Grammar Test "To be and personal pronouns" 2 класс
тест по английскому языку

Альбина Андреевна Черняева

Грамматический тест на глагол to be и личные местоимения для 2 класса


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Grammar Test

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb «to be».

1. What … your name? My name … Kate.

2.  … you a pupil? Yes, I … a pupil.

3. They … not at home.

4. Lionel Messi … a famous footballer.

5. It … a black cat.

6. Where … we from?

7. She … Spanish.

8.  They … (not) painters, they … doctors.

9. I … a teacher.

10. It … a beautiful vase.

Exersice 2. Replace nouns with personal pronouns (he, she, it, they, we or you).

1. Mickle  ….

2. mice     ….

3. ring      ….

4. Anna    ….

5.Sam and I  ….

6. dogs    ….

7. man    ….

8. balls   ….

9.  Mary and you  ….

10. woman   ….

11. elephant  ….

12. brush  ….

13. boys  ….

14. Mr and Mrs Smith  ….

Again to be

Exercise 1.

1. It ____an interesting book.

2. They ____ not Russian.

3. Marina and Boris ____from Ukraine.

4. The apple ____ on the table.

5. He ____ not a doctor.

6. This ____ not a good idea.

7. I ____French.

8. She ____ from Spain.

9. We ____ ready.

10. ____you students?

Exercise 2.

1. ____they Scottish?

2. I ____ not Polish.

3. We ____ teachers.

4. ____ you a student?

5. ____They  not from Italy.

6 . ____she Italian?

Exercise 3.

1) What ...your address?

2) She ... American.

3) His foot .... large.

4) What page ... this?

5) She ... so pretty!

6) Where ... you from?

7) I ... quite all right.

8) Two girls ... at the blackboard.

9) Whose radio set... this?

10) That .... a good question.

11) ... you ready to tell us that story?

12) Michael’s brother ... a handsome man.

13) His pen ... red.

14) ... this your flat?

15) We ... so happy!

16) ... these your rooms?

17) Whose apples ... those?

18) That suitcase ... very heavy.

19) Whose baby ... this?

20) .... they here?

Complete the sentences using the structure There is/There are

1) How many boys ... ... in this class?

2) ... ... two cars in my garage.

3) ... ... many children in the court-yard.

4) ... ... a lady in the hall.

5) What ... on the peg?  ... ... a coat on the peg.

6) How many words ... ... in this dictionary?

7) … … a dish on the table?

8) ... ... 18 doctors at the hospital.

9) ... ... two dresses on the bed.

10) ... ... many women in the class?

11) ... ... an egg on the plate.

12) ... ... a new car in your garage?

13) ... ... 52 people from Europe here.

14) ... ... many oranges in that box.

15) How many rooms ... ... in your house?

16) ... ... 720 pages in that book.

17) … … a vase on the table.

18) ... ... nothing on the table.

19) ... ... five families in this house.

20) ... ... no oranges in this box.

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