Lesson 3a "Body and Soul" Starlight 9
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Отиско Елена Вячеславовна

Lesson 3a "Body and Soul" Starlight 9 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Body and Soul

Слайд 2

Tell about the best gift you received for the New Year. What made it so special?

Слайд 3

Which of the jobs in Ex.1a can you see in the pictures?

Слайд 17

Alternative Therapies ( альтернативные методы лечения) Hypnotherapy – гипноз Acupuncture – иглоукалывание Reflexology- рефлексотерапия Osteoporosis- остеопороз(дистрофия костной ткани) Ulcer- язва Blister- волдырь, мозоль Homeopathy- гомеопатия(использование препаратов с небольшим содержанием действующего вещества/лечение малыми дозами/ псевдонаука)

Слайд 18

Migraine- мигрень Concussion- сотрясение мозга Indigestion- расстройство желудка Nosebleed- кровь из носа Panic attack- приступ паники

Слайд 19

List the words under the headings Health problems Alternative therapies Aches, pains, injuries

Слайд 20

“Look deep into my eyes” Check these words Insomnia (n)- бессонница Restless (adj)- неспокойный, нетерпеливый, бессонный Dim (adj)- тусклый, неяркий Surgery (n)- операция, хирургия ( no plural!) Cluck (v)- кудахтать, хмыкать Snoring (n)- храп Addiction (n)- пристрастие Kick the habit (phr)- бросить вредную привычку Recovery (n)- выздоровление, восстановление

Слайд 21

Burn victim (phr)- жертва пожара Pain relief (phr)- обезбаливание Saw (v)- отпилить Lash (v)- хлестать, стегать Magic wand (n)- волшебная палочка Side effects (phr)- побочные эффекты Absorbed- поглощенный, погруженный (в мысли) Mesmerise (v)- очаровывать, гипнотизировать Panic attack (n)- паническая атака

Слайд 22

Answer the questions. What did Amy Logan’s insomnia lead to? What is the atmosphere like during a hypnosis session? Who and when used hypnotism first? When does hypnotherapy date from? What has it (hypnotherapy) been associated with in the last 200 years? What are people able to treat with the help of hypnotherapy? What are the medical benefits of hypnosis? Can all people be hypnotized? What abilities are necessary for a good hypnotherapy patient?

Слайд 23

T/F/NS The hypnotist came to Amy’s home. Ancient Egyptians used hypnotism to cure insomnia. A word in English comes from the activities of Franz Mesmer. Hypnotherapy is an effective way to quit smoking. Scientists still have questions about how hypnotism actually works. Some patients have used hypnotherapy to deal with great pain. For hypnotism to work, the patient must be clever. Amy thought her treatment was not effective.

Слайд 24

How does hypnotherapy work? Make up sentences using the word combinations below. …a state of deep relaxation… …more open to suggestions… …totally absorbed in… …not cut off from… …completely focused on… …can suggest positive changes to … …feel normal… …can hear…

Слайд 25

Speaking Would you ever try hypnotherapy? Why? Why not?

Слайд 26

What are the alternative therapies judging by the following descriptions? Sticking needles into people’s bodies to treat an illness or reduce pain Treating an illness with a tiny amount of a substance that causes it Massaging areas of the feet to heal organs Putting people into a deep relaxed state to help them with problems Remaining silent and calm for a time to take a break from everyday life

Слайд 27

Translate into English Бессонные ночи Целебные свойства Глубокий сон Бодрствовать Обезболивание Паническая атака Традиционная медицина Побочные эффекты

Слайд 28

Replace the phrases in bold with an appropriate model Do you think it’s a good idea for me to try homeopathy? ……..I…….. . Tina is able to meditate for hours without being destructed. Tina …….. . Why don’t you go see a hypnotist? You ……. . You are not allowed to drink coffee while trying homeopathy. You …….. . It is possible that Ken will try the yoga class later today. Ken …….. . Reflexology patients are obliged to fill out their medical history. Reflexology patients …….. . It isn’t necessary to see a doctor before trying acupuncture. You …….. . Is it OK if I try a reflexology session right now? ….. I……. .

Слайд 29

Modal verbs Obligation (обязанность) /duty (долг) /necessity (необходимость) – must, have to, should/ought to (следует/нужно) Absence of necessity (отсутствие необходимости)- don’t have to( не приходится)/ don’t need to (не надо)/ needn’t (не нужно) Permission ( разрешение) / prohibition (запрет) – can, may (можно), mustn’t, can’t Possibility (возможность) – can, could Ability (способность)/ inability- can, could, was able to ( был способен, раньше мог) Offers( предложения) / Suggestions (предположения)- can, would( бы хотел) , shall( мне сделать что-то? Как правило, не переводится на русский) could Probability ( возможность)- Will , should/ ought to Advice ( совет) – should, ought to, shall

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