Приложение 2: Задания к видео (The country across the ocean)
тренажёр по английскому языку (6 класс)

Федосихина Дарья Константиновна

Задания к видео Top tourist attractions of New York  к сценарию открытого урока The country across the ocean


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Предварительный просмотр:

entertainment-                                                               traffic-

pedestrian walk-                                                          climb the steps-

1. Watch the video and say whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1) The Brooklyn Bridge was built in the 20th century.      TRUE      FALSE

2) You can't bike across the Brooklyn Bridge.   TRUE      FALSE

3) The pedestrian walk is situated above the traffic.    TRUE      FALSE

4) The tradition of celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square goes back to 1917.  TRUE      FALSE

5) You can eat, shop and walk in Times Square.  TRUE      FALSE

6) There is a castle on the territory of central Park.   TRUE      FALSE

7) The Statue of Liberty is more than 100 years old.  TRUE      FALSE

8) You have to climb 1054 stairs to get to the top of the statue.   TRUE      FALSE

entertainment-                                                               traffic-

pedestrian walk-                                                          climb the steps-

1. Watch the video and say whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1) The Brooklyn Bridge was built in the 20th century.      TRUE      FALSE

2) You can't bike across the Brooklyn Bridge.   TRUE      FALSE

3) The pedestrian walk is situated above the traffic.    TRUE      FALSE

4) The tradition of celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square goes back to 1917.  TRUE      FALSE

5) You can eat, shop and walk in Times Square.  TRUE      FALSE

6) There is a castle on the territory of central Park.   TRUE      FALSE

7) The Statue of Liberty is more than 100 years old.  TRUE      FALSE

8) You have to climb 1054 stairs to get to the top of the statue.   TRUE      FALSE

entertainment-                                                               traffic-

pedestrian walk-                                                          climb the steps-

2. Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1) Why is New York called "the city that never sleeps"? ____________________________________


2) What two parts of  NY does the Brooklyn Bridge connect? ________________________________


3) How long is the Brooklyn Bridge? ____________________________________________________

4) What is the world's most visited place according to the video? _____________________________

5) What activities can you do in Central Park? ____________________________________________


6) What is the height of the Statue of Liberty? _____________________________________________

entertainment-                                                               traffic-

pedestrian walk-                                                          climb the steps-

2. Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1) Why is New York called "the city that never sleeps"? ____________________________________


2) What two parts of  NY does the Brooklyn Bridge connect? ________________________________


3) How long is the Brooklyn Bridge? ____________________________________________________

4) What is the world's most visited place according to the video? _____________________________

5) What activities can you do in Central Park? ____________________________________________


6) What is the height of the Statue of Liberty? _____________________________________________

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