Тест Nature 4 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку



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Test              The topic «Nature»

Read a story «In the forest». Agree or disagree

George is a little boy.  He is nine. He lives in the country. His grandmother Pat lives in a town. She has got a big beautiful house. And one day Granny Pat invited George to spend his weekend with her in the town as she lived alone. For the first time in his life George saw so many lovely houses. There was a nice garden around the house. And people in this town spoke many languages. Wherever he went, he didn’t see any lakes, rivers, oceans. But there was a sea. It was The Black Sea. He wanted to swim in this sea, but his grandmother didn’t let him do it. One day he went to the sea and swam there the whole day.  Suddenly Pam came. And she asked him to go to the country as he didn’t listen to her. And he didn’t go because his grandmother was kind and loved him. She excused him and it was a lovely holiday. He stayed in the town for his summer holidays.

  1. George is eight and he lives in the country.
  2. He went to his aunt to the town.
  3. There was The Black Ocean in the town.
  4. He spoke 5 languages.
  5. He stayed with his grandmother for his summer holidays.


 Write 6-8 sentences about something that you like







Write the opposites

White…………………………………………..                                 water………………………………………………

In a town………………………………………                                 window…………………………………………...

Bad……………………………………………….                                 The sun…………………………………………….


Guess the words.

  1. It grows in the forest and it’s very tasty –
  2. It is near the house and you can get there some fruit-
  3. It’s high ant there is a lot of snow there. People like to ski there-
  4. It’s round and green. People live on it-
  5. It is in the sky at night and shines bright, seems small-

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