Разработка внеурочного занятия "Snow white and seven dwarfs"
план-конспект по английскому языку

Дамбаева Баярма Цыденжаповна

Класс: 4

Тема занятия: "Snow white and seven dwarfs"

Форма урока: урок-спектакль

УМК:   Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж  и др. "Spotlight"

Модуль: 4

Доп.материал: сценарий спектакля  "Snow white and seven dwarfs"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка внеурочного занятия “Snow White and seven dwarfs”

Класс: 4

Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции через использование технологии театральной педагогики, артпедагогики, пластического интонирования

Задачи: 1.закрепить грамматические навыки по теме “Модальные глаголы” (have to, must, may), Настоящее длительное время, Степени сравнения прилагательных (сравнительная степень) и научить употреблять их в речи (“Spotlight”, Модуль 4)

2. использовать средства пластического интонирования, приемы артпедагогики, театральной педагогики для расширения лексического запаса учащихся, заучивания английских песен

3. развивать диалогическую, монологическую речи на основе изученной лексики, грамматики

4. формировать навыки актерского мастерства и сценической речи

Ход занятия

I.Организационный момент

Teacher: Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to see you. We have invited some guests to our school. Let’s greet them.

Дети поют песню “Hello”

T: Boys and girls, how are you?

 Учащиеся отвечают, используя фразы из песни “I’m great”, “I’m wonderful”, “I’m tired” and so on.

T: Thank you for your answer. I’m great too. Today we will show our guests how we learn English and dramatize the fragment of the play “Snow White and 7 dwarfs”.

  1. Основная часть.

Закрепление раннее изученного грамматического и лексического материала

На доске слова и фразы:

speak only the truth                arrive home and see

do needle work                       take into the forest                              

beautiful                                  have to escape                                    

proud                                       everything is so small and clean        take good care of her

cruel                                        mine for gold in mountains                the most precious treasure

fall in love with him                                                  

make a poisoned apple                                              

taste a sweet apple                                                     I must not let anyone in

I cannot accept anything from strangers                   keep everything clean and orderly

Заучивание новых лексических фраз

New words:

give a birth a baby girl

lay down on one of the little beds and fall fast asleep

look for gold

come back home

the huntsman deceive Stepmother

Now I understand!

I have to disguise myself and she can’t recognize me

-Say the phrases in surprise, cheerfully, sad. Now let’s sing and dramatize them.

Используя приемы  артпедагогики, дети запоминают новые фразы

Игра “Pantomime”

Игра на закрепление грамматики Present Continuous

Учитель жестами и мимикой имитирует какое-либо действие.

T: Look at the blackboard. Here you can the phrases from our play. Do you remember them? (Yes, we do). Now let’s play a game “Pantomime”. Guess what I am doing.

Pupil 1: You are doing needle work

Pupil 2: You are making bed.

Pupil 3: You are knitting.

и т.д.

Игра “Must, have to, may”

Игра на закрепление грамматических навыков по теме “Модальные глаголы”

T: Dear the residents of the Kingdom, tell us about your possibility and obligation.

P1: I must keep everything clean and orderly.

P2: I have to wash, sew and knit.

P3: I must do homework

P4: May I go out?

P5:May I take her to the forest?

и т.д.

Игра “Who is better?”

Игра на закрепление грамматических навыков по теме “Степень сравнения прилагательных. Сравнительная степень”

T: Look at the picture. These are Snow White and Stepmother who disguises herself. Compare them.

C:\Users\ZSOH\Documents\доп образование мой\23E298E4-1F2A-423F-B4E5-CA8D0BD04BF5.jpeg

P1: Stepmother is uglier than Snow White.

P2: Snow White is younger than Stepmother.

P3: Stepmother is crueler than Snow White.

P4: Snow White is taller than Stepmother.

P5: Snow White is nicer than Stepmother.

P6: Snow White’s face is whiter than Stepmother.

и т.д.

Игра “Interview”

Игра на развитие навыков диалогической речи (диалог -расспрос)

T: Dear children. We have a guest. This is a prince. Try to know more about him, ask the questions.

Выходит принц, дети задают ему вопросы

P1: What’s your name? (My name is Egor)

P2: Who are you?  (I’m prince)

P3: Where are you from? (I’m from the Kingdom)

T: Did you feel love with Snow White? (Yes, I did)

и т.д.

Игра “Let’s me introduce myself”

Игра на развитие монологической речи, умение говорить о себе

T: Thank you, prince. Sit here, please. Now our guests want to know who are you. A narrator, a huntsman, the seventh dwarf, Snow White and Stepmother, come here, tell about yourselves.

