Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В Радужный английский 7 класс Юнит 1-2 Тест
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Иринчинова Цырегма Бадмадоржиевна

Контрольная работа после изучения Юнит 1-2 "School and schooling, The language of the world". 



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Предварительный просмотр:

Test yourself


I. Listen to the text and choose the right variant to complete the sentences.

  1. Jane`s school has ... terms.                  A. 4    B. 3    C. 5    D. 2
  2. Yesterday Jane had ...lessons.             A. 4    B. 5    C. 6    D. 3
  3. Jane`s ... wants to go to France.          A. aunt  B. brother  C. sister  D. friend
  4. Jane`s brother takes part in the ....      A. show   B. concert      C. competition D. quizz
  5. Jane went to the concert with her ....  A. sister   B. classmates C. parents        D. brother

II. Read the text and choose the FALSE sentences to the text.


        There are three terms in British schools, three months each. The names of the terms are autumn term, winter term and spring term. The autumn term starts on the first Tuesday morning in September. In summer there is the longest break or holidays up to eight weeks. Life at school is more or less the same everywhere. There are usually about thirty pupils in a group and in many schools they wear uniforms. Pupils have classes that are forty-fifty minutes long. Between the lessons there are breaks. Lunch time begins at about one p.m. At four o`clock in the afternoon school is over and the pupils go home.

  1. There are 4 terms in an English school year.
  2. The autumn doesn`t start on Monday.
  3. Summer holidays in England are about 2 months.
  4. Spring and winter holidays are longer than summer holidays.
  5. The pupils have lunchtime at 4 o`clock.

III. Choose the verb.

  1. Where (is\ are) the money. It (is \are) on the shelf.
  2. Where (has/have) they bought this phone?
  3. Tom has not (sent/send) a letter to his friend yet.
  4. Look! He has (eaten/ate) all the chocolate.
  5. The pupils (have/has) written the test.
  6. Children (is \are) walking in the park.

IV. Use in the text article "the" if it is necessary.

Example: ... UK is an English-speaking country.- The 

        There are five English-speaking countries (1) ... Great Britain, (2) ... USA, (3) ... Canada, (4) ... New Zealand and (5) ... Australia. (6) ... London is the capital of the UK. It stands on (7) ... river Thames. London is one of (8) ... biggest cities in the world. (9) ... US is situated in North America. (10) ... Rocky Mountains and (11) ... Appalachians are the largest mountains in this country. (12) ... Washington D.C. is the capital of (13) ... America.

IV. You got a letter from your friend Tom who writes

... You know we are doing the project about friendship. Do you have friends at school? What do you do when you meet on weekends? Where do you go to?

Write a letter to Tom. Answer his questions.

Test yourself


I. Listen to the text and choose the right variant to complete the sentences.

  1. Jane`s school has ... terms.                  A. 4    B. 3    C. 5    D. 2
  2. Yesterday Jane had ...lessons.             A. 4    B. 5    C. 6    D. 3
  3. Jane`s ... wants to go to France.          A. aunt  B. brother  C. sister  D. friend
  4. Jane`s brother takes part in the ....      A. show   B. concert      C. competition D. quizz
  5. Jane went to the concert with her ....  A. sister   B. classmates C. parents        D. brother

II. Read the text and choose the TRUE sentences to the text.


        There are three terms in British schools, three months each. The names of the terms are autumn term, winter term and spring term. The autumn term starts on the first Tuesday morning in September. In summer there is the longest break or holidays up to eight weeks. Life at school is more or less the same everywhere. There are usually about thirty pupils in a group and in many schools they wear uniforms. Pupils have classes that are forty-fifty minutes long. Between the lessons there are breaks. Lunch time begins at about one p.m. At four o`clock in the afternoon school is over and the pupils go home.

  1. There are 4 terms in an English school year.
  2. The autumn doesn`t start on Monday.
  3. Summer holidays in England are about 2 months.
  4. Spring and winter holidays are longer than summer holidays.
  5. The pupils have lunchtime at 4 o`clock.

III. Choose the verb.

  1. Ted (have/has) brought his puppy. It`s nice.
  2. Has John already (have/had) dinner yet?
  3. Tom has just (sent/send) a letter to his friend.
  4. The Smiths (has/have) repaired their car today.
  5. The children (have/has) not written the test yet.
  6. The boys have just (feed/fed) the birds.

IV. Use in the text article "the" if it is necessary.

Example: ... UK is an English-speaking country.- The 

        There are five English-speaking countries (1) ... Great Britain, (2) ... USA, (3) ... Canada, (4) ... New Zealand and (5) ... Australia. (6) ... London is the capital of the UK. It stands on (7) ... river Thames. London is one of (8) ... biggest cities in the world. (9) ... US is situated in North America. (10) ... Rocky Mountains and (11) ... Appalachians are the largest mountains in this country. (12) ... Washington D.C. is the capital of (13) ... America.

IV. You got a letter from your friend Ben who writes

... You know we are doing the project about friendship. Do you have friends at school? What do you do when you meet on weekends? Where do you go to?

Write a letter to Ben. Answer his questions.


        Hello, everybody. My name is Jane. I am from England. My family and I live in Oxford. I go to Green School. Our school has 3 terms. We usually have five or six lessons every day. But yesterday we had 4 lessons. We learn three languages: English, French and Spanish. My friend and I attend the French club because we want to travel to France next summer. My brother Jacob enjoys doing sports. He is fond of tennis. Jacob likes to take part in the tennis competitions. As for me I love music very much. Two days ago my class and I saw a concert of the classical music. I loved that concert very much. School life is wonderful.

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