Тесты для 7 класса по УМК "Rainbow English "Афанасьева О.В
тест по английскому языку

Ситникова Светлана Витальевна

тесты 7 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа

7 класс по УМК О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева (I четверть) 

1. Fill in many/much.

1) I don’t eat …….mangoes. 2) He eats ……. fish.  3) That man drank……..so wine.  4) Marry must not eat………..too salt.  5) There are……….. new pictures in the gallery. 6) He had………….pairs of socks.  7) There is………….. butter on the plate.  8) Would you like………..ice cream? 9) Why did you eat so…………..fruit?

2. Fill in little/few.

1) He has got………….friends. 2) I drink…………coffee.  3) The Smits have………….many. 4) There was………lemonade in the bottle.  5) He has ……………English books. 6) I am sorry I’ve read very……………books. 7) Everyday he spend……….time reading the books. 8) The pupils of our class ask……………questions at lesson.

3. Change the verb in brackets.

1) In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends.

2) On Sunday we sometimes (to visit) our parents.

3) It (to be) six o clock in the evening now.

4) Hello where you (to go) now. I (to hurry) to school.

5) I (to listen) my teacher this moment.

6) I (to take) this cassette yesterday evening.

7) We (to have) funny weekend last month.

4. Fill in the correct form of the verb to rain.

Rains(2), is raining(3), is not raining(2), is going to rain, doesn’t rain, didn’t rain(2).

1) There are no people on the beach. It …………….

2) It often…………..in the west of England.

3) It……………every day in Moscow.

4) I think it………….soon.

5) It…………….lust week, but it was could.

6) The sun is shining. It is hot. It is………

7) Why is your jacket wet? It ………..out in the street.

8) I like it when it …………but my sister doesn’t.

9) It was foggy and windy yesterday but it……………

10) We won’t go to the zoo. It ……………

11) It…………. We can play football.

12) It…………. a lot last summer.

5.  Complete this text; choose the right forms of the verbs.

Last summer I (be) abroad for three weeks. My father (go) to France on business and (take) mi with him. In Paris we (stay) in a hotel. We usually (have) breakfast early in the morning. Then my dad (drive) to work and I (ride) to the swimming bath. I (swim) there. When I (come) to Paris, I (know) only two or three French words. Soon I (begin) (understand) French.  Dad’s friends (teach) me. I think I can (speak) French a little now.

6. Use article the or no article.

Clyde, Blackpoll, Ontario, Severn, Mississippi, Andes, Snow don, Ireland,  Wales, Trafalgar Square, Sevan, Ben Nevis, Liverpool, Hyde Park, Canada, Fleet Street, Central Park, Oxford street.

7. Ask your friend if she\he:

1) traveled by car, by train, by plane

2) he\she liked the trip.

3).he\she wrote the diary.

4). it was cold there.

5)he \ she spoke English.

Контрольная работа

          7 класс по УМК О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева II четверть

1. Write nouns in singular form.

Mice, teeth, sheep, women, geese, men, deer, fish, children, feet.

2. Write nouns in plural form.

Class, bench, dog, cat, woman, sheep, hospital, pupil, tea, coffee, boy, toy.

3.Fill in ordinal numerals.

a) I’m in__  ____ form.

b) My friend is in  ___  ____ form too.

c) Today is ____  _____ of December.

d) My mom is ____  ____ year.

e) Today is ____  ____ day of the week.

f) He is _____  _____ student in our class.

4.Choose the verb.

a) Where (is\ are) the money. It (is \are) on the shelf.

b) Where (is\ are) the apples. They (is\ are) on the table.

c) What color (is\ are) the flag. It (is \are) red.

d) Where (is\ are) students. They (is\are) at school.

e) The news (is\ are) interesting.

f) Children (is \are) in the swimming pool.

5. Make up the sentences with:  what, where, when, why.

  • What do your parents think about school?
  • What do they want to do after school?
  • In what place do you live.
  • What is your name?
  • Where does Kate live?
  • Why do you play computer game?

