Грамматические упражнения на видо-временные формы глагола
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

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Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Pre-Intermediate.

Упражнение 1. Join the two parts of sentences.

1. Fred plays tennis...

2. Fred is playing tennis...

3. Fred has played tennis...

4. Fred played tennis...

5. Fred was playing tennis...

6. Fred will play tennis...

a) every Monday.

b) for several times.

c) at the moment.

d) at that time.

e) next Monday.

f) when he was 15.

Упражнение 2. Copy the sentences and note if they refer to the present, past or future. Write the tense against each sentence.

Example: He cut his finger with a knife. (Simple Past)

  1. He often cuts himself.
  2. What time did John arrive?
  3. I never forget anything.
  4. Are you sitting comfortably?
  5. We drank a lot of Coke at the party.
  6. It was raining all night.
  7. The train will leave in a few minutes.
  8. I put on a clean shirt yesterday.


Упражнение 3. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple PastSimple PresentPresent Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

  1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.
  2. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?
  3. Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.
  4. When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?
  5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.
  6. What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?
  7. You __________ (read) this book?
  8. While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV.
  9. When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary  __________ (be) nice — but now I  __________ (think) she’s fantastic.
  10. Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema
  11. Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.
  12. Jack’s father __________ (not work) in London — he __________ (not speak) English.
  13. Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.
  14. Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.
  15. While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).


Упражнение 4. Исправьте ошибки.

  1. When she was younger, she has played tennis every day.
  2. It’s already 10:00, but Jane hasn’t finished her homework already.
  3. Joe crashed his car three times since Christmas.
  4. Did you done your homework, or have you been watching TV?
  5. Karl has been driving since five years.
  6. This hotel has been already in business for twenty years.


Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Intermediate.

Упражнение 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous).

  1. Alice ... (not to take) the bus to school every day. She usually ... (to walk) to school...
  2. (to take) … you the bus to get to school or ... (to walk) you?
  3. Who is this man? I ... (to think) that I ... (to know) him, but I ... (to forget) his name.
  4. The children ... (to have) a good time in the park yesterday. They ... (to give) small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they ... (to take) pictures of themselves.
  5. Where are the children? They ... (to watch) TV in the room now. Some minutes ago they ... (to play) a game.
  6. Now I am in my class. I... (to sit) at my desk. I always ... (to sit) at the same desk.

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