Letter asking for information
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Лебедева Янина Пятровна

Данная презентация посвящена для написания письма


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Layout Your address Date Address to whom Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Signature Dear

Слайд 3

FEEL LIKE KEEPING FIT? OUR DANCE-AEROBICS CLASSES WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS! classes every day number in classes kept to minimum no expensive equipment needed friendly prices for those who attend regularly Join us now – you won’t be sorry! INFO: LOBAN’S DANCE-AEROBICS, 57 264 New Street, Edinburgh 21168, UK Join us now – you won’t be sorry! INFO: LOBAN’S DANCE-AEROBICS, 57 264 New Street, Edinburgh 21168, UK Address

Слайд 4

ADDRESS: Join us now – you won’t be sorry! INFO: LOBAN’S DANCE-AEROBICS, 57 264 New Street, Edinburgh 21168 , UK LOBAN’S DANCE-AEROBICS 57 264 New Street Edinburgh 21168 UK

Слайд 5

USEFUL PHRASES If you know the name of the person to whom you are writing, begin your letter: Dear Mr Smith, Dear Ms Brown If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, begin your letter: Dear Sir - if you know that you are writing to a man , Dear Madam - if you know that you are writing to a woman, or Dear Sir or Madam , if you do not know the gender. If you do not know the particular company or person you are writing to (for example, a general reference letter), begin your letter: To Whom It May Concern Only write the title and the surname, not the first name Dear Mr John Brown . Beginning addresses

Слайд 6

Structure: Introduction Questions Final paragraph

Слайд 7

Introduction I am writing to you in response to your advertisement dated April 8, which I found in the Daily Telegraph. I am greatly interested in your dance-aerobic classes and would like to get some more information.

Слайд 8

FEEL LIKE KEEPING FIT? OUR DANCE-AEROBICS CLASSES WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS! classes every day number in classes kept to minimum no expensive equipment needed friendly prices for those who attend regularly Join us now – you won’t be sorry! INFO: LOBAN’S DANCE-AEROBICS, New Street, Edinburgh times Main body: questions

Слайд 9

Expand: When will the classes take place? What time will the classes start? How long will we have the classes? times

Слайд 10

Linking ideas: You r advertisement states that there w ill be classes every day. You r advertisement stated that there w ould be classes every day.

Слайд 11

Reported speech I I would like to ask what/when/why/where… Kas? K ą veikia? If

Слайд 12

Useful phrases I would like to ask/know/find out... Please, let me know... Could you answer...

Слайд 13

Linking words: In addition, … Moreover, ... Furthermore, … Firstly, … Secondly, … Then,... After that,... Finally, ...

Слайд 14

FEEL LIKE KEEPING FIT? OUR DANCE-AEROBICS CLASSES WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS! classes every day number in classes kept to minimum no expensive equipment needed friendly prices for those who attend regularly Join us now – you won’t be sorry! INFO: LOBAN’S DANCE-AEROBICS, New Street, Edinburgh times? how many exactly? what exactly? how much exactly?

Слайд 15

Final paragraph I hope to hear from you in the near future, and can be contacted at any time on the address above. I am looking forward to your answer as soon as possible. Thank you for your kind attention. Please reply at your earliest convenience.

Слайд 16

Some phrases of ending the letter State the next course of action: I hope to hear from you in the near future. / I look forward to hearing from you in due course. Tell them how they can contact you: I can be contacted at the above address. | Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Слайд 17

Final greeting If you began your letter Dear Mr. Brown , end it: Yours sincerely If you began your letter Dear Sir or Madam or To Whom It May Concern , end it: Yours faithfully

Слайд 18

Punctuation In British English, there is usually no punctuation after the opening greeting, although a comma is possible. In American English, a colon should be used. If you began your letter with a comma after the opening greeting, add a comma after the closing statement. In American English, always add a comma.

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