6. Choose the correct form.

This is (my/mine) university.

Doctor Smith, is this (your, yours) patient? – Yes, Polly is (my/mine) patient.

(Their/theirs) friends Douglas is a journalist.

I am going to answer all (her/hers) questions.

(Our/ours) dream was to travel in Spain.

We gave them (our/ours address and they gave us (their/theirs).

Which bag is (her/hers).

7. Make up the sentences with:  if.

  1. Do you often go to rock concert?
  2. Do you like pop-music?
  3. Do you often watch videos?
  4. Did you go to college?
  5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Контрольная работа

7 класс  по УМК Афанасьева О.В., И.В. Михеева

III четверть.

1. Make up questions using these words.

1) book, shall, I, you, for, buy, what? 2) we, when, go, shall, cinema, the, to? 3) I, coat, may, on, your, put? 4) did, beach, you, on, do, the, what? 5) husband, can, her, a, driver, car?

2. Choose the right form and complete the sentences

1) Mary says she has (some/any) very good friends. 2) Are there (some/any) high towers in your town? 3) I can’t see (nobody/anybody) in the street. 4) (Someone/anyone) rang you up in the morning .5) He never takes (some/any) cake with tea.

3. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. (придаточные предложения времени и условия)

1).If the weather (be) fine, I (sunbathe) on the beach. 2) We (do) it when John (come). 3) I (buy) you a big juicy apple if there (be) some in the shop. 4) You (learn) French when you (go) to school. 5) When Mary (ring) me up, I (talk) to him.

4. Match the questions with their answers.

1) Do you want to buy any plums?                       A) I think so. Let’s take our umbrellas with us.

2) Are there any cabbages at home?                     B) Tomorrow, I think.

3) Is it raining heavily?                                         C) I think, we shall stay at home.

4) What shall we do if it rains?                             D) No, I don’t. My son doesn’t like them.

5) What shall we read we read?                            E) I don’t know. Let’s buy some.

6) When will you come back?                               F) I don’t know. There are different books here.

 1.___      2.___      3.____     4.____     5.____     6.____

5. Say what you will do and what you won’t do next Sunday.

1.____write a postcard to your granny.

2.____go abroad.

3.____ stay in a hotel.

4.____ go boating.

5.____ go to school.

6. Use no, one, everybody or everything, in these sentences.

1)….is green and beautiful in spring. 2)….likes cold and rainy days in autumn. 3) is yellow, green and red in autumn forest. 4)….plays games out of doors in rainy weather. 5)…likes to go to the beach when it is hot weather.

          Контрольная работа

               7 клacc по УМК О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева

                IV четверть.

1. Make up questions.

1 book, shall, I, you, for, buy what? 2 we, when, go, shall, cinema, the, to? 3 I, coat , may , on, your , put ? 4 did , beach , you , on , do , the , what , ? 5 sent, granny, who, my, present, to, this? 6 he, what, is , like ? 7 jeans, you, do, wear, summer, in? 8 friends, the, cakes, why, your, eating, aren’t?

2. Choose the right forms of the verbs

1 (must/may) I stay in this room? –Yes you may. 2 (can/ should) you speak louder? I( cant/ shouldn’t ) hear you.  3 Mrs. Brown (may/ can) I use your pen? I’m afraid not. 4 You (must/ may) help your parents in everything. 5 You (can’t/ shouldn’t) be late if you get up early. 6 I 9 could/should) play football when I was twenty. 7 You (can’t/ shouldn’t) eat so much if you to be slim. 8 If you drink cold water, you’ll get ill. You (must/ can’t) do it.

3. Write the same differently using to be able to. 

1 He can go to the university next year. 2 I could play football when I was fifteen. 3 You can’t drive when you are six. 4 Paul couldn’t write two years ago. 5 My Mom can cook very well. 6 I can’t know everything. 7 We can come only at 4 o’ clock tomorrow. 8 Nick couldn’t buy ice cream as he had no money.  

