План урока по английскому языку в 5 классе "Загадочный Past Simple"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Шаламова Ольга Анатольевна

Данный материал предназначен для того, что помочь учащимся 5 классов освоить Past Simple (прошедшее простое время)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Технологическая карта урока по английскому языку в 5 классе

Тема: "Загадочный мир Past-Simple"


-Практическая: формирование грамматических навыков по использованию Past-Simple;

-Образовательная: формирование знаний об окружающем мире;

-Воспитательная: развитие культуры общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия;

-Развивающая: развитие внимания.

Этап урока

Действия учителя

Действия учащихся




Ознакомление. Демонстрация.

(Введение нового грамматического материала индуктивным методом)

1) Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. Let's start.

Sit down, please.

2) Today we are going to visit the mysterious world of the Past Simple. It is very nice and bright. Just look here! These are three characters who want to tell you what they did yesterday and learn you to describe your previous day. You will be able to say what you did and what you didn't.  

The cat was very happy yesterday, so she played a ball.

The dog was tired yesterday, so he jumped not high . He didn't bark.

The duck war so lazy, so she lay under the son the whole day yesterday.

It's time to begin.

1) Good morning.

2) Nice to see you too.

3) Children listen to the teacher.

5 мин.

Объявление темы и плана работы на уроке.


Объяснение правила.

1)The cat always is very energetic pet and speaks very loudly. She likes the verbs with the voiced consonants in the end of words.  But you should remember that this sound can be voiced after voiced consonants and vowels.

For example, played, smiled, learned, etc.

2) The dog is tired, that's why he speaks very quietly. He likes the voiceless consonants in the end of words. They stand after voiceless consonants except [t].

For example, watched, looked, talked...

3) The duck is so lazy, she doesn't want to worry about different endings. She likes irregular verbs.

For example, run-ran-run, eat-ate-eaten, drink-drank-drunk [1].  

Besides if you want to make the sentence negative, use the auxiliary verb did+not.

For example, I didn't run yesterday morning.

And if you want to make a question stand the same auxiliary verb did on the first place, then a subject and the main verb in the first form.

Did you eat yesterday?

Children listen to the teacher very attentively.

10 мин.


Первичное закрепление.

1)You can see a group of verbs. Your task is to make them past.

Play, walk, run, watch, smile, skate, want, help, like, live, paint, need, drink [2].  

2) It's a table, which consists of three columns. The first one is for words with the voiced sound [d], the second - for [t], and the third one - for irregular verbs. Your task is to distribute the verbs from the previous one into these columns.

3) Here you can see a table of irregular verbs. I give you a small text. In this text you should find out the irregular verbs [3].

1) Children make Past forms.

2) Children work with the table.

3) Children look for the irregular verbs in the text.

15 мин.



1)Dasha, tell me, please, what did you do yesterday?

2) Now work in pairs and tell each other what you did on the holidays. Don't forget ask questions.

3) You can see the picture. Your task is to describe, what this girl did, using Past Simple.


1) Somebody tells the teacher about his/her yesterday.

2) Children work in pairs.

3)Children describe the picture.

15 мин.


        Приложение 1



Irregular verbs










Приложение 2

Play, walk, run, watch, smile, skate, want, help, like, live, paint, need, drink.  



Irregular verbs

Приложение 3

Last summer we went to the beach. The day was sunny. We swam in the water and played volleyball. Suddenly rain began and we hid under the tree. It was a real thunderstorm, but soon rain stopped. We continued to have fun and built different figures from sand. Everybody was happy.

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