Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс (Spotlight)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс (Spotlight)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Midtest (8th form)

I. Listening (Аудирование)

1.  Вы услышите диалог. Для каждого предложения 1 — 5 выберите слово или словосочетание, соответствующее содержанию диалога. К каждому пропуску подходит только одно слово или словосочетание.


1. The gym starts working at _________.

a. 9:30 am b. 8:30 am c. 8 am


2. The weather is _________.

a. warm b. cold c. hot


3. A big hot drink costs _________.

a. $1 b. 40 cents c. $1.40


4. The lady orders _________.

a. orange b. strawberry c. apple


5.The lady likes the picture _________.

a. under the dock b. in front of the clock c. in front of the window

2.  Вы услышите разговор. Для каждого предложения выберите концовку, соответствующую содержанию разговора.


6. The presenter says that their guest is _________.

a. a shark scientist b. a zookeeper c. a sheep scientist


7. Daniel often travels to such faraway places like South Africa to _________.

a. to study local traditions and customs b. to go sightseeing c. to study sharks


8. To become a shark scientist you need to _________.

a. be calm, patient, intelligent, physically fit and brave b. be intelligent and physically fit c. be brave and good-looking


9. Sharks have _________.

a. long tails b. sharp teeth, extremely strong jaws and excellent senses c. excellent visual sense


10. A shark scientist usually studies Marine Science _________.

a. at school b. at college c. at university


II. Reading (Чтение)

Установите соответствие между текстами 11 — 15 и их темами, выбрав тему a — f из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


This text deals with …

a) places of interest

b) buying gifts

c) transport

d) museums

e) shopping

f) history


11) If you want to move around the Moscow City and save some money while travelling, we recommend you to buy a special card. We strongly advise you to choose Moscow Metro as a way to travel, because it's high-speed. Besides, you can use metro without being afraid to be late because of traffic jams. It works from 5.30 to 1.30.

12) Moscow has a lot of attractions that are not only cultural and historical; they all are also of public importance. Russia is associated with the Kremlin and Red Square by many tourists from different parts of the world. The guests of the capital of Russia can enjoy the beautiful architecture of the central part of the city with historical monuments.

13) It's impossible to visit Moscow and ignore its museums. Some of them are mansions and estates which used to belong to aristocratic families of the Russian Empire. They are now monuments of architecture and an. They are museums which home more than hundreds of thousands different items. You can spend the whole day there.

14) In Moscow you will find some opportunities to buy what you want. The city has many fantastic shops, boutiques, shopping malls and galleries. Moscow's stores can be divided into three categories: expensive boutiques, mass-market shops, and discount centers (outlets), where you can get great discount prices. Everybody will be able to find something.

15) In Moscow you will find lots of souvenirs such as sets of small dolls (matryoshka). There are the sets of three, four, seven, ten, fifteen and more dolls. Each doll is smaller than the previous one and is inside it. These dolls are traditional Russian souvenirs. Of course, there are also standard postcards, key chains, magnets, too.

Отметьте предложения 16-20 как Верное/Неверное/Не сказано (True /False/ Not stated)

16)  Moscow Metro is the fastest way to travel.

17) In the central part of the city you can see only the Kremlin and Red Square.

18) All Moscow museums are houses of aristocratic families of the Russian Empire

19) Great part of shops in Moscow are discount centers.

20) Matryoshka is a traditional Russian souvenir.

III. Use of English (лексико-грамматическая часть)

Выберите правильный вариант 

By the time mum (21) … her son (22)… the dinner.

a) came/didn’t cook b) had come/didn’t cook c) came/hadn’t cooked

Sandra (23)… a report for three hours before she (24)… it  was too late. 

a) had been writing  / realized b) had written/was realizing c) wrote/realized

This bridge (25) … built in 1953

a) had been b) was c) was been

Tom (26) … a very interesting book while his dad (27)… a  football match. 

a) had been reading  / watched b) read/was watching c) was reading  / was watching 

He (28) … looking at her, wondering where he (29) … her before. 

a) kept / had seen b) was keeping/was seen c) kept  / saw 

The brothers (30)… the king for permission to send men up in the balloon. 

a) were asking b) asked c) had asked 


IV. Writing. (Письмо) 100-120 слов

You’ve received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Linda. Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.


…I prefer applied science, Economics especially. It is important for me to study it, because I want to become an accountant…

…What is your favourite science? Why do you study it? What do you want to be  after school?

 Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of  letter writing.


I. Listening (Аудирование)

1. c

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. a

7. c

8. a

9. b

10. c

II. Reading (Чтение)


12. a

13. d

14. e

15. b

16. T





III. Use of English (лексико-грамматическая часть)

21. - 22. с

23. – 24. a

25. b

26. - 27. c

28. - 29. a

30. b

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