Контрольная работа по 1 разделу для 9 класса по учебнику "Rainbow English"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Кондакова Оксана Владимировна

Контрольная работа по 1 разделу для 9 класса по учебнику "Rainbow English"


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9 класс “Rainbow English”

Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти.


1.Complete the sentences.

1)The police (have/has) been here for an hour already.

2)The news (is/are) threatening.

3)The mass media (has/ have) a lot of influence on people.

4)A (serial/series) is a long story whose parts are presented on TV or radio.

5)Robert W. is a (broadcaster/broadcast).

6)Ron is spying (to/on) Walter

2.Present Progressive Passive or Past Progressive Passive.

1)The Net (surf) by our students at the moment.

2)When the new actors arrived, the film (shoot).

3)Peter’s future (discuss) at the parents’ meeting yesterday.

3) Write the same in English.

1.Текущие события, 2.транслировать по радио, 3.жители Москвы, 4. бессовестный человек,5. унижать человека,6. шпионить за мужчиной

4)Read the text and choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the statements  after it.

The Internet

Since its first appearance some decades ago, the Internet has dramatically changed our lives. Yet, it has also brought a lot of debate about its advantages and disadvantages. Many arguments have been given to prove that this kind of mass media is the fastest, the cheapest, most convenient, in other words, the most effective of all. Few people can doubt the fact. First of all, for many people the Internet has become a true (and often the only one) way of communication. In the past, people used to be dependent on conventional mailing system or telephone that were rather expensive, inconvenient and time-consuming. Nowadays you can get to any place on any continent and have a talk with a person you need. Now no one can deny that due to the Internet people in modern society do have an easy access1 to the latest news, to the information that has been hidden from many of us. The worlds of trade, economy, as well as the worlds of science, culture, sports and entertainment have got a channel through which they can share their achievements, discuss their victories and defeats. The speed of this technology is really incredible. In fact, you can get the necessary data in practically no time, though there is, certainly, a lot of information in the world that is not open to the public. Equally important the Internet is in the field of advertising and shopping. Customers nowadays can easily deliver transactions from home with the help of a computer and make a payment by using the Internet banking service. Some people mention possible threats and other disadvantages of the Internet. One of the serious problems, psychologists speak of, is an individual’s isolation   within the society. Doctors stress the fact that more and more people, especially teens, mix up real life and their online existence. There are other problems connected with the Internet: children and unsuitable sites, criminals and the online data that might help them to commit crimes etc. All these facts are true. However, the 21st century is definitely the epoch of the Internet and our life depends much on it.

1. The Internet came to existence some time ago

a) ten years ago

b) in the 21st century

c) some time ago 7

d) about ten years ago

2. The Internet has ….changed people’s life style.

a) seriously

b) slightly

c) not practically

d) not particularly

3. Most people admit the fact that the Internet facilitates our access to different information.

a) approve of

b) disagree with

c) admit

d) are not sure of

4. It is obvious that the Internet is not a perfect kind of mass media.

a) more reliable than the other ways of mass media

b) not a perfect kind of mass media

c) mostly spread in the field of advertising and shopping

d) the only true way of communication.

5. Find in the text.      

1)Изменил наши жизни,  2) другими словами,  3)немного людей, 4) люди были зависимы от,  5) можешь побывать в любом месте и континенте, 6)последние новости,

9 класс “Rainbow English”

Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти.


1.Complete the sentences.

1) Ron N. is a (broadcaster/broadcast).

2)The information (is/are) threatening.

3)These data (has/ have) a lot of influence on people.

4)The music is too loud, turn (up/ down) the radio, please..

5)Do you have any idea why  the police (is/are) here.

6)I  think they are spying (of/on) me.

2.Present Progressive Passive or Past Progressive Passive.

1)The Net (surf) by our students yesterday at 6 p.m.

2)The film (shoot)at the moment.

3)Peter’s future (discuss) at the parents’ meeting now.

3) Write the same in English.

1.Текущие новости, 2.стрелять в человека, 3.транслировать по телевидению,   4.рекламировать товары,  5.многокультурное общество, 6. шпионить за гражданином.

4) Read the text and choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the statements  after it.

The Internet

Since its first appearance some decades ago, the Internet has dramatically changed our lives. Yet, it has also brought a lot of debate about its advantages and disadvantages. Many arguments have been given to prove that this kind of mass media is the fastest, the cheapest, most convenient, in other words, the most effective of all. Few people can doubt the fact. First of all, for many people the Internet has become a true (and often the only one) way of communication. In the past, people used to be dependent on conventional mailing system or telephone that were rather expensive, inconvenient and time-consuming. Nowadays you can get to any place on any continent and have a talk with a person you need. Now no one can deny that due to the Internet people in modern society do have an easy access1 to the latest news, to the information that has been hidden from many of us. The worlds of trade, economy, as well as the worlds of science, culture, sports and entertainment have got a channel through which they can share their achievements, discuss their victories and defeats. The speed of this technology is really incredible. In fact, you can get the necessary data in practically no time, though there is, certainly, a lot of information in the world that is not open to the public. Equally important the Internet is in the field of advertising and shopping. Customers nowadays can easily deliver transactions from home with the help of a computer and make a payment by using the Internet banking service. Some people mention possible threats and other disadvantages of the Internet. One of the serious problems, psychologists speak of, is an individual’s isolation   within the society. Doctors stress the fact that more and more people, especially teens, mix up real life and their online existence. There are other problems connected with the Internet: children and unsuitable sites, criminals and the online data that might help them to commit crimes etc. All these facts are true. However, the 21st century is definitely the epoch of the Internet and our life depends much on it.

1. The Internet came to existence some time ago

a) ten years ago

b) in the 21st century

c) some time ago 7

d) about ten years ago

2. The Internet has ….changed people’s life style.

a) seriously

b) slightly

c) not practically

d) not particularly

3. Most people admit the fact that the Internet facilitates our access to different information.

a) approve of

b) disagree with

c) admit

d) are not sure of

4. It is obvious that the Internet is not a perfect kind of mass media.

a) more reliable than the other ways of mass media

b) not a perfect kind of mass media

c) mostly spread in the field of advertising and shopping

d) the only true way of communication.

5)Find in the text

1) Его преимущества и недостатки,2)  самый быстрый и самый дешевый, 3) способ общения, 4)  в современном обществе, 5) в области рекламы и торговли, 6) используя интернет.


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