Разработка видеоурока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

Федунова Анастасия Александровна

Разработка урока к видео https://youtu.be/smxf1UZkWDo


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Предварительный просмотр:

He trained in the restaurant industry and now he serves the homeless.

I. Answer the questions:

1. Do you often help people?

2. What do you feel when you do something that helps others?

3. Who is a volunteer?  What is your attitude towards volunteer work?

4. Have you ever been a volunteer? Would you like to be one? Why?

II. Match the word and its definition.

1. to supervise (v)

a. a person without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets

2. to operate (v)

b. a non-profit organization is one which is not run with the aim of making a profit

3. homeless (n)

c. to observe and direct the work of someone

4. government (n)

d. a list of people waiting for something

5. griddle (n)

e. developed and improved through instruction or practice

6. goal (n)

f. saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite

7. fries (n)

g. a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business

8. waiting list  (n)

h. to function or cause to function

9. customer (n)

i. chips cooked in hot fat or oil

10. not-for-profit organization (n)

j. the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result

11.blunt (adj)

k. a circular iron plate that is heated and used for cooking food

12. trained (adj)

l. the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office

III. Make up word-combinations.

1. prepare


2. continue


3. serve


4. crack


5. lack of


6. seek




IV. Watch the 1 st part of the video(00:00:00 – 00:00:57) and say if the following statements are true or false:

1. Steve Badt prepares meals for homeless people.

2. Steve Badt starts work not early.

3. He supervises meal preparation for more than five hundred people.

4. He worked in the shop seven years ago.

5. He now works for Miriams Kitchen, a not-for-profit group.

6. More than thirty-six million Americans do not get enough to eat.

V. Watch the 2nd part of the video (00:00:57– 00:01:50) and choose the right answer to the questions.

1. What aren't they cooking?

a.scrambled eggs and ham   b.cream biscuits  c.vegetable soup d.fruit salad  e.home fries

2. When the meal must be ready to serve?

a. at 8 o'clock    b. by 7 o'clock    c. from 7 to 8 o'clock

3. What does Steve Badt  want to change in the way soup kitchens like Miriams Kitchen operate?

   a. to make them open all day long          b. nothing        c. to make them more energetic

VI. Watch the 3rd part of the video (00:01:50– 00:02:33) and choose the ideas mentioned in this part.

1. The customers always comment on the food. 

2. STEVE BADT likes to talk to the customers.

3. STEVE compares their customers with the restaurant-customers.

4. STEVE never listens to the negative criticism.

5. Miriams Kitchen provides people with places to live.

6. The homeless come to Miriams Kitchen because they want Steve Badts hot meals.

VII. Fill in the sentences below into the gaps.

Steve Badt prepares meals for people who have no place to live in Washington, D.C. 

Steve Badt starts work early, while most people are sleeping. He supervises meal preparation for more than two hundred people. 1._______________ He wanted to continue his education and do something different. 

He now works for Miriams Kitchen, a not-for-profit group. 2.________________________  The government says more than thirty-six million Americans do not get enough to eat. Many are homeless. 

STEVE BADT: "At seven o'clock, we will open up the hot (food) line, and that is what everyone is working on. These guys over here are cracking eggs, preparing to do scrambled eggs. We are making biscuits here. These are cream biscuits.3________________________  We have home fries over there going on. And, a fruit salad over here. Our goal is by 7 a.m. to have all this ready to go to serve a hot meal.

The work is not easy for the volunteers at Miriams Kitchen.4.__________________  Badt says he wanted to change the way soup kitchens like Miriams Kitchen operate. He would like to make them more energetic, like the restaurants where he was trained. 

There is no lack of comments about the food.

STEVE BADT: Seeing them every day in the morning and having them come up to me and going, Oh, that was a great meal. That feels pretty good. 5.______________ So they are pretty blunt with their criticism. But I like that. I like opinionated customers, just like in the restaurants.

Homeless people come to Miriam's Kitchen to seek advice or get help in finding a place to live. 6._____________________ I'm Faith Lapidus.


a. But workers say what the homeless want most is Steve Badts hot meals.

b. But Steve Badt has a waiting list of willing workers.

c. Badt left his job in the restaurant industry seven years ago.

d. Once in a while, they will go, That was a great meal, but those biscuits, ehhh!

e. It has been serving meals to homeless men and women for more than twenty-five years.

f. Another volunteer is on the griddle with ham.

Watch the video and check yourself.

VIII. Discuss the questions.

1. What is your impression about Steve Badt's work?

2. Do you think that such organizations as Miriam's Kitchen are necessary?

3. Have you heard about something familiar in Russia?

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