Тест по 2 модулю
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Гененко Инга Сергеевна

Лексико-грамматический тест


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 6

Control work №2.

Variant 1.

2. Odd one out and translate it. Выпиши лишнее слово и переведи его.

1. forth, tenth, three, second

2. April, Friday, December, July

3. armchair, carpet, bookcase, bathroom

4. expensive, study, dining room, kitchen

5. post office, newsagent’s, sink, café

3. Write words as in the example. Напиши слова, как в примере.

e.g. 2nd – second, 8:20 – twenty past eight

1. 1st …………………………………………….

2. 1:30 …………………………………………..

3. 12th …………………………………………...

4. 5:15 …………………………………………..

5. 10:45 …………………………………………

4. Write the correct item. Выпиши правильное слово.

1. There is any/a wardrobe in the bedroom.

2. There are any/some cushions on the sofa.

3. There aren’t any/some pictures on the wall.

4. There is/are an armchair opposite the coffee table.

5. Are there any/a chairs in the dining room?

5. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. There are two paintings … the wall.

a) between b) on c) in

2. Janet’s birthday is … May.

a) at b) in c) on

3. They go to bed … 9:00 p.m.

a) at b) in c) on

4. John sits … Pete in class. They are good friends.

a) on b) next to c) under

5. The house is … the park and the cinema.

a) under b) on c) between

6. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Прочитай электронное письмо и определи правдивые (T) или ложные (F) предложения.


1. The email is from Darren.

2. Andy likes his new neighbourhood.

3. There are not many shops.

4. There is a sports shop near his house.

5. There isn’t a supermarket on the street.

Control work №2.

Variant 2.

1. Listen and tick the correct box. Прослушай и выбери правильный ответ.

1. What does Molly buy at the shops?


2. What day is Ted’s birthday party?


3. What is the time?


4. Where is the cat?


5. What shop next to Billy’s house?


2. Odd one out and translate it. Выпиши лишнее слово и переведи его.

1. first, two, fifth, eleventh

2. August, Thursday , November, July

3. armchair, coffee table, bookcase, kitchen

4. cushion, study, living room, bathroom

5. mirror, chemist’s, bank, toy shop

3. Write words as in the example. Напиши слова, как в примере.

e.g. 2nd – second, 8:20 – twenty past eight

1. 3rd …………………………………………….

2. 5:30 …………………………………………..

3. 18th …………………………………………...

4. 4:15 …………………………………………..

5. 8:45 …………………………………………..

4. Write the correct item. Выпиши правильное слово.

1. There is any/a cooker in the kitchen.

2. There are any/some books in the bookcase.

3. There aren’t any/some cushions on the sofa.

4. There is/are a fridge opposite the table.

5. Are there any/an armchairs in the living room?

5. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. There is a mirror … the wall.

a) between b) on c) in

2. Lisa wakes up … 09:00 a.m.

a) at b) in c) on

3. Denis sits … Mike in class. They are good friends.

a) on b) next to c) under

4. The chemist’s is … the park and the bank.

a) under b) on c) between

5. Kate’s birthday is … April.

a) at b) in c) on

6. Read the email and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Прочитай электронное письмо и определи правдивые (T) или ложные (F) предложения.


1. The email is from Diana.

2. Emma likes her new neighbourhood.

3. There are not many shops.

4. There is a toy shop near her house.

5. There isn’t a supermarket on the street.

7*. Translate the sentences. Переведи предложения.

1. - When is your birthday?

- On the 4th of June. And yours?

- It is in summer too.

2. Dear friend! I invite you to my birthday party on Saturday the 3rd of April at 16.00. My address is flat 35, 17, Sadovaya St.

3. There is a wonderful park in our neighbourhood. It is next to our school. There are a lot of big old trees and beautiful flowers in the park. In the north of the park there is my favourite cafe. I like fruit ice cream there very much.

4. - Is it your new flat?

- Yes.

- How many rooms are there in it?

- Four.

- Which room is your favourite?

- The library. We’ve got a lot of history books. In the corner there is my favourite old green


5. - Excuse me, what’s the time?

- A quarter to two.

Control work №2.

Variant 3.

1. Прослушай и выбери правильный ответ.

1. What does Molly buy at the shops?


2. What day is Ted’s birthday party?


3. What is the time?


4. Where is the cat?


5. What shop next to Billy’s house?


2. Выпиши лишнее слово.

1. fourth, three, sixth, eleventh

2. September, Sunday, November, February

3. armchair, curtain, shelf, bedroom

4. cooker, study, bathroom, kitchen

5. second, café, bank, pet shop

3. Напиши слова, как в примере.

e.g. second - второй, twenty past eight – 8:20

1. fifth …………………………………………….

2. It’s half past seven ……………………………..

3. sixteenth ………………………………………..

4. It’s quarter past eight …………………………..

5. It’s quarter to eleven ……………………………

4. Выпиши правильное слово.

1. There is any/a fridge in the kitchen.

2. There are any/some cushions on the sofa.

3. There aren’t any/some newspapers on the coffee table.

4. There is/are a bookcase opposite the armchair.

5. Are there any/an paintings in the living room?

5. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. There is a vase … the coffee table.

a) on b) in

2. Adam goes to bed … 11:00 p.m.

a) at b) in

3. Maxim sits … Katya in class. They are good friends.

a) on b) next to

4. The house is … the chemist’s and the café.

a) under b) between

5. Liza’s birthday is … September.

a) in b) on

6. Прочитай электронное письмо и определи правдивые (T) или ложные (F) предложения.


1. The email is to Diana.

2. Emma’s neighbourhood is good.

3. There are not many shops.

4. There is a café near her house.

5. Emma goes to the library every weekend.

7*. Переведи предложения.

1. - When is your birthday?

- On the 4th of June. And yours?

- It is in summer too.

2. Dear friend! I invite you to my birthday party on Saturday the 3rd of April at 16.00. My address is flat 35, 17, Sadovaya St.

3. There is a wonderful park in our neighbourhood. It is next to our school. There are a lot of big old trees and beautiful flowers in the park. In the north of the park there is my favourite cafe. I like fruit ice cream there very much.

4. - Is it your new flat?

- Yes.

- How many rooms are there in it?

- Four.

- Which room is your favourite?

- The library. We’ve got a lot of history books. In the corner there is my favourite old green


5. - Excuse me, what’s the time?

- A quarter to two.

Tapescript 2.


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