Презентация на тему "Culture"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Коренова Наталья Юрьевна

What is Culture for us? 

Culture means the patterns and characteristics of human behavior, and all that entails in terms of religion, beliefs, social norms, arts, customs, and habits

The word “culture” is used in different ways by different people.

To some, it might mean a string quartet and the use of multiple utensils at dinner. To others, it might be used in a vague way when planning a holiday overseas. If you are a scientist it means a petri dish full of microorganisms.


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Steps to understanding

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Culture is… Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, including language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, norms of behaviour such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.

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One of the main elements of culture Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. They play an important role for a civilization and character of its citizens and society. It helps in striking the balance with nature, conservation of natural resources and respecting each other. They also reflect the history of the country and its cultural and religious traditions.

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People understand it differently There are different definitions of the term « culture » . It can be a culture of a nation or a « high culture », which includes art , music and cinema . But anyway the term "culture" refer s to the universal human capacity and activities to classify, codify and communicate their experiences materially and symbolically.

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Cultural values Cultural values are important to the organized nature of culture. A cultural value can be defined as a widely belief that some activities, relationships, feelings, or goals are important to the community’s identity or well being. Values are culturally determined. This means that they are learned from social interaction mainly from our families and friends, in settings such as schools and churches.

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« High culture »

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High culture includes literature , music , visual arts and cinema . Defining art it is an expression that is created by humans who have an imagination of a visual form such as a painting or a sculpture. Visual arts are something that has to be seen, such as paintings or photographs. Another form of art is music people listen to music everyday. Also known in the visual arts family is architecture. It is known for its planning and designing of buildings and homes. Literature is a form of speech and writing. We use literature for language, such as commutating with words.

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“Steps to Understanding Culture” Pirozhuk Nataly

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Culture - the process of creative activity, during which created, distributed and consumed by spiritual values. Aspects : In the genetic aspect, culture is represented as a product of society, the overall difference between human activity and biological life forms . The axiological aspect reveals the culture as a totality of material and spiritual values achieved in the process of mastering a person. In the humanistic aspect, culture is revealed as the development, perfection of man himself, his spiritual world and creative abilities. In the normative aspect, culture acts as a system that shapes and regulates relations in society, manages the person in the world in which he lives. In the sociological aspect, culture is seen as a complex, dynamic education of a social nature .

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Canada In Canada, culture and traditions unite the customs of different nations. Therefore, various festivals are held here. Some of them have a century-long history. For example, since 1912 in Calgary is the cowboy festival. On it the shepherds compete in races on wild mustangs, domestic horses and even bulls. And the competitions are held both with a saddle, and without this attribute of horse harness. Viewers assess how professional they throw a lasso, milk cows and drive on carts .

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definitions Under the culture understand human activity in its most diverse forms, including all forms and ways of human self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of skills and abilities by man and the society as a whole. Culture also appears as a manifestation of human subjectivity and objectivity (character, competences, skills and knowledge). Culture is a set of stable forms of human activity, without which it can not be reproduced, and therefore - exist.

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Forms Values social group, family, real values of the individual and society subject literature, mass media, art, subculture, etc. personal needs, motives, desires, ideals, convictions, etc. Forms of the existence of values by O.V. Sukhomlinskaya

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From all kinds of culture the most valuable for me is literature, because we can not only learn about the culture of different times, but also live another's life together with the heroes of different works.

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Делала: Хвенько Арина steps to understanding culture

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Culture-human activity in its most diverse manifestations, including all forms and ways of human self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of skills and abilities by man and the society as a whole Culture-it is a set of codes that prescribe a certain behavior to a person with his own experiences and thoughts, thus giving him a managerial impact. culture

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In the capital of Ottawa, the National Arts Center, the National Gallery of Canada, the National Museum of Man, the National Museum of Natural Sciences, the National Museum of Science and Technology, the National Library and the National Archives of Canada operate. In Toronto is the Royal Ontario Museum, famous for the collection of art of Ancient China and Central Asia, in Montreal - the museum of Canadian antiquities Chateau de Ramsey, in Ontario - the " Verkhnekanadskaya Village", reproducing the life of Canadian pioneers. culture of canada

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Due to the fact that Canada was once inhabited by immigrants from various countries, which it continues to accept, and now, not only the policy of official bilingualism is disseminated in the country, but also a policy of multiculturalism reflecting modern Canadian reality - the elements of different cultures present in the country. mostly in cities. Cultural festivals of various peoples inhabiting Canada - Scotland and French Canadians, Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, Italians, Filipinos, etc. - are usually held in summer in parks or national neighborhoods. The symbolic influence of the indigenous population of Canada is also noticeable: in many places one can find huge totem poles and other indigenous art objects culture of canada

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Europeans who moved to Canada brought with them French, English, Irish folk songs and stories, handicrafts and handicrafts. Until the end of the XIX century, there were almost no professional writers, artists and musicians, and literature and fine arts were dominated by the style adopted at that time in France and Britain and only slightly adapted to the Canadian conditions. Canadian literature includes Quebec literature in French and Anglo-Canadian literature. culture of canada

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Steps to understanding culture

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What is culture?

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Culture is a word for people's 'way of life', meaning the way groups do things. Different groups of people may have different cultures. A culture is passed on to the next generation by learning, whereas genetics are passed on by heredity. Culture is seen in people's writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking, and in what they do . Art Music Language Food Daily Life Government Clothing Religion Aspects

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Traditions in Canada Thanksgiving Canada has its own Thanksgiving tradition, which is slightly different to its American counterpart. Turkey and pumpkin pie are still both centerpieces of a Thanksgiving meal in Canada. However, the date is always the second Monday in October, and it’s a statutory holiday across the nation, except for in the Atlantic provinces. Thanksgiving was celebrated on different days and for different reasons until January 31, 1957, when Canadian Parliament said: “A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed…to be observed on the second Monday in October.”

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LANGUAGE IN CANADA The official languages spoken in Canada are English and French, although there are many more English speakers than French. Records from 2011 estimate the languages of Canada as follows: English (official) 58.7%, French (official) 22%, Punjabi 1.4%, Italian 1.3%, Spanish 1.3%, German 1.3%, Cantonese 1.2%, other 10.5%

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Art Since the 1930s, Canadian painters have developed a wide range of highly individual styles. Emily Carr became famous for her paintings of totem poles in British Columbia . Other noted painters have included the landscape artist David Milne, the painters Jean-Paul Riopelle, Harold Town and Charles Carson and multi-media artist Michael Snow. The abstract art group Painters Eleven , particularly the artists William Ronald and Jack Bush, also had an important impact on modern art in Canada. Government support has played a vital role in their development enabling visual exposure through publications and periodicals featuring Canadian art, as has the establishment of numerous art schools and colleges across the country. [

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Music The music of Canada has reflected the multi-cultural influences that have shaped the country. Indigenous, the French, and the British have all made historical contributions to the musical heritage of Canada. The country has produced its own composers, musicians and ensembles since the mid-1600s. From the 17th century onward, Canada has developed a music infrastructure that includes church halls; chamber halls; conservatories academies; performing arts centers; record companies; radio stations, and television music-video channels. [

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