4. Use the right forms of the verb to complete the sentences.

1 If the weather (be) fine, I (sun bathe) on the beach. 2 We (do) i8t when John (come) . 3 I (buy) you a big juicy apple if there ( be ) some in the shop . 4 You (learn) French  when you go to school . 5 When Mary (ring) me up, I ( talk ) to her . 6 If Ann (spend) the summer at the seaside we see her there. 7 If there (be) wet we (make) a snowman. 8 If it (rain) , we ( stay ) at home .

5. Use the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1 I don’t know if I (be) in Glasgow next week 2 Jack doesn’t know if cousin (change ) his plans for the summer. 3 We don’t know when Polly ( go ) to university.  4 Jane (paint) the wall if you (ask) her about it 5 He (help) you when he (be, not) busy. I don’t know if Mike (stay) with us or not. 6 She ( go ) for a walk after school. 7 We (meet) after the classes are over. 8 They (sleep) at the hotel until mom comes.

6. Make up as many questions as you can.

1 She opened the window and cried to his son about the news.  She is writing to her friend about her last vocation.

Контрольная работа

7 класс по УМК Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В.

IV четверть.

1. Translate from English into Russian.

Uneasy, unwell, colorful, playful, uninterested, unclean, wonderful, unpleasant, helpful.

2. Use must or mustn’t.

1) You… go out. It is raining.

2) Your room is messy. You …. do your room and wash the floor.

3) Bob has a high temperature. He … go to school.

4) Its eleven o’clock .Betty… eat much chocolate.

5) You… play in the street. It’s dangerous.

3.  Match the parts of the sentences. Complete them with should or shouldn’t. 

1) If you want to be a successful journalist, you…          a) buy a cook book.

2) If you want to be slim….                                              b) eat many sweets.

3) If you want to travel about England by car…             c) be able to do downhill skiing.

4) If you want to cook well…                                          d) be able to read a map.

5) If you want to become a good skier…                         e) read a lot.

6) If you want to have a pleasant trip …                          f) have a lot of money.

1) ___ 2)___ 3)___ 4)____ 5)____ 6_____

4. Complete the sentences with tags.

1) Jane never visits fashion shows,… (does/doesn’t).

2) Alice has no boots,…(did he/didn’t he).

3) We can’t buy swimming suits, (can we/can’t we)

4) They won’t go to the country tomorrow, ..(will they/ wont they).

5) Young people like fashionable things, ….(do they/don’t they)

5. Write 4 sentences about what you wear in: Autumn, winter, spring, summer.

6. Make up questions.

1) we/ where /go / will?.

2) I /meet /will / how many / friends?.

3) Who/ live /will/ you/ with?.

4) buy/ what/ they/ will/ tomorrow?

5) he/ when/ will/        

Итоговая контрольная работа

                        7 класс по УМК Афанасьева О.В. , И.В. Михеева.

1. Fill in the article a/an or no articles.

1) I haven’t got …mobile. 2) Do you like … orange juice? 3) Boris never wear … uniform. 4) What do we use … glue for? 5) Fanny doesn’t drink … milk. 6)  There is little … paper in my desk. 7) There is no … water in the jug. 8) Is there … chalk in the classroom? 9) I like … cats. 10)  Give me … cup of tea please.

2. Complete the sentences (tags).

1) This school is new … ? 2) The classroom in the picture is not small… ?3) You can’t see any desks in the picture…?

4) There a lot of pupils in the classroom… ?5) The pupils are sitting at their desks… ?6) They are not talking…

3. Answer the questions.

1) What do you usually do at your English classes?    

2) What are you fond of?    

3) What are you doing now?    

4) Who is writing tests?

5) What did you do yesterday?

4. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs tell, talk, say, speak.

1) Tom is very clever, he_____-two languages. 2) Ann___ she is good at geography. 3) Will you --- me the truth? 4) Girls you mustn’t ___ much in class. 5) I want to ___ something about my friend. 6) You are ___ a lie!

5. Speak about your friend.

1) How old is he/she?

2) What color is his/her hair?

