Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Грамматика. Местоимения.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)

Теуважев Мухамед Хасанович

Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Грамматика. Местоимения.


Предварительный просмотр:


Личные и притяжательные местоимения.

Личные (кто?)

Притяжательные (чей?)

Именительный падеж (в роли подлежащего)

Косвенный падеж

(в роли дополнения)

Относительная форма (только с существительным)

Абсолютная форма (без существительного)

I – я

Me – меня, мне, мной

My – мой


You – ты

You – тебя, тебе, тобой

Your – твой


He – он

Him – его, ему, им, о нём

His – его


She – она

Her – её, ей, ею, о ней

Her – её


It – он, она, оно (о предметах и животных)

It – его, ему, её, ей (о предметах и животных)

Its – его, её (не о людях)


We – мы

Us – нас, нам, нами

Our – наш


You – вы

You – вас, вам, вами

Your – ваш


They - они

Them – их, им, ими, о них

Their - их


Например: This is my book. - This book is mine.

Возвратные местоимения.

Имеют то же значение, что и возвратные –ся, себя в русском языке, а также означают сам, сама, самостоятельно.

Возвратные местоимения



I will finish this work myself.


Don’t cut yourself.


He thinks too much of himself.


She saw herself in the mirror.


My kitten licks itself after every meal.


We enjoyed ourselves at the party.


Look at yourselves! Your faces are dirty.


They did this work themselves.

Примечание: После глаголов shave, wash, dress, feel, complain, meet, relax возвратные местоимения не употребляются: He washed, shaved and felt much better.

Указательные местоимения.

Единственное число

Множественное число

Разница в значении

This – этот, эта, это

These – эти

Близко находится

That – тот, та, то

Those – те

Далеко находится

I don’t want this book, give me that one. These shoes are nice, but those ones are even nicer.

Вопросительные местоимения.

Вопросительное слово





Who knows the rule?

Who called me yesterday?


Кого, кому, с кем

Whom did you see there?

Whom are you going to meet?



What has happened?

What did you mean?


What colour are his eyes?

What languages does she speak?


Какой, который

Which coat is yours?

Which shoes do you like?

Which of

Кто из, какой из

Which of you can help us?



Whose book is this?


Где, куда

Where are my glasses?

Where did you go last Sunday?



Where is he from?



When did you see him?



Why didn’t you call me?



How did you do it yourself?

How many

Сколько (с исчисл)

How many languages does he speak?

How much

Сколько (с неисчисл)

How much milk do you drink?

How old

Сколько лет

How old is your sister?

Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные.




Some, something, somebody/someone, somewhere

В утверждениях

There is somebody in the garden.

В вопросах, содержащих просьбу или предложение

Would you like some coffee?

Can I have some tea?

any, anything, anybody/anyone, anywhere

В вопросах

Does anybody know the rule?

В отрицаниях после not

I haven’t got any English book.

В утверждениях со значением «любой»

Take any book you need.

Anybody can do it.

В условных предложениях

If anybody calls, take the message.

No, nothing, nobody/no one, nowhere

В отрицаниях (глагол при этом теряет отрицательную форму)

I can do nothing in this situation.

Nobody is going to come.

Every, everything, everybody/everyone, everywhere

В предложениях любого типа.

You can’t know everything.

I know everybody in my house.

Примечание: Местоимения something, somebody, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody, everything, everybody согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе.

Everybody knows this actor. Has anybody called me? Everything is possible.

Количественные местоимения.

С исчисляемыми существительными

С неисчисляемыми существительными

A lot of, plenty of (много) в утвердительных предложениях.

He has a lot of work to do but he has a lot of friends to help him.

Many (много)

В вопросах и отрицаниях

Have you got many books?

We don’t have many exams.

You’ve got so many books!

I’ve made too many mistakes.

There are very many things to be done.

Much (много)

В вопросах и отрицаниях

Is there much work to do?

There isn’t much snow this year.

There is so much snow this winter!

We’ve got too much work to do.

We really have very much work.

few (мало)

He’s got few friends, that’s too bad.

little (мало)

There is little bread left. I’ll go to the baker’s.

a few (несколько)

Tell me a few words about your job.

This work is better, you’ve made just a few mistakes.

a little (немного)

There is a little bread, just enough for breakfast.

I’ve got a little money, enough to buy this book.


1. После слов so, too, very употребляются только местоимения many, much независимо от типа предложений.

2. Местоимения much, many, few, little часто выполняют функцию наречий и образуют степени сравнения.


1. Вставьте личные местоимения.

1. My friend Mike lives in Oxford. This is a letter from _____.

2. The children are hungry. Give _____ something.

3. We are thirsty. Can you give _____ some juice?

4. I don’t know this woman. Do you know _____?

5. I never drink milk. I don’t like _____.

6. These flowers are for my sister. Can you give _____ to _____?

7. I need some help. Please, help _____.

8. I have just seen a mouse. Have you seen _____?

9. Meg is talking to you! Listen to _____!

10. The scissors are very sharp. Be careful with _____.

2. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями в нужной форме.

