Памятка-клеше Сравнение фото на ЕГЭ по английскому языку
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Кожевникова Гольфия Мустафаевна

Памятка-клеше Сравнение фото на ЕГЭ по английскому языку


Файл sravnenie_foto_na_ege_kleshe.docx448.61 КБ

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1. Вступление — 10 секунд

1. Well, I would like to compare and contrast the photos which are presented here. — Итак, я хотел бы сравнить две фотографии, которые здесь представлены.

Well, there are two pictures in front of me, and now I am going to compare and contrast them. To begin with, I’d like to say that both pictures are related to one theme. It is …— (sport, family, food, travelling, weather, party,)

Well, there are two pictures in front of me, and now I am going to compare and contrast them.

To begin with, I’d like to say that both pictures are related to one theme. It is reading.

ИЛИ I would like to give a short talk about the photos which are presented here.

2. Obviously, both pictures are related to the same theme. It is … — Очевидно, что обе картинки относятся к одной и той же теме. Это…

ИЛИ The common theme of these pictures is … — Общая тема этих картинок — …

2. Краткое описание фотографий (действие, место) — 20 сек

Let me start by describing the first picture, which shows … — Позвольте начать с описания первой картинки, на которой изображен…

I’d like to start with describing the first picture. It shows a person who is doing smth.

As for the second picture, it shows a man who is dong smth.

I’d like to start with describing the first picture. It shows us a girl reading something from her iPad at the moment. As for the second picture, it shows another girl reading a book.

As for the second picture, it shows … — Что касается второй картинки, на ней изображен…

3.  Сравниваем две фотографии: что общего – 15 секунд

1. The pictures have a lot (little) in common. — Фотографии имеют много (мало) общего.

2. As I have already mentioned, both pictures show/ have/ were taken in … — Как я уже говорила, на обеих фотографиях изображен… / обе фотографии сделаны … (летом, например)

3. There is (are) …. in both of them. — На обеих фотографиях изображен…

Obviously, these photos have much in common  или The pictures do not have a lot in common. As I have already mentioned, they both deal with … (повторяем тему).

Obviously, these photos have much in common. First of all, it is a beautiful young girl that should be mentioned as a common element of both situations. You can see that she is really carried away by reading, and she doesn’t pay attention to what is happening around her. Frankly speaking, it seems to me that the girl in the first picture is the same as in the second picture.

4. Сравниваем  две фотографии: чем они отличаются-15 секунд

1.  2.  3. 4.

Though, both pictures have great differences. In the first picture Firstly, the main difference between two photos is …

However, these photos have some differences.

Firstly, the main difference between two photos is ...

Далее можно любое стандартное различие найти (количество людей, возраст, погода, настроение, одежда и т.д)

Secondly, in the photo on the left we can see... in the photo on the right ...

If you take a closer look, you can’t help noticing some differences. In the first picture the girl has brown wavy hair while in the right-hand photo the girl has reddish-brown hair. Secondly, the book itself is different. On the contrary, in the second picture the girl is reading an e-book downloaded into her iPad while in the second case it is a paper-book that is being read.

1. 2.

As for me, I would prefer … because …

Если трудно аргументировать свой ответ, можно сказать что-то общее, например,

  • I’ve always wanted to try it
  • It suits me better
  • In my opinion…
  • I like it (I am keen on/enjoy) and I think it’s …(прилагательное)

As for me, I’d prefer e-books to paper-books, because a lot of e-books can be easily downloaded from the Internet for free, and in addition to it, they are more comfortable to read.

7. Заключение

That is all I wanted to say.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that reading is a good way to spend free time no matter what way of reading you choose.

That is all I wanted to say.

Задание 1 на сравнение фотографий

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
    · say what the pictures have in common
    · say in what way the pictures are different
    · say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you’d prefer
    · explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

задание на сравнение фото 6

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