Эссе "за и против"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Богданова Анастасия Сергеевна

Данная презентация поможет научиться писать эссе, правильно формулировать аргументы.


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Слайд 1

For and Against Essa y A "for and against" essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from opposing points of view ( arguments for and arguments against ) You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail.

Слайд 2

For and Against Essa y A good essay of this type should consist of: 1. An introductory paragraph in which you present the topic, giving a general remark about it without giving your opinion. The introductory paragraph should tell the reader what the essay is about. Nowadays many people go dieting in order to lose weight, however, other people look for other ways of becoming fitter. What are the pros and cons of dieting? Some people enjoy going on vacation in winter, while other prefer taking a holiday in summer. What advantages and drawbacks are there to taking a winter holiday?

Слайд 3

A main body , in which the points for and against along with your justifications, examples or reasons are presented in separate paragraphs . 2. The first paragraph of the body should start with the topic sentence for this paragraph. Then 3 arguments in favour of the topic must contain the idea and a justification \ example \ reasons for it. There are certain arguments in favour of travelling by train. Firstly, it is comfortable as trains are spacious so there is plenty of room to walk about . Secondly, … On the one hand, cycling to school or work can be very useful. To start with, it is beneficial for the family budget , because you do not have to spend money on things such as petrol or costly repairs . What is more, …

Слайд 4

3. The second paragraph of the body should start with the topic sentence for this paragraph. Then 3 arguments against the topic must contain the idea and a justification \ example \ reasons for it. On the other hand, cycling to work or school has a number of disadvantages . To begin with, it can be dangerous to cycle as drivers do not always give way to cyclists and there can be an accident. Moreover, … However, there are many arguments against being a famous rock star . One is that these people are never home because they travel all over the world giving concerts . Furthermore, …

Слайд 5

4. Closing paragraph, in which you give a balanced summary of the topic and state your opinion . Note: Opinion words (I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc.) can only be used in the closing paragraph. To conclude, although buying a pet can bring a lot of happiness, pet owners must take many responsibilities . As for me, having a pet is a rewarding experience which is worth all the efforts it takes from the owner . In conclusion, although dieting can help lose weight and look better, it is stressful and its effect doesn’t last long . In my opinion, it is not a good idea to go on a diet .

Слайд 6

The structure of a for/against essay. I. Introduction (without giving your opinion) . II. The body of an essay (2 paragraphs). III. Conclusion . 1. Point s for + reasons/examples (3 arguments) 2. Points against + reasons/examples (3 arguments) The topic/ problem 2. General view Your opinion A balanced consideration of the topic Formal style for/against

Слайд 7

State the topic/ problem you may start with a question you may start with a quotation A lot of people think that… We all know that… As a general rule… It is popularly believed that… Many people are in favour of… There are both advantages and disadvantages… I. Introduction for/against

Слайд 8

1. To introduce points The main/most important advantage of … is (that) … Another advantage/ disadvantage of … The best/worst thing about … is … 2. To list points First of all, … To start/ begin with, … Firstly, / Secondly, …/ Thirdly, … Finally, … II. Main body Points for and against appear in two separate paragraphs for/against

Слайд 9

To list advantages: One / Another / A further / An additional (major) advantage of… is (that) … The main/greatest/first advantage of… is (that) … To list disadvantages: One / Another/ A further / An additional (major) disadvantage /drawback of... The main / greatest / most serious / first disadvantage / drawback of… Another negative aspect of….. is (that) …….

Слайд 10

3. To add more points to the same topic What is more, … Moreover, … Furthermore, … In addition to this, … 4. To make contrasting points On the other hand ,… However, … In spite of the fact that … Nevertheless, … Although/ though …. In contrast to this … 5. To introduce examples For example, … For instance, … Such as … In particular … for/against

Слайд 11

III. Conclusion To sum up, … On the whole, … In conclusion, … Taking everything into account, … All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages … for/against

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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