1. Winter is coming. I like _____ beauty.

2. I wash _____ hair twice a week.

3. Can you lend me a pen? I’ve lost ______.

4. Some girls are not happy with _____ looks.

5. Are you happy with _____ success, Ann?

6. There is a mouse under the table. I can see _____ tail.

7. My friend and I like Literature. It’s _____ favourite subject.

8. This book is very old. _____ pages are yellow.

9. We usually go to the country with some friends of _____.

10. He has a bad memory. He can’t remember even _____ phone number!

3. Выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения.

1. (Mine, my) task is easier than (your, yours).

2. It is not (their, theirs) house. (Their, Theirs) is bigger.

3. Are (your, yours) hand warm? (Mine, my) are quite cold.

4. (My, Mine) keys are in the pocket. Where are (your, yours)?

5. Meet Mr. Bean. He is a friend of (our, ours).

6. Whose keys are these? Are they (your, yours)? – No, they are not (my, mine).

7. Can we use (your, yours) telephone? (Our, Ours) is out of order.

8. I told her (my, mine) life story and she told me (her, hers).

9. Will you check (my, mine) paper and I shall check (your, yours) test?

10. Now we are going to open (our, ours) presents, and then we shall look at (their, theirs).

4. Вставьте возвратные местоимения.

1. I opened the door and found _______ facing a stranger.

2. Go and see it for _______ if you like.

3. Would you mind keeping your words to _______ , Bob?

4. We protect _______ from the cold with warm things.

5. She burnt _______ ironing a dress.

6. Don’t blame _______, boys. It is not your fault.

7. They have nobody to thank but _______ .

8. She dried _______ with a blue towel.

9. We soon understood that we had lost _______ .

10. Soon I found _______ in a strange place.

5. Вставьте правильную форму указательного местоимения.

1. Listen to _______ song. You’ll enjoy it.

2. Who is _______ over there?

3. Let’s meet one of _______ days.

4. I’d like to thank _______ people who helped me yesterday.

5. I’ll never forget _______ morning when it all happened.

6. Do you remember _______ days when we were happy?

7. Do you think _______ trousers suit me?

8. Could you show me _______ book on the upper shelf?

9. Let’s call _______ children playing in the garden.

10. Take _______ kids out of here.

6. Вставьте местоимения some, any или no.

1. Have you got _____ English books at home? – Yes, I have _____.

2. There are _____ beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.

3. There is _____ ink in my pen: I cannot write.

4. I haven’t got _____ exercise books. Give me _____, please.

5. You can occupy _____ room you like.

6. There are _____ people in the park because it is cold.

7. I saw _____ boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them.

8. There are _____ mistakes in your test. – Mistakes? I can’t see _____.

9. I’ve just baked _____ cookies. Would you like _____?

10. Here is _____ juice left. Could I have _____ more?

7. Вставьте местоимения some, any, no, every или их производные.

1. I can see _______ on the snow, but I don’t know what it is.

2. I didn’t eat _______ because I wasn’t hungry.

3. “Did he say _______ about it?” “No, he said _______.”

4. Is there _______ here who knows this man?

5. She said _______, but I didn’t understand it.

6. I went to the shop but I didn’t buy _______.

7. _______ has broken the window. I don’t know who.

8. There are _______ books on this desk, but there are _______ exercise books.

9. “What’s wrong?” “There’s _______ in my eye”.

10. “Do you know _______ in London?” “Yes, I’ve got a few friends there”.

11. “What’s in that box?” “_______. It’s empty.”

12. Here are _______ books by English writers. Take _______ book you like.

13. “What shall I do now, Mom? I have done my homework”. “You can do _______ you like.”

14. Have you got _______ books on Dickens? I want to read _______ about him.

15. “Can _______ tell me how to get to the Public Library?” “Yes, take _______ bus that goes from here.”

8. Вставьте в пропуски количественные местоимения a lot of, many, much, few, a few, little, a little.

These days _______ people are learning to use computers. Very _______ of them have to do it because of their work, some just want to play games and only _______ people are really interested in computing. These days you don’t need _______ money to buy a computer and often just _______ knowledge is required to use one. There are so _______ different ways of using computers, such as letter writing and keeping accounts. But the main problem is that people start spending too _______ time sitting at the computer and _______ time doing sports. Not _______ people now are fond of reading traditional paper books. They often prefer to download at least _______ electronic books to read on their way to work.

9. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

While I was baking some cakes on Sunday, the phone rang. It was a friend of _______ (my) whom I hadn’t seen for years. She had _______ (some) to tell me about _______ (she) journey to Spain. During _______ (we) conversation I noticed that the room had filled with smoke. I rushed to the kitchen and opened the oven to check the cakes. Practically all of _______ (they) were black. Unfortunately _______ (this) kinds of accidents happen to _______ (I) from time to time. Besides, I cut _______ (my) quite often. But _______ (no) can make me stop cooking.

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