Tag`s questions
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

Стряпчева Марина Сергеевна

Практика грамматического материала.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Tigers are dangerous animals.

 2. They have a wonderful garden.

3. He bought an expensive TV-set.


4. You have a terrible toothache.


5. She has read an interesting book


6. We gave all possible answers.

7. I asked a foolish question

 8. It will be a useful exercise.

9. His speech was boring.

A. didn't I?


B. haven't you?

 C. aren't they?


D. haven't they?


E. hasn't she?


F. didn't we?


G. didn't he?

H. wasn't it?

I. won't it?

1. Tigers are dangerous animals.

 2. They have a wonderful garden.

3. He bought an expensive TV-set.


4. You have a terrible toothache.


5. She has read an interesting book


6. We gave all possible answers.

7. I asked a foolish question

 8. It will be a useful exercise.

9. His speech was boring.

A. didn't I?


B. haven't you?

 C. aren't they?


D. haven't they?


E. hasn't she?


F. didn't we?


G. didn't he?

H. wasn't it?

I. won't it?


2. This house is new, ___________? I'm your doctor, ___________? There is much snow there,___________? There is no juice in the fridge, ___________? She never comes in time,___________? They have got a new house, ___________? They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________? They had to buy a new desk, ___________? They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?

3. Money isn't everything.____________________?                            

Computers are very useful. __________________?

Some people watch too much TV. _____________?

 People didn't have TV 100 years ago. __________?

Life was better 100 years ago. ________________?

We can all make mistakes. _________________?

Parents shouldn't hit their children. ____________?

2. This house is new, ___________? I'm your doctor, ___________? There is much snow there,___________? There is no juice in the fridge, ___________? She never comes in time,___________? They have got a new house, ___________? They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________? They had to buy a new desk, ___________? They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?

3. Money isn't everything.____________________?                            

Computers are very useful. __________________?

Some people watch too much TV. _____________?

 People didn't have TV 100 years ago. __________?

Life was better 100 years ago. ________________?

We can all make mistakes. _________________?

Parents shouldn't hit their children. ____________?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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