Тест для 11 класса к учебнику Комарова Ю.А
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Львова Татьяна Валентиновна



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Name:        ______________                                           Date:  ______________

Class:        ______________                                           Mark: ____ / 75


Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.

For centuries people believed that the sun, the stars and the planets all move in a circle around the earth. This is what is called a geocentric theory in astronomy. The word comes from the ancient Greek, “geo” which means earth and “centro” which means middle or centre. This theory was believed by great minds like Ptolemy, Aristotle and most ancient Greek philosophers as well as thinkers in ancient China.

Although geocentrists were wrong in the end, they were people who depended on scientific observation. The geocentric belief in ancient Greece was based on observations of natural phenomena. By watching the stars, planets and sun, it looks like they are moving around the earth. Also, it is easy to believe that if something we are standing on is moving, we would feel it. Geocentrists, did not get everything wrong.  They also believed that the earth is round and not flat like we have read about in mythology.

The ancient Greeks believed that the planets and stars moved around the earth in circles. However, after observing them they saw that that they do not move perfectly this way. In the 1600’s, Polish astronomer Copernicus, was able to better explain the motion of the planets and stars by saying that the sun, and not the earth, was the centre of the universe. This is what we call a heliocentric solar system. This word also comes from the Greek language, “helios” meaning sun and “centro” meaning centre. This theory was difficult to accept as people, and the church in particular, wanted to believe that man is at the centre of the universe and space.

Galileo also believed in the heliocentric theory and was able to further prove this theory by using a telescope he had built. With it, he was able to better observe the motion of the planets and stars in space. He saw, for example, that the moons of Jupiter moved around Jupiter and not the earth. At the same time that Galileo was observing space with his telescope, a German mathematician and astronomer, Johannes Kepler, was doing his own work to prove the heliocentric theory. He was able to explain the motion of planets by proving mathematically that the planets and the stars move in ellipses and not in circles.  

As years passed, more and more scientists, such as Isaac Newton, were able to give more information proving that the Earth moves around the sun and not the other way around. Copernicus was not the first astronomer to believe in a heliocentric theory. The ancient Greek Aristarchus of Samos believed this as well. He was able to prove that the sun is larger than the earth, so he thought that the earth must go around it.  

It often takes a long time to prove a theory and scientists may begin with one that is wrong. However, by asking questions or trying to explain the world around us, scientists and philosophers have answered many questions and have helped us to better understand the world around us.

1 Choose the correct answer. [10 points]

1 People who believed in a geocentric theory thought that...

a ...the earth moved around the sun.

b ...the sun moved around the earth.

c ...moons moved around Jupiter.

2 People who believed in a geocentric theory thought that...

a ...the earth was flat.

b ...the earth was round.

c ...the earth was an ellipse.

3 A heliocentric solar system means that...

a ...the planets move around the sun.

b ...the sun moves around the earth.

c ...moons move around Jupiter.

4 ...used a telescope to prove the heliocentric theory.

a Ptolemy...

b Copernicus...

c Galileo...

5 ...believed in a heliocentric solar system first.

a Aristarchus...

b Copernicus...

c Galileo...


2 Choose the correct answer. [5 points]

1 We learned about the geocentric theory in our astronomy / chemistry class.

2 We learn about different gases and liquids in our chemistry / geology class.

3 She always gets high marks in geology / mathematics. She is very good with numbers.

4 I find biology / astronomy very interesting. I like understanding how the body works.

5 If he wasn’t good at physics/ geology, he wouldn’t have found the volcano.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. [6 points]

theory, weight, liquids, breakthrough, invention, width

1 It is a good idea to drink lots of _________ during the summer.

2 After you measure the length, measure the _________ too.

3 The scientist is not sure, but she has a _________.

4 The _________ of the telescope was very helpful to astronomers.

5 What is the _________ of that elephant? It’s huge!

6 Most scientists dream of making a _________ in science.

4 Choose the correct answer.  [5 points]

1 I should buy a ____ because I travel a lot and it would make things easier for me.

a desktop                        b laptop                  c keyboard

2 I don’t like typing on this ____. I am going to get a new one.

a keyboard                  b screen                c scanner

3 You can use a  ____ to copy all your old photographs on to your computer.

a keyboard                         b scanner                  c screen

4 My brother spends too much time on the ____. He needs to find a hobby outdoors.

a printer                         b online                 c internet

5 I love my new monitor. The ____ is 17 inches long!

a mouse                          b printer                 c screen

5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrases given. [6 points]              

hack into,  set up,  log into,  click on, plug (sth) into, back up

I just bought a new desktop computer yesterday. I had to throw out my old one because someone 1) _____________ it and filled it with viruses. I couldn’t even 2) _____________ anything with my mouse. It was an old computer anyway. I’ve asked my friend to 3) _____________ my new computer because I don’t know how. I can’t wait to 4) _____________ it _____________ the socket and start using it. This time I am going to be careful when I 5) _____________ websites I don’t know. I am also going to 6) _____________ all my files so I don’t lose them again if something goes wrong.


6 Choose the correct answer. [6 points]

1 He had been working / had worked on his paper all day when the monitor broke.

2 He had studied / had been studying and didn’t feel nervous about his maths test.

3 Someone hacked into / had hacked into my computer yesterday and now it doesn’t work.

4 Tom had been researching / had researched his theory when another scientist found the answer to it.

5 When Jane looked through her telescope, she realised that someone had broken / broke it.

6 They had been programming / had programmed the computer game for months before they presented it to the public.

7 Choose the correct answer.  [6 points]

1 Adam had ____ finished getting dressed when he realised that the dinner had been cancelled.

a just                        b already                c since

2 I haven’t seen her ____ we were in university.

a soon                b already                c since

3 It is a good idea to do some stretches ____ you play sport.

a just                         b already                c before

4 You shouldn’t swim   ____ you eat a big meal.

a for                         b after                c before

5 You should be careful with the equipment ____ you go to the laboratory.

a soon                  b just                         c when

6 I can’t believe he finished his homework ____! He started only an hour ago.

a already                b just                 c before    

8 Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets. [5 points]

1 The sun is ______________ (big) the planets in our solar system.

2 Lionel is ______________ (intelligent) student in the class.

3 The Knock Nevis is ______________ (long) ship in the world.

4 Light travels ______________ (fast) sound.

5 Research is ______________ (good) method of finding answers to questions.

6 That was ______________ (funny) movie I have ever seen. I’m still laughing!

9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given. [5 points]

1 The train takes longer to get to Thessaloniki than the plane.


The plane gets to Thessaloniki __________________________ the train.

2 What is the length of that couch?


__________________________ is that couch?

3 No one in the class is as good as Sandra at biology.


Sandra__________________________ in the class at biology.

4 He will meet us at the park as soon as he finishes his work.


He will meet us at the park __________________________ his work.

5 He started jogging at 4 o’clock and he still hasn’t stopped.


He has been __________________________ and still hasn’t stopped.

10 Writing [20 points]

Write an essay giving your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of spending time surfing the Internet. Write 120–150 words.

Give information about:

Paragraph 1: How will you introduce the topic?

Paragraph 2: What advantages will you include?

Paragraph 3: What disadvantages will you include?

Paragraph 4: What is your opinion?

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