Is it easy to be a blogger?
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (7 класс)

Попова Ксения Сергеевна

Nowadays children don’t like to play role games where they are teachers or shop assistants, they choose to be bloggers. Not everyone knows if it is easy to be a blogger. Most of people do not consider it to be a real profession that can bring a great benefit. There are many bloggers that earn millions with the help of their videos and posts. It’s difficult to believe that blogging is a hard process, it’s seems that people are having fun testing something new or travelling and visiting beautiful or unusual places.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lyceum Student Scientific Society

English Language Section



Is it easy to be a blogger?

Balashova Victoria, 7G

Municipal State- Financed

Educational Establishment

“Lyceum №6 “

Guided by : Popova K.S.




1. Introduction…………………………………………………………….....3

2. What is a blog?...........................................................................................4

3. Theme of blogs……….…………………………………………………...4

4. The problems any blogger face…………………………………………...6

5. The survey among the pupils.……………………………………............8

6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………….9

7. The Internet resources………………………………………………….10


Nowadays children don’t like to play role games where they are teachers or shop assistants, they choose to be bloggers. Not everyone knows if it is easy to be a blogger. Most of people do not consider it to be a real profession that can bring a great benefit. There are many bloggers that earn millions with the help of their videos and posts. It’s difficult to believe that blogging is a hard process, it’s seems that people are having fun testing something new or travelling and visiting beautiful or unusual places.

The currency of our work is caused by the fact that modern gadgets give us an opportunity to learn something new with the help of different blogs, created by ordinary people. We read, watch, comment or repost them to share with our friends. We easily give “likes” or “dislikes” without thinking what efforts the author had made.  

The main goal of our work is to find out if it is easy to be a blogger. To reach the goal we were:

  • to find out what is blogging;
  • to find out the reasons of blogging;
  • to find out the student’s attitude to blogging;
  • to analyze what difficulties and benefits can it bring.

Such methods of researching as analysis, comparison and opinion poll were used.

What is a Blog?

Do you know what blogs are? In the beginning, a blog was more of a personal diary that people shared online, and it goes back to 1994. In this online journal, you could talk about your daily life or share things you do. But people saw an opportunity to public any information in a new way. So began the beautiful world of blogging.

Actually blogging is a very creative thing to do. It’s totally different and awesome thing which makes you feel better. Many people do it as a passion and many others do blogging to make money from their blogs.

A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information, with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

On What Topic Blogs are Made?

Blogs can be created on any topic in which you are an expert. Let’s suppose you are an expert in coffee-making you should start a Coffee blog.  If you are passionate about cooking and you like to experiment with different recipes then start a blog on cooking and share your recipes with the world through your blog. If you have an excellent knowledge on finance then you can start a finance blog where you can teach people how to save or invest money. There are thousands of other topics like Hollywood, fashion, food, travel, lifestyle, politics, technology, gadgets, how-to-tips, locations etc.

There are many reasons to start a blog for personal use and only a handful of strong ones for business blogging. As a business, you rely on consumers to keep buying your products and services. Without blogging, your website would remain invisible, whereas running a blog makes you searchable and competitive. So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience. The more frequent and better your blog posts are, the higher the chances for your website to get discovered and visited by your target audience.

Making money from a blog is not the only reason for starting a blog, different people have different reasons:

  1. There are many people who start a blog because they really care for others and always think if they can in anyway contribute to the wellness of the society through their writing.
  2. Some people like celebrities, influencers, brands etc. blog for popularity and this way they can connect with their audience.
  3. There are many businesses who write blogs about their products, services, features, promotion etc.
  4. Lastly, there are people who start their blog for making some extra income.

People come to your blog, know about you, read your posts and write their feedback through comments. You become popular! You make money!! And that's what blogging is in a nutshell.

The problems any blogger face.

To catch the audience attention and to increase the number of subscribers and get real money a blogger should be ready to work hard and overcome the problems that can ruin his efforts and destroy reputation.

First of all, your posts should be interesting and to make them you should have a certain creativity to stand out of hundreds of other similar blogs. It concerns not only the content of your posts but the design of your blog in general.

Secondly, your posts must be perfect in style, grammar and content. The choice of style depends on the audience you are writing to and the aims you are following.

What’s more, you should be aware of haters. Not everyone will like your blogs; there will be negative comments, rudeness and humiliation. They do it if they do not agree with your opinion, want to become famous disturbing another famous person, are eager to take away your subscribers or just envy your popularity.

Another danger is cyberbulling, its aim is to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Sadly, it happens very often on-line, people join the groups to harm a blogger or to ruin his reputation.

One more very important thing that you should not forget is, if you write some political opinion you can be sent to a prison, if you present false information, insult, humiliate or create negative attitude to some politician or a party in general.

Besides, there will be a lot technical problems, to overcome which you have to know the basic of web design.

If your aim is to earn money you should be ready to invest much more then you’ll get as a profit in the beginning. You will need some time to turn your subscribers into your fans that will love to buy your products or service. Try not to overuse different ads and links as they will prevent from reading your post or watching your videos. When you get more than 1000 followers, you will get some ads to promote and ern money, be careful and pay attention to the content of the ads, not to lose your audience.

The survey among the pupils.

We conducted an opinion poll among the pupils of 5-9 forms in our lyceum. Seventy two schoolchildren took part in it. The results of the poll show the attitude to blogging. Let’s see what we have found out.

60 pupils watch different blogs, while only 12 consider it to be a waste of time. The most popular topics are challenges, travelling, life of other people, life in different countries, lifehacks, entertainment, cars, games and humour stories. The students of our lyceum love such bloggers as A4, Niiki Omor, Katya Adyshhkina, Slava Marlow, Victoria Blogger, Any May, Nastya Evleeva and others.

10 students are bloggers themselves, 20 want to blog, 38 do not have such a dream.

All respondents are sure that bloggers face many problems, such as haters, humiliation, envy, threats, gossips, loss of fans, lack of creativity, stress, health problems and uncertainty.


Nowadays the process of socialization is changing: people want to communicate in real life as well as in virtual one.  The variety of social nets gives us chances to find new friends and follow their lives reading their posts or watching the videos. We can post our own blogs to teach people to do something, to warn them, to entertain or to unite a group of like-minded people to help someone. Blogging is not just a hobby; it’s a hard regular job that demands creativity, knowledge of the subject, tolerance, persistence, a lot of time, efforts and money. To become successful in blogging, never give up, focus on what you want to have happen and always be moving forward.



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