3) What color are his/her eyes?

4) What is he/her interested in?

5) Is he/she a good friend?

6. Fill in prepositions at, on, in, with, to, for, of, off, out.

1) When I was a small girl, I was afraid___ dogs. 2) What did you buy ___your brother? 3) When I go ___the beach, I never take an umbrella.4) We can meet__ 4 o’clock 5) Your interests are important ___ parents. 6) Do you know ___ her cousin? 7) What will you put ___ when you go ___ Helen`s party?

7.Make up questions using these words.

1) book, shall, I, you, for, buy, what? 2) we, when, go, shall, cinema, the, to? 3) I coat, may, on, your, put? 4)did, beach, you, on, do, the, what? 5) husband, can, her, a, drive, car? 6)jeans, you, do, wear, summer, in?

Предварительный просмотр:

Английские времена для 7 класса. Упражнения.

Упражнение 1. Определите, в каком времени английского языка употреблены глаголы.

1.       Shelly goes shopping every day.

2.       Nina is writing something in her exercise book.

3.       My best friend will come to visit me today.

4.       Richard lost his keys yesterday.

5.       My mother doesn’t speak English.

a) Present Simple;

b) Past Simple;

c) Present Continuous;

d) Future Simple.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени активного залога.

  1. Sandy (read) historic books every day.
  2. What Liza (do) now? — Liza (write) a letter.
  3. Kate (meet) with her friends 10 minutes ago.
  4. When Jill (come) to the office tomorrow?
  5. Simon (buy) a ticket yesterday.
  6. Mary (read) the text while Ann (translate) the words.
  7. Charlotte (do) her homework while her friend Megan (read) the text.
  8. The Ivanovs (go) to the Hermitage last week.
  9. The sun (rise) yet, but the sky (get) lighter every minute.
  10. Sandy (not go) to the shopping mall yesterday.
  11. Sandy (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow.
  12. Samuel just (go) out.
  13. How long Gretta (drive) a car? — Gretta (drive) for 5 years
  14. When Alice (go) to the cinema?— Alice  (go) to the cinema last Sunday.
  15. How long father (repair) the car? — He (repair) the car all day.
  16. When I  (grow) up, I (not go) to bed early.
  17. Yesterday at this time I (cook) dinner.
  18. Bob (look) for his shoes when I came in.

Упражнение 3. Дополните вопросы.

1._____Nelly come to school yesterday?

2.____ Nick a good pupil?

3._____Greg’s mother make a cake tomorrow?

4._____Jillian working in the garden now?

5._____Mike do the homework yesterday?

Упражнение 4. Вставьте do / have / will /does где необходимо.

  1. Why you bought so much sugar?
  2. What text you just read?
  3. Where you go on holiday?
  4. What Nick do every day?
  5. What Nick do at school tomorrow?

Упражнения на перевод по временам английского глагола для 7 класса.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, использовав следующие грамматические правила.

Present Simple

  1. Моя бабушка живет в деревне недалеко от Минска.
  2. Я не смотрю телевизор ночью.
  3. Ты часто ходишь в бассейн?
  4. Отец Джона работает в крупной компании.
  5. Я увлекаюсь дайвингом.

Past Simple.

  1. Она не могла разговаривать по-английски, когда ей было 10.
  2. Молли посмотрела этот фильм вчера.
  3. Когда пришли ваши друзья?
  4. Салли не видела Грега вчера.
  5. В прошлом году Элис исполнилось 15.

Future Simple / be going to

  1. Что ты собираешься делать летом?
  2. Мы пойдем в кинотеатр в пятницу.
  3. Мы встретимся завтра?
  4. Когда ты ко мне приедешь?
  5. Олег вернется в город в конце лета.

Present Perfect.

  1. Я никогда не опаздывал на первый урок.
  2. Мой друг не сделал домашнее задание.
  3. Ричард не виделся со своими друзьями целую вечность.
  4. Я только что послал письмо.
  5. Ты видел Виктора? — Да, он только что ушел.

Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Я делаю домашнее задание уже два часа.
  2. Он живет в Минске с 2000 года.
  3. Я уже 3 года изучаю испанский язык.
  4. Писатель пишет роман уже 4 месяца.
  5. Я уже 15 минут пытаюсь решить эту задачу.

Conditional I.

  1. Ты опоздаешь, если будешь идти так медленно.
  2. Когда я приеду домой, я буду отдыхать.
  3. Он сделает перевод, если мы ему поможем.
  4. Если вы выучите правило, то напишите тест хорошо.
  5. Когда он окончит школу, он будет учиться в колледже.

Passive Voice.

  1. Книга была куплена вчера.
  2. Почему ты не хочешь пойти в кино?
  3. Этого писателя знает весь мир.
  4. Дом построили строители.
  5. Картина была нарисована в прошлом году.

Упражнения на вопросительные предложения для 7 класса.

Упражнение 6. Закончите разделительные вопросы.

  1. You’re Belarusian,…?
  2. Victor wasn’t at school yesterday,…?
  3. There is a big river here,…?
  4. Molly will come soon,…?
  5. Greg’s jokes aren’t funny,…?
  6. Peter will do the shopping, … ?
  7. John spoke to me, …?
  8. Sandy is wearing a smart dress, … ?
  9. My friends won’t come, …?
  10. You don’t understand me, … ?

Упражнение 7. Поставьте вопросы.

  1. Victor visited his friend yesterday. (общий)
  2. My sister Polly is working in the garden now. (альтернативный)
  3. The boys read an interesting text last week. (who)
  4. Liz and Fred always do their homework. (специальный c when)
  5. Megan doesn’t speak English. (разделительный)

Общие грамматические упражнения для 7 класса.

Упражнение 8. Исправьте грамматические ошибки.

  1. Let’s meet in five o’clock.
  2. They have dinner now.
  3. Do you go to the library after classes tomorrow?
  4. Do you get up this morning at 7 o’clock?
  5. I didn’t met my best friend yesterday.
  6. I has already done my household duties.
  7. He did not visited the British Museum.
  8. We were talking about famous writers now.
  9. We have already come there yet.
  10. When I shall return, I shall call you then.

Упражнение 9. Дополните предложения абсолютной формой притяжательных местоимений.

  1. Му brother has got a computer. It is …
  2. I have got a nice school-bag. It is …
  3. My parents have got a car. It is …
  4. You have got a pencil. It is …
  5. Our school has got three sports grounds. They are…

Упражнение 10. Усильте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных при помощи слов (many)/ far/ by far.

  1. The Volga is longer than the Thames.
  2. This book is better than that one.
  3. The deposits of oil in Russia are the richest in the world.
  4. He has more free time than I.
  5. I have more books than he.

Упражнение 12. Choose the correct option.

  1. He was offered the job because he was (good, better,the best)
  2. My doctor (recommended / had recommended) me yesterday to take a week off work.
  3. Next week I’m going (on, at, of, in) a. school trip to a museum.
  4. He has a party every day, (doesn’t he, hasn’t he)?
  5. She is (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than her brother.
  6. He is (good, better, the best) at football than his brother.
  7. We go to the cinema (another, every, other) day.
  8. He knows about the news, (doesn’t he, does he)?
  9. don’t need (any, some) information.
  10. I rarely go out  (by, at, of, in) the evening.

Упражнение 13. Put articles where necessary.

  1. My mother works at school.
  1. There’s nice garden near house.
  1. Аpple a day is good for you.
  1. That is beautiful flower.
  1. Milk is good for children.

Упражнение 14. Put in prepositions where necessary.

  1. I am interested  computers.
  2. My mother is fond  collecting stamps.
  3. My friend goes  school with pleasure.
  4. He is a member  a photography club.
  5. I am  crazy animals.

Упражнение 15. Put in another, other or the other.

  1. Have … cup of tea.
  2. What … games do you know?
  3. In what … books can I read about you?
  4. My house is on … side of the street.
  5. Will you ask me … question

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