients (13) ____________ in hospital for COVID-19 around the world are (14) ____________ under 50." New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said many young people are not following the state's socialdistancing (15) ____________. He told young people that: "This is a (16) ____________ health issue and you cannot be endangering other peoples' health."









4 задание. Пронумеруйте строчки в порядке их следования в тексте

 ( ) the state's social-distancing rules. He told young people that: "This is a public

( ) coronavirus. Many young people mistakenly believe they will not catch the virus because of their

( ) invincible." He added: "This coronavirus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you. Even if you don't get

( ) age. They think it is a disease that only older people catch. The WHO said the truth is that young people are

( ) the disease to their parents, grandparents and other people. The White House also urged young

( ) health issue and you cannot be endangering other peoples' health."

( ) sick, the choices you make about where you go could be the difference between life and death for someone

( ) else." The WHO said: "A significant proportion of patients treated in hospital for COVID-19 around the world are aged

( ) adults to follow advice and to avoid gathering in large groups to help prevent the spread of the virus.

( ) risk from COVID-19. The WHO said young people are not exempt from catching the

( ) catching the coronavirus and becoming ill or dying from it. It added that young people are also spreading

( ) under 50." New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said many young people are not following

( 1 ) The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning young people all over the world that they are also at

( ) The Director-General of the WHO said: "Today, I have a message for young people: You are not

5 задание. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where are the young people the WHO is warning?

2. Who did the WHO say was not exempt from catching the coronavirus?

3. Who do some young people think mainly catch the disease?

4. Who did the WHO say young people could give the virus to?

5. Who urged young adults not to gather in large groups?

6. What was the message the WHO gave to young people?

7. For how long did the WHO say young people could stay in hospital?

8. What did the WHO say young people could make the difference between?

9. Which U.S. state is Andrew Cuomo the governor of?

10. What kind of issue did Andrew Cuomo say social distancing was?

6 задание. Перескажите текст, опираясь на предыдущее задание.

7 задание. Перескажите текст, выразите личное отношение к прочитанному.

Предварительный просмотр:


Westminster Palace

British Parliament sits here.


Westminster Hall

MPs come into the Palace of Westminster here.


The House of Lords

This House is also called the Parliament Chamber.


The House of Commons

MPs sit here.


The Queen

She arrives in the House of Lords to open the Parliament.


Lord Chancellor

He sits on the woolsack and presides over the House of Lords.


The Prime Minister

He presides over the House of Commons.


The Woolsack

There is wool inside.


The Mace

It lies on the table when the House is debating.


The Throne

The Queen sits on it.

Карточка № 1(разрезается и перемешивается)

Цель: обеспечить учащихся дидактическим материалом с целью демонстрации разноуровневости задания.

Задача учащихся: 1. соотнести левую и правую стороны карточки по описательному принципу:

2. составить сложные предложения из полученной информации.

3. донести до одноклассников полученную информацию.


Who is the head of state in the UK?


Who is the head of the government in the UK?


What is the building where the British Parliament sits called?


How many Houses does it consist of?


Which House represents the people of Britain?


How often do British people vote for MPs?


What are the members of the House of Commons called?


Do you know any British politicians? Name them.


What are they famous for?


Can you tell biographic facts about one of the politicians?


Remember the information you’ve heard from the film. Use it in your speech.

Карточка № 2

Цель: обеспечить учащихся дидактическим материалом с целью демонстрации разноуровневости задания.

Задача учащихся: 1. составить монологическое высказывание, используя вопросы в качестве опоры;

2. рассказать одноклассникам о Вестминстерском дворце.

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