тест для 5 класса
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Макарова Анжелика Сергеевна

задания для подготовки к олимпиаде


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тестовые задания для 5-го класса

1.Students learn spelling of the words in this subject.
A) Maths
B) History
C) Geography
D) English

2.Students read about the countries of the world in this subject.
A) Maths
B) History
C) Geography
D) English

3. Students learn to count in this subject.
A) Maths
B) History
C) Geography
D) English

4. A maths teacher …. Maths.
A) to teach
B) teaches
C) teach

5. After school the students ….
A) does homework
B) do homework
C) done homework

6. In Britain there… three terms in a school year.
A) are
B) was
C) is

7. He. to school last term because he was ill.
A) isn’t go
B) didn’t go
C) doesn’t go

8.What …the homework for today?
A) were
B) was
C) are

9. The capital of Great Britain is
A) New York
B) Washington
C) London

10. At what age do students go to a secondary school in Britain?
A) at the age of 12-13
B) at the age of 9-10
C) at the age of 11-12

Открытые вопросы к олимпиаде по английскому языку для 5-го класса

Вопрос 1
Прочитайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящий для него заголовок

People often say that the lion is the symbol of strength. We say “strong as a lion”, or “lion-hearted”. Lions are members of the cat family. As a rule, a lion is about nine feet long and its weight is about 400 or 500 pounds. The lion’s voice is a roar or a growl. Unlike other cats, it can swim in deep water. Lions like to live in the open area and they don’t like to live in forests. They drink once a day, that’s why they always live near some water. Lions may live alone or in pairs, or in groups which are known as “prides”. Lions hunt at night and have a rest during the day.

Вопрос 2
Расставь реплики в нужном порядке, чтобы получился диалог.
1) Where are you from?
2) Hi!
3) I am from Britain
4) Hello!

Вопрос 3
Прочитайте слова, распределите их по категориям.
(pupil, sweater, gymnastics, kitchen, hat, hamster, pen, football, potato, ping-pong, butter, dress, book, golf, mouse, tennis, dog, parrot, banana, cat, shoes, apple, jeans, socks, duck, door, monkey, lion, TV-set)

Вопрос 4
Разгадай шарады:
1. Скажешь по-английски —
Тебя он повезёт,
А по-русски если —
Певец им запоёт.

2. Скажешь по-английски —
Будильник он живой,
А по-русски если —
То повар он морской.

3. Скажешь по-английски —
Я одежды часть,
Скажешь то ж по-русски —
Им напьёшься всласть.

Вопрос 5
Как можно сформулировать вопрос, что ответ на него звучал следующим образом: Twenty-five past eleven?

Ответы на тесты

Тестовое задание

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

№ 5







Тестовое задание

№ 6

№ 7

№ 8

№ 9

№ 10







Ответы на открытие вопросы

Ответ на вопрос 1:

Ответ на вопрос 2:

Ответ на вопрос 3:
Food — potato, butter, banana, apple
House — kitchen, door, TV-set
Sports — gymnastics, football, ping-pong, golf, tennis
School — pupil, pen, book, pen
Animals — hamster, mouse, dog, parrot, cat, duck, monkey, lion
Clothes — sweater, hat, dress, shoes, jeans, socks

Ответ на вопрос 4:
1. bus — бас
2. cock — кок
3. sock — сок

Ответ на вопрос 5:
What’s the time?, или What time is it now?

Тестовые задания

Прочитай текст и выполни задания. (Вопросы 1 — 5)
Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.
As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want.
Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

1. This text is about…
A) Christmas presents
B) Father Christmas
C) Christmas celebrations
D) the Christmas tree

2. When Christmas comes, the children are given presents…
A) at the Christmas table
B) in the streets
C) at schools
D) at home

3. Which sentence is wrong (неверно)?
A) Christmas is a family holiday
B) Presents are usually given at Christmas
C) At Christmas, children usually don’t go to sleep
D) Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking

4. Choose a title
A) British Children
B) British Christmas
C) Christmas parties
D) British Homes

5. Find the word which is not in the text.
A) Christmas
B) Presents
C) Easter
D) Eve

6. It …snow in summer.
A) don’t
B) doesn’t
C) isn’t

7. … Dad … any brothers or sisters?
A) Have Dad got
B) Does Dad have
C) Does Dad has

8. Вставь пропущенное слово:
How … you today? – I’m fine thanks
A) are
B) am
C) is
D) be

9. Выбери необходимый вспомогательный глагол: … you bring your dictionary?
A) Can
B) Are
C) Is

10. Выбери и вставь подходящее слово. My favourite sports is …
A) Music
B) Football
C) Reading
D) Drawing

Открытые вопросы

Read the email and mark the sentences T(true), F( false) or DS(doesn’t say)
From: Sharon
To :Helen
Dear Helen,
Thanks for the birthday card! I’m really looking forward to the weekend. I,m going to have a party on Saturday night.
Mum and I are going to go shopping on Saturday morning. We want to buy some food and decorations for the party. Mum’s going to make her special pizza and a birthday cake. I am going to make sandwiches. In the afternoon, my brother is going to help me decorate the house with streamers. Then, I’m going to help my mum clean-up
Well, I think it’s going to be a great party. How are you going to spend your weekend? Write soon.

Вопрос 1
Sharon’s birthday is on Saturday

Вопрос 2
They’re going to go buy a birthday cake

Вопрос 3
Sharon is going to decorate the house in the afternoon

Вопрос 4
Sharon doesn’t like the rock music

Вопрос 5
The party is going to finish on Sunday morning

Ответы на тесты

Тестовое задание

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

№ 5







Тестовое задание

№ 6

№ 7

№ 8

№ 9

№ 10







Ответы на открытие вопросы

Ответ на вопрос 1:

Ответ на вопрос 2:

Ответ на вопрос 3:

Ответ на вопрос 4:
Doesn’t say

Ответ на вопрос 5:
Doesn’t say

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