Выходят герои, рассказывает о себе, используя фразы из текстов и на доске.

Stepmother: Hello. I’m Stepmother. I’m a queen. I’m beautiful, cruel and proud. I live in the Kingdom. I have got a husband and a stepdaughter. I don’t like Snow White. I own a magic mirror. I can make a poisoned apple  и т.д.

  1. Музыкальная разминка

Let’s have a rest. Sing our song “Twinkle, twinkle little star”, dramatizing, expressing through gestures.

Ребята поют песню, жестикулируют, используют приемы пластического интонирования

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!

When the blazing sun is gone,
When the nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your little spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky

III.Фрагмент спектакля “Белоснежка и семь гномов”

Звучит музыка из мультфильма “Шрек”, выходит на сцену автор.

Narrator: Once upon time, a king and a queen ruled over a distant land. One winter day, the queen was doing a needle work while looking through the window, when a bird flew by distracting the queen and the queen picked her finger. A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the blood on the snow she said.

Queen: Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.

Narrator: The queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named her Snow White, bad sadly, the queen died. Soon after, the king married a new woman who was beautiful, but proud and cruel. She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would daily ask.

STEP-MOTHER: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who´s the most beautiful of them all?.        


MIRROR: You, my queen, are the most beautiful; it is true. But Snow White is even more beautiful than you.


NARRATOR: The Queen was angry and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed.


STEP-MOTHER: Go to the forest, take the girl and kill her!. And as a proof, bring me her heart!. Ha,ha,ha,ha.


HUNTSMAN: Yes, my Queen, I will do as you say.


NARRATOR: The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but could not kill her.


HUNTSMAN: Snow White, I cannot do this, you have to escape, go, run, run!.


SNOW WHITE: Thank you good man, I will always be grateful for what you have done.


NARRATOR: Then the huntsman killed a deer and took his heart to the Queen.


HUNTSMAN: Here, my Queen, I did as you told me. Take her heart.


STEP-MOTHER: Ha, ha, ha, ha, now, I am the most beautiful of them all!.


NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Snow White was at the forest.


Смена декораций. Сцена в лесу. На сцене стол и лавка. На стенде рисунок домика в лесу.

Выходит рассказчик

SNOW WHITE: Oh, I am all alone in the great forest, I don´t know what to do.


NARRATOR: Then she began to run.  And just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went inside.


SNOW WHITE: Oh, this house is so beautiful. Everything is so small  and clean.


NARRATOR: The table was set, and there was food on the plates.


SNOW WHITE: I am so hungry. I will eat a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate and from each cup I will drink a bit of milk.


NARRATOR: Since she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell fast asleep. After dark, the owners of the house returned home. They were the seven dwarfs who mined for gold in the mountains. As soon as they arrived home, they saw that someone had been there.


DWARF 1: Who has been sitting in my chair?.


DWARF 2: Who has been eating from my plate?.


DWARF 3: Who has been eating my bread?.


DWARF 4: Who has been eating my vegetables?.


DWARF 5: Who has been eating with my fork?.


DWARF 6: Who has been drinking from my cup?.


NARRATOR: But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying there asleep.


DWARF 7: Look over here, come quick!.


NARRATOR: The seven dwarfs all came running up, and they cried out with amazement.


DWARF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Oh good heaven, this child is beautiful!.


NARRATOR: They did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in the bed.  Next morning, Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarfs she was frightened.


SNOW WHITE: Oh, no!.

DWARF 1: Don´t be afraid of us. What is your name?.


SNOW WHITE: My name is Snow White.


DWARF 2: How did you find your way to our house?.


SNOW WHITE: My stepmother tried to kill me.  Then the huntsman let me free and that´s how I had to run the entire day through the forest. Finally, I got to your house.


NARRATOR: The dwarfs spoke with each other for awhile and then said.


DWARF 1: If you will keep the house for us.


DWARF 2: and cook.


DWARF 3: make beds.


DWARF 4: wash, sew, and knit.


DWARF 5: and keep everything clean and orderly.


DWARF 6: then you can stay with us.


DWARF 7: and you shall have everything that you want.


SNOW WHITE: Yes, with all my heart.

Поклон участников спектакля.

T: Thank you, children. It was wonderful. I’m very glad.  Let’s finish our lesson with the song that everyone knows. Dear guests, we invite you to sing a song “If you happy” with us.Stand up, please.

Дети вместе с гостями поют песню “If you happy”.

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